Forum Post: I am part of the 31.5% or 22.7% or 83%....Confusing huh
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 11:36 p.m. EST by MitchK
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
the 99% lets see if you took student loans and decided you do not WANT to work(not that there is no jobs cause there are PLENTY) for 10.00an hour and pay off your loans than you are part of the 99%....I am a home owner who got forlcosed on because I decided I WANT a home I can not afford and was to pridefull to say NO WAIT I CAN NOT AFORD IT and now that i can not pay for something I should never have taken You are part of the 99%...Blame wall street,corporations,brokers,etc.. that get tax breaks FROM THE GOVT and do not blame the govt because you probably voted for him/them(change) and protest on Washingtonng either instead of NYC,etc...than you are part of the 99%...NOT work for a living either because your family is wealthy enough to support you (silver spoon children looking for something to be involved with) OR you are LIVING ON GOVT FUNDS (hmmmm like wallstreeters) and do not have to work YOU are part of the 99%.....if you work for a living happy to be able to contibute to scoiety,provide any way you can for your family with their NEEDS and not wants than you are not part of the 99% or the 1% you are a productive member of society that will work to live and vote the right way when you want change than you are WHAT % is that? Well since its not the 1% or the 99% than there can not be a 99% or a 1% maybe there is a .5% and a 68% and a 31.5% Get a job VOICE your protest as our 1st ammendment allows and get out of the street,costing the city(s) money harrassing people that work for a living,have a loving family to go home to,take your protest to those who can make the changes you seek(WASHINGTON) and stop the sense of entiltement you feel you have...WAIT JUST LIKE THE WALLSTREETERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ugly truth. America's wealth is STILL being concentrated. When the rich get too rich, the poor get poorer. These latest figures prove it. AGAIN.
According to the Social Security Administration, 50 percent of U.S. workers made less than $26,364 in 2010. In addition, those making less than $200,000, or 99 percent of Americans (actually, more like 98%), saw their earnings fall by $4.5 billion collectively.
The sobering numbers were a far cry from what was going on for the richest one percent of Americans.
The incomes of the top one percent of the wage scale in the U.S. rose in 2010; and their collective wage earnings jumped by $120 billion. In addition, those earning at least $1 million a year in wages, which is roughly 93,000 Americans, reported payroll income jumped 22 percent from 2009. Overall, the economy has shed 5.2 million jobs since the start of the Great Recession in 2007. It’s the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930’s.
Another word about the first Great Depression. It really was a perfect storm. Caused almost entirely by greed. First, there was unprecedented economic growth. There was a massive building spree. There was a growing sense of optimism and materialism. There was a growing obsession for celebrities. The American people became spoiled, foolish, naive, brainwashed, and love-sick. They were bombarded with ads for one product or service after another. Encouraged to spend all of their money as if it were going out of style. Obscene profits were hoarded at the top. In 1928, the rich were already way ahead. Still, they were given huge tax breaks. All of this represented a MASSIVE transfer of wealth from poor to rich. Executives, entrepreneurs, developers, celebrities, and share holders. By 1929, America's wealthiest 1 percent had accumulated 44 percent of all United States wealth. The upper, middle, and lower classes were left to share the rest. When the lower majority finally ran low on money to spend, profits declined and the stock market crashed.
Of course, the rich threw a fit and started cutting jobs. They would stop at nothing to maintain their disgusting profit margins and ill-gotten obscene levels of wealth as long as possible. The small business owners did what they felt necessary to survive. They cut more jobs. The losses were felt primarily by the little guy. This created a domino effect. The middle class shrunk drastically and the lower class expanded. With less wealth in reserve and active circulation, banks failed by the hundreds. More jobs were cut. Unemployment reached 25% in 1933. The worst year of the Great Depression. Those who were employed had to settle for much lower wages. Millions went cold and hungry. The recovery involved a massive infusion of new currency, a World War, and higher taxes on the rich. With so many men in the service, so many women on the production line, and those higher taxes to help pay for it, some US wealth was gradually transferred back down to the majority. This redistribution of wealth continued until the mid seventies. By 1976, the richest 1 percent held less than 20 percent. The lower majority held the rest. This was the recovery. A partial redistribution of wealth.
