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Forum Post: How to get money out of politics

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 1:44 a.m. EST by MGwynn (8) from Schertz, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A friend and I were discussing how we could get all the kick-backs out of politics when it's our congress who introduce and vote bills into law. How could we get them to do such a thing? I said "We should have OWS push for a state by state referendum vote (by the people) to make accepting any financial recompense, gifts, campaign donations, etc., illegal for any sitting political officer". Having the issue introduced on a ballot in each state and then voted on by the people is the only way to get it accepted and adopted federally. What are the thoughts of the OWS organizers on this subject?



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[-] 1 points by divineright (664) 12 years ago

It needs to be illegal to move from political office into a lobbying organization. That scenario is just too inherently open to collusion.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

congress office staff are offered to work at x3 their pay rate by lobbyist

after they finis working for the congress person

[-] 1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

The government should be the only one paying for political campaigns with money collected through taxes. Any other type of funding should be strictly illegal. A mathematical formula should be devised for the allocation of campaign funds. Parties get more and more as they grow and prove themselves.

As a second measure to repulse even more corruption, people who own big businesses or have important shares in them should not be allowed to be politicians. Politicians should be well educated people: lawyers, scholars, etc...

There should be a group of people who work as watchdogs in the WhiteHouse. They should be regular citizens who do not know each other. They should change every 6 months or so. They are picked randomly throughout the country. Sort of like Jury duty. They get paid for this work, and can only refuse if they can show that it will harm their business or whatever else they have going for them in the long run. Employers have to re-hire them when they come back.

Politicians caught doing any type of corruption get punished severely. They must walk from South Florida to Seattle, take a boat, then walk from South Alaska to a Anchorage where they are given as gifts to the Russians. During the Walk of Shame, the corrupted politician is ridiculed by being tar and feathered and obliged to chant anti-corruption verses has the public wimps him with Halloween plastic whips.
