Forum Post: I am being Evicted
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 27, 2011, 11:46 p.m. EST by Noosa07310
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hi, I am being evicted. Who do I call to get some help?
Tell us more.
Do you mean from OWS?
Some areas may have assistance programs for tenants as well. Call your city/county/state officials for more information.
I think he meant from OWS
It's not clear if foreclosure is the issue here. If so, contacting the closest protest movement would be the best course of action. There's no mention of location here.
True but why would he come to an OWS forum on advice. No offense to anyone here but there are much more reputable sources that can be found by simply using google.
I haven't heard any cases of OWS stopping a foreclosure. Protesting at foreclosed homes is more about making a statement and creating awareness. If this individual wants to prevent foreclosure, I'd take a different route as well and contact the bank/local agencies.
Despite what these idiots are going to tell you, you need to provide more detail. 1st and foremost, if you've paid your rent/ bills/ etc, and you think it's an illegal eviction, call a lawyer. Even the ones who give out free advise might give you some valuable info. Don't "occupy" or what ever, it will make things tougher, and make you look bad. Call a lawyer. If you haven't paid, either pay up, or see if you can pay it down.
Occupy unless you are troll. Occupy your eviction. Call the press, if the banj refuses to refinance and you have in good faith done your duty, then dont leave, and demand to keep working with your bank; but eviction? Are renting and have not paid?
what,s this do you own a house there are actions you can take to prolong the eviction in civil court and tie it up for a while up to 6 months , while you make arrangements ,