Then it began to concentrate all over again. Here we are 35 years later. The richest one percent now own 40 percent of all US wealth. The upper, middle, and lower classes are sharing the rest. This is true even after taxes, welfare, financial aid, and charity. It is the underlying cause. No redistribution. No recovery.
The government won't step in and do what's necessary. Not this time. It's up to us. Support small business more and big business less. Support the little guy more and the big guy less. It's tricky but not impossible.
For the good of society, stop giving so much of your money to rich people. Stop concentrating the wealth. This may be our last chance to prevent the worst economic depression in world history. No redistribution. No recovery.
Those of you who agree on these major issues are welcome to summarize this post, copy it, link to it, save it, show a friend, or spread the word in any fashion. Most major cities have daily call-in talk radio shows. You can reach thousands of people at once. They should know the ugly truth. Be sure to quote the figures which prove that America's wealth is still being concentrated. I don't care who takes the credit. We are up against a tiny but very powerful minority who have more influence on the masses than any other group in history. They have the means to reach millions at once with outrageous political and commercial propaganda. Those of us who speak the ugly truth must work incredibly hard just to be heard.
right on point.
Holy crap. Excellent post.
Copy and paste is wonderful isn't it?
Copy and paste is such a wonderful tool for you.
Plenty of jobs? McDonald's posts one opening and gets 300 applications. For every new job that opens there are at least 10 people out of work. And if you get the McD's job and take home a whopping $300/week, that's $1200/month (before taxes)...but an apartment costs $800/month (Yes! The rent is too damned high!), and your student loan payment is $400...nothing left for electricity, health care, food... Do the math. This is the part of the problem. This is where corporate fascism has taken us. But, if you'd shut the fµçk up for a minute and actually fµçking read and listen, you would see that OWS is not asking for any fµçking handouts, and I'm tired of you idiots on here trolling and saying that we are. For my part, I have a fµçking job. In fact, I'm self-employed, running a business from home, and I have a home and food, etc. I'm not asking for anybody to fµçking hand me anything. Just because I've been fortunate, however, I do not look down on those who have been fµçked out of their job and home by the corporate fascists on Wall Street. I know plenty of good, hard working people, who worked their whole lives, then lost their jobs when their employers laid them off in the name of "recession", and then posted record profits and paid their CEOs billion dollar bonuses. It's BULLSHITE. We aren't asking for hand-outs. We're asking for justice! WHAT WE ARE ASKING FOR...INDEED, DEMANDING, IS THAT CORPORATE MONEY AND INFLUENCE BE REMOVED FROM OUR GOVERNMENT, THAT DEMOCRACY BE RETURNED TO THE PEOPLE! That's our primary goal. Otherwise, we would also like said corporate fascists to be held responsible for their theievery and ponzi schemes that wiped out the economy, and the illegal foreclosures that stole people's homes, and we want the wealthy monopolist theives to pay their fair share of taxes, instead of attacking medicare, medicaid, and social security, which is OUR money, because we paid into it.
psssst you know how you do and than if those you vote for do not change like promised than next election you vote again...YES VOICE your opinion in between,use our first ammendment,it is one of our greatest gifts given by our RICH,DEMANDING,FASCISTS,CEO's known as our forefathers gave us and they gave us the right to VOTE out those who screw us. AGAIN if the govt gives you the right to protest and I and 88% of the others in america do not like it than WE should GO and voice it to the GOVT that gave you that right not you for enforcing your right. so if anyone wants to change things that than go to those who have created it the GOVT,not the oones who are doing what is in their legal rights. And not bothering those who are just out theoir living and trying to go to work everyday where the protesters do not.
