Forum Post: I choose to be a common man.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 7:59 p.m. EST by aries
from Nutley, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It is my right to be common Because I easily can. I seek security, not "opportunity." I wish to be a kept citizen, Humbled by having the State look after me. I don't want to take risks; To "dream" or to build, To fail, or to succeed. I will gladly barter incentive for a dole. I prefer guaranteed existence to a life of challenges; The stale calm of Utopia to the risks of self-fulfillment. I will trade freedom for beneficence, And my dignity for a handout. I will cower before any master And bend to any perceived threat. It is my heritage to be on my knees, Humbled and begging; To think and act as I'm told, To enjoy the benefit of others' creations, To face the world timidly and say: “I am a coward.”
All this is what it means to be A Socialist.
In your version the average tax rate is around 50% instead of 24%. Im not complaining about that, I'm in favor of it. My vision is a more properly funded government and an educated citizenry making intelligent choices at the ballot box.
I'm not speaking of formal education when I think of voting, although it's always a plus. It wouldn't matter what form of government we had. As long as the citizens of this country insist on voting for the most photogenic or smoothest talking individual. Without knowing anything about the issues we'll continue to get a corrupt government.
It isn't the banks and corporations that are the problem, it's us. We want easy answers to complex problems. Freedom is something you have to keep working at. As long as a majority of people know more about reality TV then they do about pending legislation we'll continue to get the government we deserve.
People tend to be lazy and often vote for what they are led to believe is their self interest. We're content letting each side define the other instead of finding out what each side actually stands for. We vote for a sound bite.
People don't mind complaining, but when it comes to the work of making change happen or maintaining a political system they get complacent. It is just part of the nature of all life to do as little as possible for the greatest reward.
I remember a book named "The Selling of a President" The cover was Nixon on a cigaret pack. JPB950 is right. The right buzzword, with a patriotic family picture, (with spaniel), and the votes are yours. The local political "clubs" welcome grassroot players like they are a whore working a church revival.;)
A more properly funded government- as if 2.4T wasnt enough!! Ah, but its not, hence the 1.4T deficit.
Your faith is misplaced, my friend.
Actually I'd be open to going either way, as long as we face the financial facts of life. If we as a nation want to cut all entitlement programs, difficult, but ok, I've actually planned on Social Security not being there for me. Want to jump to more entitlements? I don't like it, but if the nation wants it ok, just pay for it.
I don't have faith, none at all. I know what should be done, but also know we don't have the resolve to do it. People will continue to think that things from the government are free or that there are enough rich people to squeeze money out of. Neither is true.
Weird. We do all those things in my community. And we're not Socialists. We're Americans.
Exactly. And they don't see the disconnect. It's what galls me when people paint liberals, socialists, and communists all with the same broad brush. Some degree of socialism is inherent in any functional government, and the degree of it we've had at some of our best times has been much higher than today.
Interestingly, that great American hero HELEN KELLER was proud to call herself a Socialist. So, aries, why fixate on words? Are you one of the new McCarthyists?
How exactly would you fit in? What skills and abilities do you have?
So your answer is "none". Thought so.
I have no need for your table or your silly commune.
I manage. without the handouts from govt.
do you own a house - do you take a mortgage deduction?
yes to both
I manage. without the handouts from govt. - don't consider your deduction a handout? and the logic of that?
I dont consider the govt letting me keep more of my hard earned money a handout no. There was an idea floated in Britain about a year ago that proposed all companies submit worker paychecks to the govt and then govt will send to you after taking their cut. Do you like that idea?
I am against all subsidies corporate or otherwise. of course the govt has a role but a much more limited one. you didnt answer the question about the British proposal
what is the difference between gov't giving you $100 or claiming a gift because you have enough money to own a house? are you for the gov't giving handouts to corporations - do you drive on gov't roads or use the internet?? gifts from your gov't no? watch tv??
I know YOU do, aries, the question was for pandoraK. Folks like PandoraK, who want socialism probably have the least to contribute.
In your version you cant stand on your own two feet & need to leach off of others who do the work. you use the word share too much for my taste & your a dead givaway for someone who shirks their responsibility. I guarantee if you ever had a job you have problems with cronic lateness unreliability and calling in sick. tell me I am wrong lol!
hahaha! so good for you ! how you ever got mxed up with this bunch of commies is a mystery then. what is it you expect to gain through this movement?
ah - yes - the elected officials - funny how the OWS is not directing their anger at them though. Had they been doing that (like the tea party) I;d be impressed. this is nothing but a temper tantrum by immature brats.
