Forum Post: "I like being able to fire people" - Mitt Romney
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 10:02 a.m. EST by booksgamesvideos
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Oh Romney. Thank you. I hate your government-run healthcare which has driven-up costs (and increased wait times from 1 month to 3 months). Yeah it's technically constitutional for a State legislature to provide taxpayer-paid health (per the 10th amendment), but I still don't think it's a good idea. Only people who NEED help should receive help (like welfare, food stamps). Not rich people who can pay their own bills. You're just a Democrat in disguise.
"I enjoy firing corporations," is what you should have said because then I'd agree with you. I too enjoy firing corporations like Microsoft and Apple and Google and Ford and Comsucks. It gives me great pleasure to tell the companies to "F off" as I refuse to buy their products.
Perhaps if you had said that I'd be voting for you. But you didn't. Instead you showed that you're really a corporate stooge who has received more lobbyist money than any other candidate (except Obama).
Heil Dummkopf.
I'll end up voting against Obama, none of the candidates impress me as able to solve our fiscal problems. The firing comment doesn't bother me though, I expect someone in management to make the business successful, not overload it with excess workers. When to come right down to it I'd like to see the government workforce reviewed and trimmed down.
Me too (voting against Obama). Which means we'll just get 4 more years of the same warfare, TSA crotch groping, and Patriot Act internet spying. We'll likely have to deal with indefinite detentions/assassinations of Americans too, now that Obama has started the practice.
Not to mention defining a recess on congress any way you want just to get an appointment through. As though that won't be done more in the future by other presidents.
I'm voting for him.
You want to go to war against Iran and kll another ~100,000 people like we did in Iraq? You enjoy videos like these where innocent men, women, and children get killed by american bombs?
I do not like Romney at all. But he was talking about firing corporations. He was not talking about firing people. I've seen a lot of quotes taken out of context in my day, but jesus, this one takes the cake. They completely cut these words out of a sentence, a sentence in which he didn't even pause for a moment. It's crazy to think this tactic on the weak minded so easily.
Yes I know what Romney was talking about.
Still think he should have said, "I enjoy firing corporations," instead of people. It plays better to the audience. And yes TV media routinely edits the things they playback. Look how they took Ron Paul's CNN interview, chopped it from 10 to 1 minute, and then claimed Mr. Paul has a short fuse.
Look at how MicrosoftNBC aired footage of a black guy holding a rifle, and then claimed the Tea Party are just a bunch of "white racists". What??? TV media is a con job
"Firing corporations" = firing people. Corporations ARE people, after all :-)
I think of a corporation like I think of a building or car. Just because I raze the building, or crush the car, doesn't mean I killed a bunch of people inside that object. The people are separate from the building, just as they are separation from the corporation they work for.
People have individual rights. Buildings and corporations and cars do not. They have temporary privileges which can be revoked (or limited) by the government.
So that's why I feel no guilt saying, "No Comcast I don't need your shitty tv service. I can get my TV for free. Goodbye." I happily fired Comcast five years ago and never regretted it
I flip from FOX to MSNBC, CNN, a typical news junkie. I try hard to be open minded when watching each of them, as each network are beholdent (sp?) to their funding sources, but JESUS CHRIST, MSNBC is so ridiculously lop-sided liberal, I can hardly watch for more than :60 seconds. FOX really is fair and balanced if you compare it to MSNBC. Not that I like FOX, but they actually report some facts, rather than 100% opinion like MSNBC. ZEN DOG, where you at? Ha ha
No Cable TV in my house.(~$1000 a year is waaaay too much)
I get my news from infowars plus plus France24. Oh and youtube whenever someone posts a video they think worth watching
Uh, he actually did mean that he enjoys firing corporations. He was talking about firing insurance companies.
Then he should have SAID that. He enjoys firing corporations and companies, not individuals ("people")
But then I guess he speaks like that because he thinks a dead inanimate object like a corporation (or building or tree or rock) is a person.
This is what he said:
You didn't even bother to glance at the original quote before you judged the guy. This is an example of why direct democracy can never work. People passing judgements based on the spin that they see on television, and then voting based on that misinformation. This is what democracy looks like.