"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." Thomas Jefferson
This I can not even reply really have to take a good look at who said that (jefferson you are right) but you need to take a look at him closely. Jefferson was part of the Virginia planter elite and, as a tobacco planter......The third of ten children, Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 into the Randolph family that linked him to some of the most prominent individuals in Virginia....hmmmmm sounds like an aristocrat to me...only difference is its HIS aristocracy...not the brits or "older" than his money in young america at the time, so that makes it ok
Nobody is complaining about people being rich. There will always be rich people. We are complaining about how these people have put themselves in control of every aspect of the national dialogue and government. That's the problem. Jefferson knew that, he always knew that. Being rich is fine. Using your riches to "challenge our government to a trial by strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country (i.e. corporate tax evasion)" is the problem.
simple who allows it?????? THE GOVT because they are getting fed from it,,,dem/rep/tea/independent...again voice your opinion protest verbally STAY off the streets where people WORK for a living ,do not BLAME those who are using what the system ALLOWS them and who are using the PEOPLE of Americas own greed to feed their pockets. Go to washington and protest there. VOTE for or against the way your opinion and heart wants you to, to get the fakes out govt.
We are. All of these things are happening within the same movement. A constitutional convention is being planned in Philadelphia next spring. Small #occupy movements are springing up in every town and city from Tampa to Olympia. These organizations are dedicated to disseminating voting information and developing an organized response. We're coming out, guns blazing!
easy ...guns blazing,right there you just lost credability "soundbite" like that sounds childsih...yes again speak,organize give out information get out what your(not you perse) views are in a lawful and legal not disruptive way to the rest of society...I know one group of "people" that know no other way but to get their views out unlawfully ,those are "people" called terrorist,the reason they actout unlawfully( not only because they are animlas) is because they feel they are not getting their way and nobody is listening to them.That is what children do when throwing tantrums to get their point across.
Please look up the difference between "then" and "than". Consider investing in a dictionary, or even taking classes in English.
Now, to your point:
I vote; I write letters to my representatives, etc. We all do. But they don't do what we want. You know why? They do what their corporate sponsors tell them to do. That's the problem. That's why we're protesting: GET CORPORATE MONEY OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT! hello! Also, I suppose you must be some privileged whelp, but MY forefathers were not corporate CEOs. My forefathers actually worked for a living.
Tony I like what you said THEY dont do what we WANT...there goes that sense of entitlement again,typical hipster,protester who never had to work for anything in his/her else can you tell who you are? Simple once things get to the point you do not LIKE or a point/issue you are uncomfortable with or can not find a intelligent response from in your own head/heart, you character assinate,such as saying"...look up difference between "then" and "than"....classes in english,see I am not here for an award in a writing essay. Let me guess you spent what, probably 8-10 years in college to be an "artist" or "self employed",another words a dredge on society?Building up student loans taking financial aid,to keep you in school so you do not have to face the reality of society and the world,now you do not want to pay back the money you took. There goes that sense of entitlement again. As for me a privileged welp,whatever welp means,is that another hipster word to describe only what a hispter would know? I was bred born rasied and still live in NyC,PArk Slope to be exact. How I WORKED hard since I was a kid.No, I do not have a college background,got a GED. Infact spent the first half of the 90's in and out of prison and jail(s)..I worked in one industry since my release for 15 years starting at 25,000 a year until 2008 I was earning over 100K, and no it was not mortgages,stock,wall streets or any field like that,I worked hard. I do agree corporate money should not be controlling our govt and should be out of it,but,guess what,thats who the people ,we(not really me) vote into office,thieves,dishonest,corrupt(morally I mean),that are powered by the greed that buit this country.The truth is like YOU and the rest of the protesters,hipsters of today the politicians are worried about their own greed and pride and not worried about you and me.Another point you need to look at, why did they,our forefathers,start this whole revolution,MONEY. THEY did not want to pay the british govt what they wanted as for taxes and such.Yes I think the GOVT should stop ALOT of the tax breaks afforded the "rich",I think the corporate(s) people getting 1million dollar bonus is ridiculous but as long as the GOVT ALLOWS IT than they can do it legally.Again,PROTEST THOSE WHO ARE BLINDED BY THESE CORPORATE FAT CATS,THE UNITED STATES GOVT. In the mean time this same corporate greed is what made this country strong,amercian peoples WANTS for more not NEEDS is what makes them strong.