There are factions that are working for political change. The 99percentdeclaration is but one of them:
you need to move to North Korea - see how you like it.
I don't have a problem with community but this is voluntary not perscribed as in socialism, very different
I live in Europe where they have socialism, taxes are over 45%, on top of this the employee pays another 40% to the government. Unemployment is based on 70% of the last salary, and is indefinite. Employees know that no matter how hard they work or not the state will take care of them...who pays for all this, the few people still willing to contribute to the system (most hide their income offshore), no wonder the who system is nearly bankrupt.
I understand your point about collectivism, unfortunately it seems to me that with any human system the some people corrupt the system for their own benefit.
I've met several hundred people in my life who openly acknowledge that they are socialists and not a single one of them bore any resemblance to the character described at the beginning of this thread, Indeed they were the proudest, bravest, most gentle, most self possessed, most self reliant, most visionary people I ever met in my life, They certainly didn't look to the state to take care of them, Indeed they had no faith in the bourgeois state to do anything except perhaps perpetuate more wars and facilitate the exploitation of the vast majority, And the last thing in the world they would ever trade away is any shred of personal freedom they had for anything, They certainly believed in solidarity and extended it all the time and were nothing but grateful when it was extended to them, They did not live on their knees but regularly stood up both to state power and to the power of employers, And far from doing what they were told they argued with absolutely eveybody about absolutely everything, That's what the socialists I've met were like and I've spent a lifetime trying to emulate them not usually very successfully,
yes - and because they never had to really fend for themselves - they could afford to be socialists. some of the most well off people here in the U.S. Are socialists because they can afford to be. nothing the re distributive policy will do will affect them - so they are relieved from guilt & their lives are unaffected. It's the people on the cusp that are pushed down - dont you see that ?!
No, virtually all the socialists I met in my life were working people, Many were industrial workers, Some were skilled workers, Some were clerical workers, Some were nurses, Many were teachers, Some were union organizers, A few owned small businesses,
so - what is your point? - move to Europe & be with the nanny staters. freedom loving Americans want to be left alone.
My point is that your characterization of what socialist are like bears no relationship to my experience of people I have met who have identified themselves as socialist, Why should I move to Europe? I am an American and culturally I cannot imagine living anywhere else, To what nanny states are you referring? To my knowledge virtually all the nations of Europe are bourgeois parliamentary democracies, not all that different in the nature of their governance than is the United States, Shortly after OWS began occupations sprung up all over Europe in solidarity with OWS and I do not know of a single instance where a European government is any more friendly to an occupation on its soil than American municipalities are here,
so what is your goal here besides one big collectivist temper tantrum?
In what sense have I expressed a temper tantrum? You characterized socialists in a particular way and all I said was that that characterization bore absolutely no resemblance to the hundreds of socialists I have met in my life, I don't feel especially ill tempered about either your statement or mine,
this movement is a temper tantrum. please define your demands.
My demand is that people stop asking what our demands are. The fact that we have no demands is supposed to make you uncomfortable. It's supposed to make you think. That's the point.
and hence this movement is going nowhere. you dont know what you want or what the problem is. you are like children throwing a temper tantrum. no-one respects this movement.
We are talking about a movement that is in its infancy and you are expecting it to do things that only a movement 1000 times larger and considerably more politically mature could do, though it will probably get there, According to most economists the crises that the movement is addressing show no signs of disappearing but are systemic rather than cyclical, Despite set backs new GAs and occupations all over the nation are springing up all the time, And as an international movement, even if it were entirely crushed here it will undoubtedly spring up again elsewhere in the world and that will give new hope to people here,
We know exactly where we are going, We know that we are very tiny and since that is the case our main job now is to continue to build the movement, Once 10 or 20 million people are occupying nation wide will be time enough to talk about a next step, The movement has thousands of activists nationally, in addition to support from nearly 30% of those polled, which is a minority but it is a minority figure that most Republican Presidential candidates would love to have, Beyond that OWS has at leas hundreds of thousands of activists internationally, We're not going anywhere and while we do not have majority support we do have the support of a substantial minority and the notion that no one respects OWS is as inaccurate as your characterization of socialists,
whoa - Is this a tower af babble lol!
