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Forum Post: Hypocrisy on THIS SITE

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 3:15 p.m. EST by d3athmarch (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So why is it I get booted and banned from the chat for stating my opinion on why we should be protesting our government instead of "Wall Street"? Why should police or anyone listen to you kids when you won't do the same? I really hope they start roughing you kids up, maybe it'll help you think straight..



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by JPB950 (2254) 12 years ago

Hypocrisy is everywhere, people get tied to a point of view and bend their own rules to win an argument. Don't feel too upset, no one really listens to an unsolicited opinion, they only try to score points to dominate and win the discussion.

[-] 3 points by JenLynn (692) 12 years ago

Have you noticed what happens to your comment when you get to -4 points? Only your name shows then, to read the comment people have to click on it. Sort of a passive-aggressive way to block you out.

[-] 2 points by Vooter (441) 12 years ago

For the 19,000th time: WALL STREET OWNS THE GOVERNMENT. Why is this so hard for so many of you to understand???

[-] 1 points by Businessman (34) 12 years ago

That's quite a statement; but it's wrong. Let me give you a hypothetical - A kid comes up to and says "I will pay you five dollars if you do my homework." You then take said five dollars and do the homework for him. He does not own you, it was a business transaction, albeit an unethical one but you get the jest. You did not have to take the five dollars but you did; same way the government doesn't have to take the money.. but they are. Protest government, not the banks.

[-] 2 points by DoveTJ (5) from Fayetteville, TN 12 years ago

hint, I can't feel sorry for you while you're wishing violence on me. troll harder next time.

[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 12 years ago

No but if you were about to experience violence you would probably experience a hefty amount of fear

[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 12 years ago

You can have pity for his ignorance and arrogance.

[-] 2 points by DoveTJ (5) from Fayetteville, TN 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by Saq (5) 12 years ago

Kids? I'm 49yr. Are you gonna card me forbuying beer next?

[-] 0 points by dannixreaper65 (-7) 12 years ago

join #occupywallst2 we look for ideas and ways to make ows stronger

[-] 1 points by mikeBnimble (0) from Raleigh, NC 12 years ago

Where do you get off? Wishing violence on people because they disagree with you or take offense at what you are saying! If you want to blame Washington, join the Tea Party. This group is called Occupy Wall Street. It is called that because we recognize the true seat of power in America! Blaming the Gov't is just blaming Wall Street through a middleman anyway.

[-] 1 points by Madrid (1) 12 years ago

"I hope they start roughing you kids up"? Classic. Just like you "roughed up" terrorists right? Just like you "roughed up" Iraq huh? Just like police in FUCKING POLICE STATES "rough up" their citizens? Just like you probably "rough up" your own children so that they "think straight". You conservative hack. You ignorant fool wishing violence on other people. I live in Madrid, Spain and protest the same corporate greed you say should be left unchecked. You want to know why these "kids" are protesting your beloved Wall Street instead of your government? Because this movement is global. It isn't about governance. It's about unchecked capitalism that allowed banks to loan mortgages to those that couldn't afford them, then develop complicated financial instruments to hide the bad assets, subsequently causing a GLOBAL financial crisis. Which really shouldn't be called a financial crises, because those in finance got bailed out and paid bonuses--no crisis for them. The unemployed, the elderly, the sick, and yes--students who you so easily write off as "kids" are the ones feeling impacts.

Oh but no, you're right. I feel really bad this forum is so hypocritical. They shouldn't boot people who wish violence on peaceful protestors who need to learn to "think straight".


[-] -1 points by workhardplayhard (33) 12 years ago

North Korea = police state. Are you comparing the US to North Korea?

[-] 1 points by Madrid (1) 12 years ago

North Korea = police state = "roughing kids up" = what you said should happen to the US protesters.

YOU compared the US to North Korea. Or rather, you advocated police brutality.

[-] 0 points by workhardplayhard (33) 12 years ago

clearly, being european means you have to be out of your mind

[-] 1 points by Madrid (1) 12 years ago

Clearly, you know nothing about being European. You also seem to know nothing about economics, history in general, the issues of your own country, or human rights. If I was that ignorant I would think other people were crazy too.

[-] 1 points by Idealistgurl (6) from New York, NY 12 years ago

We need proper representation in the senate. 2 senators for rhode island and 2 for huge states like NY and CAL? This is not democracy, we should determIne the amount of senate rep we get by population. Let's get rid of the electoral college as well, popular vote should determine the outcome of elections. How is it fair that NY has the same senate votes as tiny Nebraska?

[-] 0 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

That was debated long and hard when the constitution was written. The House of Representatives gives you representation based on population, the senate is two per state to prevent the small states feared a tyranny by the majority. Both houses are required to pass a bill before it's sent to the president (which the big states have a greater say in choosing). All sides agreed to this at the time and there is a method for amending it if you can get the support to change it.

[-] 1 points by Idealistgurl (6) from New York, NY 12 years ago

The constitution is 235 years old, I am aware of why we have 2 senators per state, but this system no longer works. Something must change. This is very clear today as we see huge demonstrations today.