My father did farm labor. We are a family of 6 (mom, dad, myself and 3 syblings). I had my first paying job at 11 years of age, working on a farm, myself. I paid my own way through college, painting houses, waiting tables, studying part time, graduating with my BA at 28 y/o. Sometimes I worked 2 or 3 jobs, often not sleeping for mor than 2 or 3 hours a night, studying, working, etc. After graduating, with honors, I might add, I worked as a public school teacher, still painting or waiting tables in the summers until 2005, when I left teaching, burnt out, broke, and disgruntled, and started my own business, and, yes, I am now, at 42 y/o (not some hipster kid) self-employed. So, fµçk you.
The American Revolution was started because corporate interests were forcing legislation contrary to the voice of the people. The Boston Tea Co. was targeted as a symbol of that taxation without representation. The King allowed corporate influence over the voice of the people. This is, essentially, what is occurring now. The government caters to corporate interests, contrary to the will of the people.
Yes true...well i got an idea..protest,VOICE YOUR OPINION to the GOVT. not block streets disrupt peoples lives trying to work. VOTE against these elected officials who are there for "us"..tony great way to speak for a teacher,you know what they say those who curse are those who really can not find anything to say of meaning at that moment...I see now, do not hate society for you having to work hard to feed your greed,perveted pride and ego. There goes that sense of entitlement again...and you started a business? Let me guess a business that you will earn JUST minimum to SURVIVE not feed your greed and desires, a business that you will not only NOT TAKE advantage of tax loopholes but will also be providing a SERVICE to society and donating most of your income to help others is that the business you have started? Lets see new heaven its obviously you are making more than the "average" income(26,000ish in america) my friend modestcapitalist quotes in his findings you probably bordering 70,000 yrly house probably 300,400k...go get that money and keep complaining about the corporate greed you are obviusoly a good man(sarcasm) doing wonders for our community and societys "99%" in need of
well i got an idea..protest,VOICE YOUR OPINION to the GOVT
Ah, there's the rub. I, like many here, have voiced our wishes and opinions to the government, with our votes, with letters and calls to our representatives, petitions, etc., but they aren't listening, because we can't afford to buy ourselves a lobbyist, like those corporate CEOs can. That's precisely why we are protesting, friend. We want that bribery to stop, and for our government to hear our voices again. Also, while I support those who ARE camping out and protesting, my own efforts are still only writing letters, voting, signing petitions, etc., because, being a single parent, and working for a living, I can not camp out.
you probably bordering 70,000 yrly house probably 300,400k
I do not own a home, but rent. I do make slightly over the national average. 4 years ago, I was making a lot more (c. $80k, not bad), but since the 2008 crash, corporations have driven down the rates they're willing to pay for my work, while the cost of everything has risen. I make less than half what I did, because rate are now 70 to 80% of what they were, and work is less plentiful. All the same, my family's needs are met, so I don't complain, so much, for my own part. I've lost all my savings, but we have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies, thanks. I primarily participate in the protests to support my fellow Americans, because I want justice for all Americans. I want corporate influence and money out of our government. That's what this is about. We're not asking for hand-outs, we're asking for justice, for corporate influence to be removed from our government, and for the government to hear the voice of the people, not cater to their wealthy corporate benefactors. I keep repeating this, but too many seem to not get the point, so I'll say it again:
OWS is not asking for hand outs, stumping for socialism, or trying to destroy capitalism. OWS is demanding that corporate influence be removed from our government, and for the government to hear the voice of the people.
Tony when you were a teacher if a kid acted out because he was'nt listeneing or getting his way,what he wants,being disruptive, would he have been punished? And why? because thats not how you get what you want...thast the main reason I am against all this nonsense,not the views its the actions. The same reason they are protesting. The ACTIONS that the corporate greed and govt and performing
Tony, I agree with voicing your opinion (not yours perse) but "they are'nt listening" does not give ANYONE the right to be disruptive to the other members of society that are out their working and doing their part to remain productive members at any pay cost and to keep,like you, a roof over their heads. Its does not mean disrupt the normal flow of society as a whole,its does not mean to commit acts that are unlawful or illegal,no matter how minute they may think it is. See by saying things like "they are'nt listening..." I know one group of "people" that know no other way but to get their views out unlawfully ,those are "people" called terrorist,the reason they actout unlawfully( not only because they are animlas) is because they feel they are not getting their way and nobody is listening to them.That is what children do when throwing tantrums to get their point across.Corporate greed is only fed off of AMERICAN greed,ego,pride and self fufillment. YES I do not like them influencing our government and if the GOVT does not listen we need to be strong year after year after year until the right ones are voted in,BY US. NOT act unlawfully or illegally or disruptive to those who are not in the GOVT. As for handouts,,,now students are part of this OWS "movement" to get their student loans taken away....WHAT!!! hell I want my C.C. bills taken away,do'nt you tony? The ones that claim there are no jobs and do not work UNLIKE you how do you thingk they survive,HANDOUTS,you know as well as I do because you havea family to support there are jobs out there SHOULD WE or them CHOOSE to ACCEPT them and humble ourselves to accept what MOST of us deem below us....damn that ego,pride and entitlement
The US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of expression and assembly.