Dude, stop feeding the troll. Spend the time that you using trying to make this troll change its mind on something productive for the movement, like printing off some flyers, participating in a GA, something!
I have a job and heart disease and live some distance from the nearest GA, Nevertheless I do try to participate in a GA at least once a week and I have been partially successful in that endeavor, basically participating in a GA at least twice a month, I was a Zuccotti on day one and at least twice a month since though a couple of times I have gone to DC, I hang out on this forum when I cannot attend a GA, I basically agree that about half the people on this forum are close minded and hostile to OWS and most of the other half while they think they are sympathetic to OWS have never been to an occupation or GA and really have very little idea of what OWS is really all about,
That said, I personally do find it useful to get into discussions both with critics and sympathizers of OWS because it helps me to clarify my own thinking and in fact that is basically what I do when I am at an occupation, that is, get into political conversations with people who are sympathetic to, indifferent to, or hostile to OWS, Of course, because they are actually physically at an occupation, most of the time those conversations at occupations are considerably more fruitful than on line conversations, but the sad fact is, because of my situation in life I cannot always be at an occupation, though I try to be at an occupation as often as I can and I always urge others to do likewise,
That's awesome that you are doing what you can. What I mean is that it might be better to, instead of writing these long posts against these trolls that will only disappear tomorrow, take that writing and formulate a letter to the editor instead, or a blog post. The movement IMO is also sorely lacking in flyer designs (there seems to be only 1 design per event for a movement this big.)
I'm really a total computer illiterate, One of the things on my "to do" list is to figure out how to make a website and a blog, but unfortunately that has to take a back seat to other issues such as doctor's visits and doing the dishes,
Since 1980, if the average working family had received compensation based on its relative contribution to America's prosperity, it would be making an average of $45,000 a year instead of $35,000. Through 30 years of deregulation and financial maneuvering, the richest 1% have taken $10,000 a year from every American family. That's socialism in reverse.~Common Dreams
There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war and we're winning~Warren Buffet
Cowardly hypocrites who must brag and speak with insults to make themselves look bigger, do so, because they have no facts to stand on.
you look like a coward
No downsizing the Postal Service
No KeyStone Pipeline
two step approach to the issue of national debt:
short term: end bushite tax breaks and corporate welfare
end debate over entitlements I'm sick of hearing about it as if it were dirty. Forget privatization of social security and just shoot the next bastard who suggests otherwise [speaking for myself of course.]
public health care - forget the option part.
We need an energy policy uninfluenced by fossil fuel industry, one that takes into account the fact of global warming, and institutes a NASA like approach to solving both our need for energy and the need to reduce atmospheric carbon
No to internet censorship in any form
If they engaged in fraud - they see the judge, and the sentencing better be in line with the crime, and had better include serious restitution
End the foreclosures.
End the philosophy of a deregulated economic system - from the Universities to the policy makers
End corporate personhood
campaign finance reform - Sanders Amendment:
Sanders Proposed Constitutional Amendment:
Sanders Petition here:
Full amendment PDF:
end the two party political system
quit fucking around with the issue of terrorism - it's a crime, unless you happen to catch them on an actual battlefield - and if it is a crime, treat them in accordance with our criminal laws. No more indefinite detention
Close Gitmo - we've got large pens practically empty in the mid west. I'm sure they can handle it. Stop fucking around.
Amended: I would like to see energy production, telecommunications, and the economic infrastructure, all secured in public, rather than private, hands.
Amended: we need to provide stiff and compelling sanction to corporations that engage in disinformation - as with the tobacco industry before and the fossil fuel industry now [and for the past 10-20 years]
If we can't accomplish these things, the federal government will lose all credibility with the people.
as if the federal government hasn't already lost all credibility hahaha! Where have you been?! I guess you are one of the 11% holdouts that still approves of congress. They are your savior to protect you from the big bad evil world lol! hows that working out for ya occupier lol?!
meanwhile like 20% of the population support CWS. 70% are against you & 10% could care less about you. Keep it up
..isn't it weird that nobody wants to be "common", yet that is the one thing they all have in "common"..
