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Forum Post: How we can turn the police and gain a large win in the occypation

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 8:45 p.m. EST by Jajjamen (9) from Mark, Västra Götalands Län
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The largest milestone in this must to have the police giving up? Without the police on their side they have nothing to hide behind and must face the facts.

So how to? There must be many among us that are friend with a police officer? Email/facebook/show them the ending of this video(or any other you find suiting) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyTGM4iCf08&feature=related

The police protects for example Bloombergs money and family more then they protect ours, they use police brutality against kids?

Turn the police and military PEOPLE, not their weapon or housings. Turn the people behind the uniform, the ones who is just like me and you, just like the rest 99%

We should focus on getting more people who is a little "higher" then middleclass, I am from Sweden but have friends in OC and they haven't even heard about this. Start spreading via school forums more, don't just focus on your own school, help unite the schools!

How can we turn the police to our side by showing them the reality?



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[-] 1 points by demcapitalist (977) 12 years ago

Explain to the police how the high speed computer trading practiced at investment banks is stealing from their 401k retirement accounts. Explain to them how the politicians who are funded by big business money have it in for public employees. Explain how all Americans are paying for wall street's 20 year gambling spree. This is my personal agenda for sure but spend some time learning the complexities of wall street's bad behavior so the you can explain it in everyday language to other people including the police.

[-] 1 points by Jajjamen (9) from Mark, Västra Götalands Län 12 years ago

I have been following this line of trail, the economics, oil, war etc. for many years. Not just this revolution in USA, I've followed every country that is at this moment doing kind of the same thing. Egypt, Italy, Greece etc. You are not alone and even if you don't know it the 99% are making protests all over the world but not by it's US name "99%". You are not alone in this, you are not even first. Italy's "dictator" just resigned, Greece has a total collapse and need help from every country in EU, even after the brutal protests... The government will not walk away. All because of the economic crysis and the weird ass economy system. What I have learned is that you need "your" people on your side, the people behind the uniforms. With those on your side, no one can stand in your way to get what you want and you want? Equality. Freedom and a working world? They will follow you on that one I guess, but we just need to get them to see this, one by one will not go so well since they might be scared to disobey an order but if we get them on our side faster will just prevent so much violence. So information is not needed to share more then what plans, what can we do to make them see what we see?.

[-] 1 points by flang23 (47) 12 years ago

How about actually talking to them. Not just once but multiple times over the course of months. Get to know them. Get to know your neighbors. This movement is a marathon, not a sprint.

[-] 1 points by Jajjamen (9) from Mark, Västra Götalands Län 12 years ago

Of course not, but why wait longer then needed? Do they have to arrest hundreds of people every day by force and the more they have to arrest the more force do they have to use since our number will be larger by every day. To get the police on our side fast will prevent so much and help so much.

[-] 0 points by Renaye (522) 12 years ago

POLICE And Military Are Waking Up!


[-] 0 points by mvjobless (370) 12 years ago

The police will cross over to the 99% when the numbers are there. It has to be hundreds of thousands, maybe millions and when they are outnumbered and exhausted from having to moniter it all that's when they will cross over.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 12 years ago

Perhaps we could try 1 - talking to the policemen's unions. 2 - talking to those cops who specialize in community relations.

I think perhaps an open letter to our policemen and policewomen in the papers or on the Internet would be a good way of reaching out to them.

[-] 1 points by Jajjamen (9) from Mark, Västra Götalands Län 12 years ago

Yes, I have thought about that too, but who would write such a letter? We are kind of already doing that by just spreading our message via videos and protests. That is kind of our open letter?

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 12 years ago

I was thinking more in terms of an open letter that would be addressed specifically to our policemen and policewomen, reminding them, for instance, that they ARE "PEACE officers" and that they are here to serve the 100%, NOT the 1%.