Protesting is not illegal.
I have no significant credit card debt. I paid off my only credit card last month (and charged more stuff on it after, but the amount is paltry. It was for car repairs).
Tony you should have been like the "occupiers" and not want to pay anything off tell the govt to pay it for you and you still never asnwered how do you think these people survive with out working? HANDOUTS MAYBE!!!!!
expression and assembly...well guess what when they came up with that great line..there were not the amount of people in our young country( there were an estimate of 2.5 mill in 1776,than a little over 3million people in the first census of 1790) I doubt they were thinking into a future with this many people in our country. I doubt they were thinking of people not being productive people in our great country but lazing around(again not you, the working, writing letters,voting paying taxes type) disrupting our COUNTRYS normal everyday function of societal norm. Unlawful. well lets look at this side of the coin...again no matter how small ,,,smoking in a public park illegal,, ASSEMBLING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY( yes Zucatti is owned not by the city) that might be tresspassing again I am not a lawyer,sorry. INTENTIONALY BLOCKING ROADWAYS FROM NORMAL TRAFFIC PATERNS,threatening people,standing in front of epople stopping them from walking wich can be taken as an attempted assault,harrassing people (Guess what thats illegal) lets do this Tony lets forget that for a minute...have you been down there? Did you speak to some of these occupiers? If this is what you are putting your faith in to change things I feel for you. I am not a reporter I did it as a goof...almost all have NO CLUE what they are there for ,unlike you knowing. Most of them NEVER WORKED a STEADY job in their life,paid into our society substansialy. Some of them ... guess what some are even homeless....go there for free eats,and of all things cigarettes,and company.
I have spoken to local occupiers, people (friends) occupying elsewhere, and people who have been in Zuccotti Park (I live only about 90 mins from NYC on the Metro North line).
The vast majority of protesters and supports I know are working class people, like myself, who have, indeed, worked many days of their lives, only to see what they've built for themselves destroyed by corporate greed.
I do not get it...let me get this right...WORKING people can sit in a park all day and sleep there...WORKING people have time to DISRUPT,THREATEN AND HARASS other working people...WORKING PEOPLE HAVE TIME TO DISRUPT normal daily affairs,WORKING PEOPLE have time to act in illegal manners,WORKING PEOPLE can act like little chidlren who who can accept the way ilfe is an ACT OUT DEFIANTELY rather than morally responsible ....CORPORATE GREED destroyed what THEY built for THEMSELVES. Now lets see this part CORPORATE GREED ( that I agree with) GAVE people things that those people WANTED not NEEDED(including myself) gave it to them even though they REALLY can not afford them,such as cc's,mortgages,car loans,etc...ok let me try and RE-CAP...YOUR IDEA OF PEOPLE WHO WORK HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO DO NOTHING but sit and sleep in a park,harras,scare,threaten,intimidate,violate,act like children to get their way,disrupt the normal flow of every daylife and other working people...your IDEA OF WORKING PEOPLE BLAME coporate greed for "destroying" what "THEY HAVE BUILT FOR THEMSELVES" and not take responsibility for their own greed in living over their means and not looking at the future repercussions...Oh ok NOW I GET IT...Working people are MORALLY guilty for their own greed,over indulgence and feeding their ego and pride the same way CORPORATE GREED IS,,,the only difference is YOU think the coporate people are responsible wholly and not the greedy americans living above their mean...ok thank you for clearing that up.....whoo boy and I am sure you have not been down to the city to see this dredge on society.