I am thrilled to be common - I could care less about materialism or pop culture or keeping up with the Joneses. Just leave me alone. Yet Progressives cannot stand for this because they need what I have. They demand the use of force to taske what they cannot acquire on their own.
.. nah, I don't know anyone who wants what you have.
that is because you are surrounding yourself with liberals lol! The most materialistic group out there lol! The opposite of popular perception!!! As usual.
heh, maybe so.
Thanks to aries. His softball opinions started some good discussion here. The songwriter John Prine's wisdom included: "It don't make no sense, that common sense, don't make no sense no more". It's going to take common sense, as presented here, to represent the 99%.
Speaking of common sense read Thomas Paine.
if u like beeing on your knees you can gain employement easy. and guess what thats tax free money
explain your solution please.
hahahaha - ok - a step in the right direction lol! you are the first volunteer right ?
only if they are women and are part of the 1% they must let me take pictures too so i can plaster it on thier rich husbands doors. or politicians. bill clinton got it on away from his wife. i like to get ahold of hillary and plaster the internet with it. shes a hot old woman
Meanwhile children and grown men are dying from cavities. Why does everything have to be about you?
"aries" = long-outed T R O L L
obviously I hit a nerve lol!
ouch! ouch! ouch! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
no. That is what it means to be an American wage slave.
Just look up the thread: "somebody expose my company'
That capitalist coward wants somebody to do it FOR him.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha!! go start your own company then !
I've been working for myself for 35 year now without starting a company. I take 2 month vacations. I stay up north an extra 2 days while all you slaves have to drive back on Sunday night in the traffic jam.
Still laughing?
so then - what is your problem? you call me a slave but I am more content than I've ever been ! you know nothing about me.
content? Don't make me puke. You're a scared little fucking rabbit terrified of anyone finding out who you actually are.
You can know everything about me because i am NOT a terrified little fucking puking paranoid shit like you shivering in your fucking boots.
Little fucking paranoid liars like you make me sick. You think hiding makes you anything but a fucking scared little wimp?
Anyone who is truly happy with their life has NOTHING TO HIDE and no reason to hide and no reason to lie. Happy people openly SHARE their happiness with other people GLADLY and WILLINGLY. Happy people are EAGER to tell everyone they know how good their lives are. Happy people have no secrets. Happy people are not paranoid fucking nutjobs like you. You know ho many hundreds of paranoid FREAKS like you have said the exactly thing?
'you know nothing about me'
I don't want to know anything about you, you fucking rabbit
I already know you're a fucking idiot the second you go into the fucking closet and shut the door and say
'you know nothing about me'
Stay in your fucking little secret closet so nobody will ever know anything about you for the rest of your fucking life you stupoid little fucking freak.
When they find your fucking bones; they won't know anything about you either except one thing....
You lived your entire life in a state of paranoid FEAR
hahaha! yet you are the one clinging to this pathetic temper tantrum. Forgive me -I've got to go to work in the morning so I'll leave you to your misdirected misery.
bye-bye slave... enjoy your miserable job you don't know what a temper tantrum is: you have no temper. You have no fucking human emotion. You're a fucking robot working for your fucking slave driver
hahahaha! so the pioneers who made this country didnt work hard? you think anyone who works hard is a slave? you just revealed yourself as a lazy good for nothing ocuppier lol!
Pioneer? Pioneers are not wage slaves working for slave masters. Pioneers are not paranoid little freaks lying their ass off on the internet. Look at your trolling history freak. You have no job and no family and nobody to talk to.
If you did you would not be posting every night like a madman on this forum. Wake up troll. Look at yourself. You don't know what hard work is. Self-employed contractors can smell little liars like you a mile away.
I have a great job at a BIG bank by the way - I just enjoy antagonizing losers. You think hard ork is slavery. That tells me you are a lazy loser who wants my stuff!
AAAAAH.... finally the troll exposes himself naked. You're a banker coming here under false pretenses. You never worked hard in your stinking life. You're a republican troll>
Hey everyone... the bank employee who loves the BIG bank he slaves for and loves money more than life itself has finally pulled down his pants and exposed himself. Anyone who was taken in by his lies can now have a field day kicking his ass.
Bye-bye liar.
do you know what working in a bank is like? how do you know that? I slave to the bank & I make a comfortable living. I provide for my family & have a nice middle class life. what is wrong with that?
