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Forum Post: How we got here, to solve the problem of Public Corruption

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:23 a.m. EST by jimevanhoe (8)
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Public Corruption by Elected and other Public Officials is problem #1 Wall Street is problem #2 The absolute FACTS: In March of 2000, a friend Marcus Healey was working at the Headquarters of Merrill Lynch in San Diego, when he called me. He said all the top executives were out of their office talking and he had never before seen them do this, so I said what are they talking about, Marcus said he didn't know and I said go back up stairs and found out. About an hour later he called back and said they are watching Goldman-Sachs sell off their Tech Stocks, meaning the top executives were doing this, BUT telling via their marketing material & emails to their Mid to Small Investors to keep buying Tech.....that's Criminal Fraud ! WHY collapse the TECH MARKETS, a 17 trillion dollar segment of of the Global Economy and destroy millions of jobs and investors dollars? WHY? I took the time to look at who sat on their Board of Directors this would tell the story. On Goldman-Sachs Board sat: A rep from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, intel, GE and Oil................. Gates by destroying the TECH MARKET would then level the political playing field for "GW BUSH the BUSH FAMILY," with Bush in the SEC and the US Attorney General's Office would not break up Microsoft, that's right Goldman & Gates destroyed the US Economy for greed. It did level the political playing field for the BUSH FAMILY and GW. When GW Bush got in he """did stop the breakup of Microsoft""...AND he never investigated the Fraud on to Mid and Small Investors by Goldman-Sachs, Merrill Lynch started the same actions as soon as they saw Goldman-Sachs doing this they to did not inform Mid to Small cap investors..thats FRAUD and so did Bush Buddy .... Charles Schwab..... When GW Bush (= the Bush Family), got in as President, with Alan Greenspan's help with De-regulating the Financial System the gates of greed were OPEN ALL THE WAY....it gave complete notice that anything goes, greed, corruption, fraud, wars, torture. When the real estate boom continued into 2006 it had lasted going on 4 yrs.....every real estate boom starts to collapse in it's fourth year...this is an absolute...not maybe it is absolute. Yet Goldman-Sachs continued to bundle fraudulent loans calling them a positive good investment. Criminally dumping them on US Investors and the World, Pension Funds, everywhere....Remember they were also working at the same time with the criminal financier Paulson picking stocks that would fail. The SEC now under OBAMA, instead of putting Goldman-Sachs executives and Paulson in Prison for their deliberate Fraud ...OBAMA & the SEC only fined them....they claiming no wrong doing. When Bush put in at the Head of the SEC Harvey Pitt the doom for Americans was absolutely sealed, nothing was going to be protected. POINT HERE: Had my older brother. Michael P. Evanhoe's best friend and I am not kidding NANCY PELOSI, impeached GW Bush and Cheney, which she refused to do, most of this would have stopped long before October 2008. When Obama got in HE TO REFUSED to investigate BUSH & GOLDMAN-SACHS, that's because campaign documents show he took more than A MILLION DOLLARS from Goldman-Sachs, and is scheduled to pardon Bush & Cheney for their War Crimes, real crimes of killing over 600,000 Iraqis. Blair the former British Prime Mister is now living out side of Britain because their elected officials found he went to WAR FALSELY with Bush's WMD. Public Corruption of our government by the BUSH FAMILY and their cronies such as the Carlyle Group is HUGE, it is not only happening on Wall Street, but in our so called Justice System, our Educational System, the War on Drugs, So called Free Trade Agreements. The Bush Family, Nancy Pelosi, Goldman-Sachs, Obama, the corruption in the US Military Leadership, the FBI, and US Corporations....They are the Traitors ..... they are the Terrorists, they need to be Charged, Convicted and the Penalty of Absolute Treason applied.........Not Maybe 100% ..... it is time to move forward it is time to take back "Our Country" from the elitist criminals, elitist thugs, they are Traitors. JAMES P. EVANHOE



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[-] 1 points by fivetimesthefun (107) from Queens, NY 13 years ago