Clearly, these are working people who are currently out of work. I thought I made that clear. They worked their whole lives, but then lost everything, unjustly. I still have work, and am not, thus, camping out. I do know people who work all day, and then join the protests in the evening after work, or, alternatively, who work at night and protest during the day, as well, of course. The people I know who lost everything were not living beyond their means. They lost jobs when companies moved overseas, lost homes to illegal foreclosures, even after paying their mortgage for years, etc. These are people who did everything right, and still lost everything. Sure, there are people who live beyond their means and lose what they have through irresponsibility, etc., but there are literally millions of Americans out of work right now through no fault of their own. Get off your high horse and stop pretending to be better than others. You're not.
No, I have not yet been to NYC, but I have been to local occupation protests and personally know people involved, as I have said, and also know people involved in other cities around the country, as well as people who have been in Zuccotti Park.
Tony working people out of work are not working high horse guess what,I left a job that I was making over 100 a year and have not worked since than,2008,see I CHOOSE not to take what I am offered ,cause,the truth is right now I DO NOT HAVE TO WORK FOR 26-32 a year or whatever, I ADMIT it though, but the difference is I was living within my means prior to that and TRYING not to OVERINDULGE as much as or like MOST I sure was not perfect at it,but guess what I was able to and you know what I lost being out of work for 3 years ? Stress and worries....and guess what MOST americans LIVED WAY over their means and I know I was in a business that catered to their egos and pride(no not mortgages or stocks) Illegal forclosures...I can not agree to those words...someone does not pay than they lose their house PERIOD end of discussion,just because they the banks did not to the paperwork right during these asset revovery proceedings does not to me make it illegal... a person goes in to by a house on a teaser rate with an adjustable mortgagand does not realize that in 5-10 years they can not afford it guess what THEIR GREED MADE THEM SIGN THOSE PAPERS, same way the CORPORATE GREED ALLOWED THEM TO HAVE IT,most likely knowing they can not afford it in the long run. No fault of their own huh?Anyone who does not want to say its is 50% their fault than they are not facing reality. I keep buying things on a credit card and than open another and buy more than another and than pay one with the other of a intro rate of 0% hey thast my fauly NOT THE BANKS,sorry charlie 50% for doing it and living beyond my means and not thinking about later on and 50% the bank for giving it not worrying about later on either. tony you seems like a man that might have grew up in a time when people took responsibility for their actions,maybe you just missed that era,but I am shcoked that people feel they are not at fault as much as the corporations.Guess nobody wants to ever admitt they are wrong,,,wow theres pride and ego again
Since you seem to be so into proper words try "whelp" instead of welp. Maybe you should buy a dictionary or take some remedial classes
Corrected. Thank you.
What a waste of time to nitpik the wording of the movement as if this slogan is to be taken literally. It is meant to address the individuals that believe they are among the 99% who have their eyes and their mind wide open that are intelligent enough to grasp what this country is going to be like in the future since it is not going to be what the 100% will want.
funny ready for this nitpiking I was down there last week and one of the "occupiers" ,of a group saying the samething, had the nerve to tell me that 99% stands for the fact the govt ONLY gave 99 week extensions on unemployment and it should be more...not nitpicking the "slogan" as you put it,,,nitpking the fact what it really stands for 99% of people not earning what the 1% of people are (over 250,000 a year)...well I want a new % I say 43 people making more than enough to survive and pay now the 99 has to go down to 56% well actuallypeople making more than...see it just makes no sense thats all.
Smell the roses. After what I have seen and continue to see I Know we live in a Holigarchical Dictatorship that hides behind the propaganda of democracy, and is not only content to Lord over the USA but uses our country to rule over the rest of the world covertly. Now let us all be good little slaves and go to work for them...
Me thinks you're being compounded quarterly.
