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Forum Post: I am an occupier for many reasons,..

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 3:09 a.m. EST by sw33tLib3rty (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am an occupier for many reasons, and I am sure if we all paid attention there would be millions in the streets today. I would like to break down some things that you may have missed, and explain why I think You should occupy too.

1.) The Declaration of Independence was clear about being vigilant and protecting your life and liberty. Here is an excerpt..."Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." I do not believe that I can be accustomed to bombs and war over human compassion and decency.

2.) Federal Reserve, a private central bank, does the job of congress and coins our money, then loans it to us with INTEREST. Between 2007 and 2010 the federal reserve "loaned" out at 0% interest $16 Trillion to domestic banks, and foreign banks and foreign governments...without congressional approval (because they don't have to ask permission, if they default we are on the hook for the money). If this doesn't make you mad...what will?

3.) Banks, in 2008 got bailed out by taxpayers, the same taxpayers they threw out of their houses after receiving the TAX PAYER bailout money, talk about biting the hand that kept your sorry asses out of Bankruptcy.

4.) Wall Street, bailed out too, they chose to appropriate the TAX PAYER bailout to give bonuses at the top...f*ck everyone else!

So where are the people? Where are the masses on this one? Watching television, voting on stupid shows? Playing video games? Farmville or other diversions? How long can this society stay so blissfully ignorant? Till our money is completely debased? Then will be too late!! We are the 99% of Americans Washington forgot in their quest for power and money...so are you, every political persuasion, every color, sexual orientation, religion or any other dividing line we choose to draw to keep us fighting while they run off with it all, we all lost, our dollar has been debased.




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[-] 4 points by OccupyLink (529) 12 years ago

What you say is correct. Now we have to do our research. Make sure it is perfect and accurate. Make it concise and then hit the authorities with it on a case by case basis. We in the Occupy Movement can do this. We don't need paid lawyers or paid investigative journalists. We have these people, both professional and amateur in our ranks who will do it for no payment, but for the 99%.

We have the will, the brainpower, the time, and most important of all, the persistence to bring these criminal people to account on an individual and highly personalised basis. There is no time left for diplomacy. We need to bring these crooks down the hard way. We want them to face the law. There must be no place on earth where they can hide. Whereever they go, there will be a local Occupy Movement tracking them, be it in New York, Chicago, Rio, Hong Kong, Cape Town, Vienna or Zurich. We have eyes everywhere, and more and more eyes each day.

[-] 2 points by sw33tLib3rty (6) 12 years ago

Amarillo, Tx. Downtown across from the Chase building...lol...hard to miss :) Private Property, Porta Potty, kitchen, and good people.

[-] 2 points by VERUM (108) 12 years ago

With Thanksgiving coming soon... I would like to thank YOU for your commitment to OWS!

"Change the world" !