[-] 1 points by MsStacy (1035) 12 years ago

Change won't just happen, you have to convince enough people to make it happen, movements for things like civil right, the environment, anti-war, all got good people elected to make changes. OWS has to keep working to expand. I'd like to see it get its own candidates for congress too. Todays demonstrations attracted thousands, but it's only a start, New York has a population of millions.

[-] 0 points by melbel61 (113) 12 years ago

you realize why the founding fathers gave each state two senators and then congressional representation based upon population? right, that was the compromise so that states like Rhode Island would have a voice in the senate and states like NY; CA, NJ, etc. would have a greater percentage of representation in the House. weren't you taught anything in school?

[-] 1 points by Idealistgurl (6) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Yes I am aware of WHY we have 2 senators per state, but as I pointed out above the constitution was written for a different time under different circumstances. I think it is time for serious changes if we are going to preserve this union because ATM it's not working, and anyone should be able to see that today with all the demonstrations happening along with the loss of the middle class. Do you think the founding fathers were gods and could have foreseen what would have become of their constitution? Do you really think they would be pleased?

[-] 0 points by melbel61 (113) 12 years ago

I think they are rolling over in their graves looking at the size and scope of the federal budget and the areas in which people somehow believe that the Federal Government should take care of you from the womb to the tomb. The federal government was supposed to be limited in scope, with states and local governments taking care of the more personalized needs of society, not the feds. Changing our constitution so that larger states would have more than two senators makes absolutely no sense...the problem is at the federal level. It will take years to wean the public off of the federal goodies, but it's time has come.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 12 years ago

If you think a protest like that will be effective, start one.

[-] -1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

OWS is not the 99% he can protest as he chooses. if you have a problem with free speech, find another country :)

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 12 years ago

Where in my reply does it indicate to you that I have a problem with free speech?

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

"If you think a protest like that will be effective, start one."

your reply here implies his position is not in line with the OWS position.

OP:"protesting our government instead of "Wall Street"

is a valid question since government is half of what is being protested. stop using the assumption bit to deflect. you aren't being as ambiguous as you think.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 12 years ago

Only in your mind did I imply any such thing.

Anyone is free to start any protest they like and call it an "occupation".

Instead of complaining on the internet, get out in the street.

Whining about "bans" is bullshit and so is your paranoia about "freedom of speech" being suppressed.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

i didn't say it was being suppressed. i questioned your statement implying his complaints were not valid in this movement. all your sideways talk and insults will not change reality.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 12 years ago

haha you didn't say it was being suppressed you implied it

See how that works?

Now stop trying to be a mind reader or at least go get some training:


[-] 0 points by infonomics (393) 12 years ago

Not About You But Nefarious Espionage:

Look, don't take it personally. OWS is being infiltrated by nefarious elements intent on destroying the movement. OWS must be vigilant, they must exercise the highest degree of caution. Please understand and may the force of liberty be with you.


[-] 0 points by dannixreaper65 (-7) 12 years ago

join #occupywallst2 we look for ideas and ways to make ows stronger you wont get banned uless youre an asshole

[-] 0 points by dannixreaper65 (-7) 12 years ago

join chat room #occupywallst2 you will not get banned as long as we talk about ways to fix and build up ows and ideas

[-] 0 points by nichole (525) 12 years ago

There are censorship decisions being made here that smack of some form of authoritarian leadership. Well, you may want to rethink this... here's something to consider... and so on. Any message will be deleted if it contradicts the views of the inner cadre that is running this board. Blasphemy is ok, because that is obvious. Introduce any sort of reason or ambiguity and you're a troll. Poof, gone!!!

[-] 0 points by dannixreaper65 (-7) 12 years ago

join #occupywallst2 its the best

[-] 0 points by hivemind (131) 12 years ago

How do you know you got booted and banned? Are you sure that your post didn't just get enough posts to get bumped up?

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

Hmmmm, strange. Did I see someone hurling an accusation at another for talking about the constitution, "Government lover!".------

American has not has a constitutional government for 140 years. Which is why all the problems. If Occupy was protesting against unconstitutional government, citing government crimes, while demanding an Article 5 convention, it would simply be the most legal thing on the continent, all of it. Talk about immunity.--

But noooo. Why?

[-] 0 points by owschico (295) 12 years ago

grammar check

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

"But noooo. Why?"

Grammer check?



[-] -1 points by Greenpeace (-4) 12 years ago

Any and all who read this. Take down this site by creating an account and violating the hell out of their "Rules"

Lisetening to Beck seems this bunch of anti-capitalist pigs is using the hell out of all the technology that capitolism has created for them

[-] -1 points by FiddleDeedee (23) 12 years ago

I'm not sure why you got booted, but you are right insofar as the protest would be more effective if it moved entirely to Washington. Imagine hundreds of people in tents sleeping on the White House lawn!

[-] 1 points by OLLAG (84) 12 years ago

Many politicians said this movement would never be successful (like the Tea Party) unless it takes over not sits at Wall Street.

[-] -2 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

The dems need a target and they certainly don't want it be themselves.

[-] -3 points by raines (699) 12 years ago

ows are terrorists.