LOL... Deffinately not...good try you knew me who and what I am and was about you know thast not the case...I played hard, i paid hard, than I worked hard just TRIED to not get TO MUCH over my head...and I did say TRIED and TO divedens here just saved and now surviving and nope not for
Why is it that you or anyone that post video feed and such do that? Do you not or can you not THINK for yourself? Do you not speak from experience in the real world? You have a need to copy,paste and talk about what others see/say and belive. Before anyone can protest they should have to atleast have worked for a living for a nominal amount of years to get some experience in what they are whinning about
Please read this :
This is not an OWS declaration, What do you think about it ?
Littleguy...I do not look at video posts of people who can and do not think for them self from heart and you.Thos who copy and paste stuff like this are those who have no real life experience to speak of. YOU can say what you want I will listen retort or anything I see fit,but,I will not get into a debate of something YOU ARE NOT speaking but someone else is.
It is not a video post .It is the 99 PERCENT DECLARATION OF DEMANDS. IT IS A DOCUMENT. Did you get a dictionary and look up the definitions of THEN and THAN yet. Look up THERE and THEIR also. FUCK.
hey little boy.. I mean the way I am not here for a writing essay contest.. or a spelling bee. I am here to voice my opinion and point of view. Let me guess you spent 10 years in college wasting mommy and daddys money or the free govt/tax payers money and now you are an expert speller...and even futher do not want to pay back your student loans.
awwww little guy so cute when a little boy has to resort to curses because he can not think of anything intelligent to say at that moment...awwwww poor little miscreant its ok LITTLEguy stop trying to be a big guy and use big guy language thats not right...does littleguy need a nappy poo? Little guy hmmm wonder where LITTLE part comes I see you took a line from someone elses post( definitions of then and than) just like the reason you just post others links and sayings nothing original from the just goes to show what type of "people" are occupying...what a joke...get a brain,head and heart to say something of your own. If this is what we AMERICANS have "fighting" for us than man are we in trouble.
Little Guy is a reference to the fact that I have been a small business owner for thirtyfour years. I have eight employees and am debt free. I have been living life for over half a century. I am not an occupier.I did spend time in the military voluntarily and my daughter is in the Air Force at present. My first question to you was sincere. I thought you might have some worth while input on the document. I now see I was wrong. You need not respond.
if you are sincere about being ex military and daughter is currently serving I applaud you both and offer an apology not only to you but to her as well. I will not respond to the first question as you ask. I will still stand by the fact there is no reason to curse(even though I have been a HUGE curser in my life just trying not to anymore) and furthermore I would like to hear from a person not a person just taking quotes from others,so I am sorry for any insults I might have used. Now if there is ANYTHING in the demands of these "people" anything further than the fact, that what they started with,FAIR TAXATION FOR EVERYONE,equal,do away with these over indugent tax breaks and to stop corporate greed from infultrating our govt than I do not care or want to hear about anything else from them. Do it morally,responsibly not like animals,children not getting their ways,Unlafully disrupting the normal flow of everyday life and people who actually have to go to work, and voice their opinions the right way,vote,write your congres,email,flood their mailboxes and visit their offices thats where the protesters and occupiers should be protesting.
Nucleus...Question common sense still has to dictate somewhere in this world of OWS if the "rich" are part of the 1% the "struggling" are part of the 99% than what about the rest of us??? Do the Math you can not have a 99 and a 1 if there are more who are part of neither. One thing I can agree with is the tax breaks for anyone,person or corporate making over 250,000 yrly should be changed. See but guess what they are just doing what LAWS ALLOW so protest the fools voted into office that ALLOW these laws to be in place. People that promise to make CHANGE...go protest them for changing their title not anything for us.
If OWS is really part of the 99% they always say shouldn't they control more wealth than the 1%? Why don't they redistribute the wealth inside their own circles?
The bottom is the bottom because none of them work. EVER!
The bottom 80%? Are you denying the reality of the unemployment statistics? You seem to think that changes in taxation and employment policy over the last 40 years have no relevance whatsoever to wealth distribution?
The fact that it comes from a website that asked for a donation to support OWS does not lend you any d\credibility.
Mother Jones is a long established bastion of accountability and high quality journalism. Those statistics are taken from government statistics. You can't argue with the facts, sorry.
I have never heard of it. And before you say it, I also don't watch fox news.
Look it up.
Posting while intoxicated is not recommended.
Hurrah for run on sentences!!!
