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Forum Post: i can't post comments

Posted 10 years ago on Aug. 5, 2013, 5:21 p.m. EST by johnson (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

just signed up. can't post any comments. says i need to have reputation before voting. i don't want to vote. just comment. is there a way?

in reply to the 3 comments below:

You just posted a comment that is a thread (forourfutures)

no, i posted a post. i cannot post comments or reply to comments.

Take it to the site. Use the e-mail address. You should be able to comment - it makes no sense if you can not. How are you to get any points if you can not comment? (DKAtoday)

thank you. i emailed the site, but did not get a response. points? i came here to discuss occupy, not to play a video game. what points? why should they matter? i just want to talk about my experience with occupy.

i tested the system by creating another new user. it looks like new users cannot post comments, they can only post postings.



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[-] 2 points by jart (1186) from New York, NY 10 years ago

Ahhh, I see what the problem is. Sorry about that. Should be better.


[-] 1 points by forourfutures (393) 10 years ago

You just posted a comment that is a thread

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Take it to the site. Use the e-mail address. You should be able to comment - it makes no sense if you can not. How are you to get any points if you can not comment?

[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 10 years ago

Must be something new. There have been attacks on some people in the form of massive down voting. I guess you're a victim of the response.