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Forum Post: I am thankful...

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 2:17 p.m. EST by iamnot (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

...to all of you for coming together. I am thrilled that this is happening. I have for some time seen so many of the issues discussed here (fiat currency and "Money as Debt;" the reign of corporate "personalities;" over real persons; the degredation of our planet--our home; the lively trading of spiritual dignity for material comfort; etc. as so many facets to an enemy that is so very vast, as to be unamable.

We know our enemy only by the trail of waste it leaves behind. We have finally found that we can fight fire with fire. Learning from our enemy, we now have no identity, yet we cannot be ignored.

This effort will prove to be as effective at piercing the heart of the enemy, as it is proves to be diffuse. Our aims will remain as attractive as they are impossible to see. What we are doing seems to be the first morally tenable work on the part of the people to demand change--dare I say--ever. It is morally tenable becasue it has, like it's bohemoth of an enemy, no readily definable identity. Thus, we cannot be offered a treaty or a compromise; we cannot be appeased. we are sick of appeasement. We are incorruptable.



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[-] 1 points by MyHeartSpits (448) 12 years ago

Great stuff, thanks. I am thankful for those that see the good in all of the beautiful chaos that is our collective heart.