Hoe many billionaires do u no personally?
Do not know many I only know I think 2. Oh yeah I am not one of them actually I am unemployed and surviving on what I worked for. Since 2008. Truthfully I do not care to know any billionaires I like the 89% like me hard working people. Not the 10% whinning about no jobs and corporate greed,and not the 1% THAT WORKED HARD TO GET THERE 1%. If they got it before me or you for that matter guess what they were smart enough to get it. Fight the GOVT who allowed them to get it if thru tax breaks and loopholes and such.
There are NO Jobs
I live in nyc and I can post minimum of 500 jobs right now ...the thing is MOST people who say there are "no jobs",especially the protesters out there feel they are to good to work for 8,10,15,20,an hour or ENITLED TO MORE (LIKE THE WALLSTREETERS OR THE RICH AS YOU PUT IT) 26,000 a yr guess what you can live within your MEANS AND NEEDS if you wanted to hey even in NYC let alone the rest of the country
Oh, great...500 jobs...and there are what? 700,000 people in NYC out of work? Do the math.
(NY State Labor department says NYC has 8.7% unemployment. According to Google, NYC's population is c. 8million people. 8.7% of 8million is 696,000 people out of work. 500 jobs isn't even a drop in the bucket).
Well tony since you got involved in someones elses debate here let me explain something to you...I said I can post 500, that to tell you the truth is a tiny tiny percentage of what is out there....and I did not say it can job everybody but guess what not everybody in NYC worked anyway even before this recession...what the point is tony,that all these people that complain there are no jobs guess what its simple there are jobs, they do not want to work or they think they are to good to take what is out there and available,above what is offered to them...I am not saying they are great paying jobs but hey lets be honest if they want to maintain an air or repectability and be a productive member of society and they want to atleast TRY and pay their bills than they will take waht they feel is beneath them...maybe just maybe,,if more people though like that and not thought with pride,greed,ego they might not have been living beyod their means to begin with.
it doesnt matter what you can post.. prove that 500 people got hired.. or prove there were 0 applicants. and do the same next week and the week after before you say there are jobs.. everybody takes apps.. doesnt mean anyone gets hired. on usa jobs.. there are about a million positions that have been open for years.. never filled but they are posted.
USA jobs I agree because our president,all for the middle class(what a line of BS) is Federal jobs...naturally there are none..they are run and funded by the federal govt...I say jobs I mean real jobs posted and offered by PRIVATE INDUSTRY/COMPANY/CORPORATIONS wait you can not work for them because to busy protesting lets go to MOST union type construction jobs that the president has spent all kinds of money on...YOU ,I CAN NOT get those jobs UNLESS you are already in the union or a city employee..wait again the ones protesting with the protesters the unions,,,backing president Obama..Yes there are jobs but why take that lower paying job for 10.00 an hour when the govt or your mommy and daddys are paying you to live( not saying you inparticular, UNLESS,if the shoe fits...)
i thought so. you cannot prove 500 were hired this week or last week.. so you start the paltry whos fault is it game. this is whos fault it is.
Gesto...even better you live in NYC area? You want a job? You have any type of business sense or people skills or work ethics/steady history? Ill get you a job WITHIN a month,probably less than. Heres the trick you can not say THATS NOT ENOUGH FOR ME. I WONT DO THAT WORK...I DESERVE MORE/BETTER.
Gesto...I got a secret I turned down three jobs this week,one more I am suppose to go to this tuesday. I have numerous offers to go back into the old field I was in. See the secret is I CHOOSE NOT if the need arises and I am truly down, where I had to, than guess what I will take that position I turned down for 32,000 a year because I FELT it was not enough for me...SEE thats the difference I do not say there are no jobs I say I JUST DO NOT WANT WHATS OUT THERE RIGHT NOW! So do not tell me there are no jobs...oh guess what,No college degree,I only have a GED,infact even, further I spent most of the first half of the 90's in and out of prison and jail(s)..I worked in one industry for 15 years starting at 25,000 a year until 2008 I was earning over 100K, and no it was not mortgages,stock,wall streets or any filed like that so, anyone who says there are no jobs simply DO NOT WANT WHAT IS OFFERD TO THEM!!