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Forum Post: How to fight Wall Street by leaving your bank, for the average human

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 12:50 p.m. EST by freedomtoast (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hi all,

I recently joined the forum and have been catching up with the discussions posted here. It's not that I just got behind this movement, however... I've been writing to expose what is going on for almost two years. I used to be a banker, so I have an understanding of finance and it's inner workings.

Yesterday was "Leave your bank day". I'm currently in Seattle, and I didn't see many people lining up at bank branches. And when people have, in the past, the police and banks turned them away, arguing that they will not allow protesters on their grounds.

Well there are much more effective ways to Occupy Wall Street than to walk into a branch with placards and demand to have your account closed. I wrote a detailed post on my blog about what you can do to manage your money, from bank account to retirement savings, while taking it away from the hands of "Wall Street" . Some of us still have jobs and are still earning a living, and I want to empower them with means to control their lives and save what's left of it from Wall Street, for to good of us all.

I respectfully invite you to read up on this, if you are interested, and would really appreciate your feedback!!!


Disclaimer to the mods: I read the forum rules, and am posting my own work which is completely, utterly relevant to OWS. If you feel differently, I ask that you notify me rather than ban me outright, because I want to take part in these discussions.



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