Yes I heard the original video. Before I posted this thread. I still think he should have said, "I like being able to fire corporations" and not people
And direct democracy can work, so long as you maintain a few non-democratic elements. Like a senate. And a president to veto bad laws. And a Supreme Court to overturn unconstitutional laws. Plus Member states to veto laws passed by the Union parliament.
Heil Dummkopf. lol
Und hier ist der Dummkopf ! !! Was ein Scheißekopf !!!
firing people and "being able to" fire people are 2 different things. however, in the context, he was discussing business/services.......corporations.
Next November you should write in Bachmann.
Someone subtracted a point from my post. I guess I got too close to the truth (we are killing hundreds of thousands of innocent non-combatants).
Next November if the ballot is Obama v. Romney, I will simply not vote. I refuse to be party to men who think it's okay to kill innocent men, women, and children (~110,000 in Iraq, ~20,000 in Afghanistan, ~5000 in Libya, and soon Iran)
The U.S. Empire needs to stop crucifying foreigners like some modern Roman empire. MAP :
"I want individuals to have their own insurance. That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means that if you don't like what they do, you can fire them," Romney said. "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me. You know, if someone doesn't give me the good service I need I want to say, 'You know, I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.' So, that's one thing I would change."
Wow, when you read the whole quote, it makes the poster here seem like nothing more than a Democrat hack.
Corporations aren't "someones". They are buildings. Things. The corporate building might be filled with human beings, but the actual corporation is not a human being. You don't refer to corporations as "person".
I agree, calling corporations "people" is asinine, but distorting quotes from you "opposition" to score cheap points is ludicrous. Disagreeing with someone's political beliefs is fine, but distorting and lying to make a point does nothing to move the conversation forward.
TV media does it all the time.
Look how they chopped-up Ron Paul's 10 minute long interview to 1 minute, and then claimed RP stormed off. Look how they published a New Hampshire poll where they deleted Ron Paul from his second place position. And yes they did it to Mitt Romney too.
I like being able to fire people or I enjoy firing people?
Behold an angry and self-incarcerated Turkey desperately voting For Xmas & for his Dark Overlords !!!
Bill Gates is an individual human person who many respect for many reasons whereas OWS seeks to question the unfettered power of Corporations and their "Corporate Personhood" with Their Enormous and Inordinate Influence and Power in the demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy of The U$A !!
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ad iudicium ...
If someone doesn't provide me with the service that I expect or deserve, I should be able to seek that service from someone else. Why is everyone making such a big deal about what he said? Not to mention the fact that he is misquoted by the OP.
I am an independent and do not really like any of the candidates that are currently running. However I will vote for anyone of them to get Obama out of office. As far as congress goes, as far as I am concerned their is only one party and that is the party of screwing "We the people"
Neither do I. Not even Ron Paul (though I voted for him). As for Obama's eventual replacement, do you really think he will be any different than Bush or Obama??? It will just be 4 more years of the same thing we've had since 2002.
War; too much spending; personal invasion of our space by the government spies, TSA gropers; and so on.
no, especially if it's romney--faceless, drone and bitch boy of corporations. i wonder if he wears those funky mormon underwear?
This of course explains why you are here. You aren't interested in the issues or actual discussion of the problems. You are here to be a dick.
I think he makes a great repelican candidate . . .
Because you want Obamy to win. :-)
I have every confidence that the President will win - I also believe he has done a far better job than many are willing to give him credit for.
And I will absolutely agree, that so many wall street insiders in his cabinet looks terrible - I tend to believe that it is less an indication of corruption of the President than it is a demonstration that wall street, in conjunction with the repelican party, has found a way to hold the entire economy hostage.
That is my guess - and until someone can provide something of substance beyond the mere appearance of corruption on the basis of association, I intend to stick with that assumption.
It is, after all, a demonstrable repelican strategy - and all you have to do is examine the debt ceiling debate, the process of brinkmanship that took place, repelican proposals for debt solution, and the consequence of that brinkmanship itself.
Their solutions do not pay down the debt, they contract the government, and that is all.
Their brinkmanship caused a loss of confidence such that: jobs numbers fell in the six weeks prior to the Aug deadline, and stock market numbers fell during the same period and for the same reason.
Repelicans will break everything just to get their own way.