Obama gave 1.3 trillion dollars to the world bank Over 20 million American families lost their houses from the illegal repossession of their homes The banks were bailed out while the American middle class was robbed and lied to and kicked out of their homes and lost their jobs.
And you: you little puke,: work for the enemy and think you won't lose your job and your nice income as long as you work for a bank.
You stinking little hypocrite of a traitor to your own class.
And you come HERE... after you 'comfortable job'... with a guilty conscience that will not let you sleep at night.
You LOVE the big banks. You LOVE money. What else do you have but a guilty conscience? NOTHING.
How do I know what working in a bank is like?
You have to be the biggest lying idiot in the world or the dumbest bank employee who ever sucked up to his boss. Either way, you stink too many ways to count. Why do you think decent people can't stand your guts? You've already exposed yourself enough to make me puke. I don't want to know any more.
so basically you cant answer the question & just start calling names like a 4 year old lol! Mature! Now I know why you are part of this collective temper tantrum
explain to me the part about "illegal repossession of their homes"? I have no guilty conscience because I understand how the world works. you are still mystified & are seeking some utopia that has been sought after from the beginning. you refuse to grow up and deal with reality.
no need to explain: asshole you work for the enemy you ARE the enemy you're a slave to the banks you're a moneygrubber
If you had told everyone here that you work for a bank when you first came here
nobody would have wasted one fucking word on you
or.... they would have called you every name in the book
you didn't do that for a very good reason
now you did it
Now you can go to hell: since you are already going there
that means end
of you
what the heck are you talking about ?
the whole post makes you a socialist. you rely on others to take care of you - pathetic.
I dont have to try again - the shoe fits. just look at the imagery on this site - it's outright communist.
because you identify yourself with OWS! Please - your wasting my time now.
Communism is the central planning of the economy & control of the means of production. I will add - directly as in the former soviet union or by proxy - what is being attempted here.
correct - that is what you want ?
it seems most everyone on this site is proud to be socialist if not down right communist lol!!! what do you have against socialism? and - how does this movement differ?
Aries it is time for you to open your mind to the reality of this world. In "Socialist" there is "society". Socialists work for the betterment of society and the people. Capitalists work for capital, in other words to make a profit.
Socialism - all theory - how is that working in Europe these days? Normally you socialists are championing Europe ! I haven't heard much about that lately lol!
It works in Europe well enough for All Europeans to have a better standard of living than Americans...better health care, better education, more secure civil liberties...America is a third world country in comparison.
really? all I see is riots in the streets in Greece, Italy, Spain, France is about to be downgraded, etc. they are all broke because of their welfare state lifestyle. Not to mension Europe has no military budget to cntend with as we cover that. What a joke. Also - France is 70% nuclear energy - are you willing to go that route in the U.S. ? I can go on...
All economies wracked with the same kind of Corporate hegemony that puts the bulk of profits at the disposal of the banking cartels...Scandanavian countries, having the highest standards of living in the world being the nearest in definition to socialism...that is, a system that puts the welfare of Society ahead of the Profit motive. There's just no arguing which system is better for The People, and their through-put ratios per man hour are plenty high, plenty efficient and achieved with fewer hours worked, per man, than American counterparts. So many other metrics indicate that America is a third-rate country in comparison that's it's not worth arguing with someone for whom the facts mean nothing...your perspective clearly cannot count itself among that of the reality-based community.
what is the immigration policy of the Scandinavian Countries? Energy Policy? How much do the spend on Defense? Sure you can compare these small countries to the U.S. like that? Please - talk about reality based! secondly - we are not Scandinavia - We have our own constitution. If you want to live in a welfare state be my guest & move to Sweden. Dont be so sure they will just allow you in just like that though. Let me know how it works out.
That's because almost all the european countries are under the control of the non-socialist governments. I think you should do more research before talking about my continent. It is ruled by the 1% and they are killing it.
hahahaha ! nice excuse. either way - your broke & in BIG trouble. Who dreams of retiring at 50? Only a lazy loser! That's why you are broke lol! cheap uggs cheap ugg boots Uggs outlet
LOL, I love how we have spam bots on here touting Chinese-made goods! Its not like this board is pro-"Made In America"
Where you have excepted your role as a slave of the 1% , ows hasn't . we will fight for our rights and for the rights of others. WE will bow to no man- and we demand the rich, corrupt, greedy to get the hell out of outr world, or we will kick your asses. .
desires are not rights. oh - it's your WORLD now lol! Not satisfied with Zuchotti park - now you want to take over th world! Just like a communist not satisfied until you take over the world lol!
