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Forum Post: I believe it is time to move out and move on.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 1:33 p.m. EST by CountryGirl (73)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I truly believe in the occupy movement, The general assemblies and the self governance of the movement. However, I believe that times square is not the place (or at least not for most) anymore.

This was the beginning of the movement and now it needs to grow and progress. You have sparked occupy movements in many cities (across teh globe). And each addresses the needs of it's region, it's community. As it should be.

So, those of you who are not New Yorkers need to go home (no I am not one either). Not in defeat but as leaders. Take what you have learned and build on it. Teach others in your home states. Build general assemblies and address the needs of your own communities. Create change.

The only place to occupy outside your own home state/city is Washington DC which belongs to all of us. If lobbyists fill the halls so should we.

But it is time to leave New York to it's own. I truly believe only New Yorkers have the right to continue occupying New York.

Out of respect for them, and to continue to hold respect for the movement, it's time to go.



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[-] 1 points by CountryGirl (73) 12 years ago

I am not talking a hiatus. I am talking reallocation of resources.

[-] 1 points by CountryGirl (73) 12 years ago

If everyone went to DC (which we all own) or began more occupations all over the country we are not losing the momentum, we are growing it. Creating solidarity. From coast to coast.

And those in New York that don't originate in New York have a duty to either go to DC or occupy places they came from.

It would, in fact, become a bigger part of our culture.

And believe me there is plenty of winter to martyr one self in if that is all someone is looking for.

[-] 1 points by JonoLith (467) 12 years ago

I disagree with this sentiment, although I appreciate the concern.

There will come a time when moving on is appropriate. That time is not now. If it happens now, the media will say "They couldn't hack the winter." Things will go back to how they were.

Right now the movement has momentum. Right now the movement is part of the culture and cannot be ignored. To keep it that way, the occupation must continue.


[-] 0 points by w9illiam (97) 12 years ago

All the Occupiers in new york should goto Florida for the winter.