Their way includes the debunked theory of ray-gun-nomics.
the repelican party is DONE
Barack Obama wasted ~100 billion on "green" companies, almost all of which are now bankrupt. He signed a bill that forces me to buy health insurance I don't want. What's next? Forcing me to buy a Prius or solar panel for my roof? He is increasing the debt twice as fast as Bush did (1 trillion per year versus 1/2 trillion per year).
He said he would end the 2 wars and end Gitmo. Well he ended one, but fought three more (Yemen, Libya, and soon Iran). And of course the Guantanamo prison still remains open, because he needs a place to send all those citizens he will indefinitely detain (NDAA). He signed a law that allows websites to be yanked off the net with the mere CLAIM of copyright infringement (no need to prove guilt in a court of law). He's renewed the Unpatriot Act 2 times when he should have left it expire.
He's greatly expanded the power of the TSA to search not just airports, but also train passengers, car drivers, and random spot checks of customers at buildings like the post office. (Several illegal were arrested..... apparently it's wrong for Arizona to check IDs, but it's a-okay for the president.)
He endorses the assassination of American citizens without trial (hje's killed 3 so far, including a U.S. child). He signs executive orders to make brand-new aws, in direct violation of the Constitution and thereby bypassing the elective control of the congress and the people. He nullifies the most necessary laws necessary for good governance, in states like California and New Hampshire (legalized marijauna usage by doctors and their patients). Such actions violate the Reserved Powers clause of the 10th amendment (Member States of the Union govern themselves).
Obama is basically Bush.
They are two individuals cut from the same mold of "tyrant".
They should both be brought before the International Criminal Court and tried for war crimes. If they are innocent they will be left free, but they still need to answer for the things they did these last 12 years.
and until zendog is given something of substance, he'll stick with his assumptions. ;)
this is by no means a sign I am not supporting zen for Prez.......we just need to tune him up.
horseshit - and we can begin when as Candidate he changed US foreign policy by simply stating that if elected President Obama would withdraw from Iraq.
Within about two days after the President made that statement as candidate, bush changed his policy and conceded for the first time that a time line for withdrawal might be possible.
And we can continue on to the changes made by the President in our conduct of the war in Afghanistan, to include firing generals who did not favor a much more tightly focused and targeted approach.
Presumably the Pentagon response could be seen with their sale of the concept of a Photo Op - including Air Force One, the Statue of Liberty, and a low fly by reminiscent of September 11.
you are most likely just another repelican shill intent on reinforcing the entire process of financial deregulatio,n that has already taken place by undermining the President in the run up to election.
good luck . . .
You clearly didn't read my post so let me give you the Cribs Notes version
signed a bill that forces us to buy health insurance. What's next? Forcing citizens to buy a Priuses or solar panels or other products?
increasing the debt 1 trillion per year
In addition to Afghnistan, involved us in three more wars (Yemen, Libya, soon Iran).
Guantanamo prison still remains open, because he needs a place to send all those citizens he will indefinitely detain (NDAA).
He signed a law that allows websites to be yanked off the net with the mere CLAIM of copyright infringement (no need to prove guilt in a court of law)
renewed the Patriot Act 2 times when he should have left it expire.
greatly expanded the power of the TSA to search not just airports, but also train passengers, car drivers, and random spot checks of customers at buildings like the post office. (Several illegals were arrested)
assassinated American citizens (3 so far, including a U.S. child).
signs executive orders to make brand-new laws, in direct violation of the Constitution and thereby bypassing the elective control of the congress and the people.
nullifies state laws like California's legalized marijuana usage by doctors and their patients
After reading all that, how can you sit there and sitll claim you love Obama? He's acting like a fucking tyrant. He's George "duh" Bush the second. (And oh yeah if I was a repelican why would I be bashing Bush and Romney???)
I'm a Jeffersonian constitutionalist.
I think like Jefferson and Madison thought. i.e. The 10th amendment is the most important sentence in the whole of the constitution. It needs to be obeyed, not ignored. Ditto for the rest of the Bill of Rights (right to not be censored, right to not be searched by Homeland security, right to a trial by jury rather than indefinite detention (or outright assasination)).
why should I peruse a post where the ultimate theme is that bush and President Obama are the same.
If that is your contribution to political analysis I think I'll pass. I've been watching the President ever since he broke onto the national stage with his candidacy - the difference is like night and day.
Step One - our policy on torture . . . .
Step Two - Closing Gitmo, or how Congress Fucked the People