Its not our world- YET but the 99% population, of the planet will take it back, from those who have enslaved us all. but you are welcome, to join us in our struggle for freedom? training web page
Stripped of the negative bits, it's true for most people of all political persuasions. Seeking security, safety, a level of contentment with what they have and their own life. It's the greedy opportunists in capitalism and socialism that ruin either system.
Personally I lean toward capitalism because that opportunity to subvert the system has shown up more in socialism.
Freedom loving Americans seek Opportunity over safety & security. That's why people come here in case you've forgotten.
People come for all sorts of reasons I suppose. I was born here and personally have found a level of contentment through my job and family. Having security, safety, and contentment simply comes out of the system we have. I can be a stress free employee or a businessman. I enjoy the freedoms we have and would not want a totalitarian or socialist state.
There are aspects of governmental involvement I doubt we'll ever want to get rid of though. Currently we can not pay for what we want government to do. Like them or not Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the military are here to stay and we can't pay for them ourselves. It's time to look at cutting what we can and increasing taxes.
You had no choice. You were born common.
Liberitarian policies of compelete lazafaire markets and deregulation have competely poor (historical) track records. Monopolies form and pretty much our current financial policies are deregulated; and look what a mess we are in now.
just plain wrong
"Till at last the child's mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child's mind. And not the child's mind only. The adult's mind too-all his life long. The mind that judges and desire and decides-made up of these suggestions. But all these suggestions are our suggestions... Suggestions from the State." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, Ch. 2
"And that," put in the Director sententiously, "that is the secret of happiness and virtue-liking what you've got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their inescapable social destiny." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, Ch. 1
You are a good little drone. No, complancy is no excuse to stand idlely by while those who make our decisions are croney crooks not looking out for anyone except lining their pockets with more bail via our tax payer dollars that we did not vote on!!! Ignorance is not bliss as to why civil liberties are mocked and taken away.
I would welcome death in exchange for this mentality, anytime....The moment I cannot create, even in secret (music, art, etc) my time is up....
so why don't you kill yourself then - put your money where your mouth is. How pathetic!
So you would rather live in oppression, be forced not to comply with bogus laws? If you could not play your own music, read books, have freedom to create, draw, etc the only point to living would be to work, breed, eat sleep, and die. If that is all that is left, would you want to live? I would never kill myself, you missed my point totally. - They will kill us eventually for committing these crimes. Crimes of thought, critical thought, disagreement, creativity. They will all become crime someday, this post just proves how people think nowadays. They don't... I would welcome death meant , if I am forced to live this life, and my choice is that you kill me, then do so. Meaning authority enforcing this life. Get it????
I don't feel particularly oppressed just yet. I think mandated healthcare is oppressive, forced social security is oppressive, forced public school is oppressive, re distributive tax policy is oppressive. But I am generally optimistic that we can reverse these communist policies
I was attempting to only re-iterate the post, not bash it or anything. I don't think we are there yet either just on track. The day it comes to that I wouldn't want to be around for it, or forced to live through it. I am uncertain where you stand though - you want these things you ask for as the common man? Or are you being facetious, as was I???? I think we are on the same page the point was missed. That was all.....
this post is a satire on socialism. As you can see - it has been met with total hostility lol!
Ok it was what I thought....You were a little extreme with the kill yourself/pathetic remark... I was making the same point but from receiving end perspective...Hope we can get along here....I think that's why this post it is generating heat.
I thought like, what if i get a job, and then, - i don't have to even think about OWS. Raise it up people. Invite more common unemployed individuals up in Here! They always will be street protesters for instant actions
Timir, I think you need a new translation site. Your posts are really hard to understand.
It's man's nature to be a slave, the best he can hope for is a master who won't beat him.
that might be your nature - not mine. wow - you really revealed yourself there lol! better stick to speaking for yourself.
Paraphrasing Aristotle you uneducated twit.
I coulld care less who you paraphrase. I am supposed to be impressed with hyou quoting Aristotle lol! Be a slave if you want - I want freedom. So do mosy Americans who came here from places like Greece! How are they doing ? lol!