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Forum Post: How to deal with Police

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 7 p.m. EST by amartinbishop (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I think the best way to deal with Police is to convince them to JOIN OWS.

For example, OWS should hold signs and protest for "Do not steal Police Pensions" "99% for Police Fair Pay" "99% against Police Pension fund theft" I am sure you can get creative with ideas.

Then when protesting you tell the cops you are there for them.

Given this, what cop would pepper spray, or baton someone fighting for their cause. Then Simply bring in other groups, such as Fire Department and fight for there cause along with your own cause.

If the POLICE are on your Side the other side will LOOSE.

Bring the cops to your side. Protest for Cops Rights. Find other cops to protest with you in uniform, holding signs and protests for cops rights.

Look to 911 first responders to help. I am sure they will be there along with OWS to protest if they see how they are the 99% as well.

Get cops on your side. Fight for their cause.



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[-] 3 points by Outlier (115) 13 years ago

Approach their unions and associations.

[-] 2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

we show support with ribbons for a lot of things. how about getting protesters to use blue ribbons to show support for the police. they have to look at those ribbons every time they are given an order.

[-] 1 points by civilmack (4) 13 years ago

I've seen the inner workings of employee unions. Contact their officials... these policemen/women don't like being hated just as much as we don't like a baton in the belly. Develop a Grover Norquist style pledge to refuse forceful actions against peaceful public protests... have union leaders sign it and hold their members accountable. Everyone's pensions, benefits, pay, and general well-being are on the line.

[-] 1 points by shill (60) 13 years ago

Bring flowers you hand one to a cop and it confuses them. I pray that no state brings in theNational Gruad. Things can get really worse.

[-] 1 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

You could wear a rosary.

Nobody is going to attack someone who they think is religious.

[-] 1 points by amartinbishop (2) 13 years ago

Look, think about it. If you are bringing the Cops to the realisation that you are fighting for them, why would they beat the shit out of someone holding a sign that says "Police are the 99%. We stand for You!"

If they did, well that is fucked up beyond my advice

[-] 1 points by amartinbishop (2) 13 years ago

Look I agree with everyone about the cops stepping over the line. However if you get the cops to feel the same way and realize you are fighting for them as well as everyone else. Maybe, just maybe they will not be so brutal and maybe they will even join the cause.

I really think this is something people should consider. Think about it. What stands between OWS and any change..... the cops. Get the cops on your side and nobody can stand in your way. How do you get the cops on your side. Get them to JOIN YOU

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Let's try donuts people..lot's and lots of donuts, cream and calorie ladden; this way they'll be to fat to beat us; and too short of breath to try.

[-] 1 points by kurisC (9) 13 years ago

I dont think that the United States government really cares about our consitutonal rights, as long as they line thier pockets and maintain power they dont care. If they feel their power threatened they will limit our rights, good examples of this are: The bonus Marchers during the great depression, the WWI veterans were promised a pention for their services in the war in the 1940's, well the depression hit and 15,000 veterans went to the capital where they camped around the capital building, and petitioned to abtain their pentions early so they could survive and feed their families. The police were sent in to clear them out, but the police paniced and fired into the crowed and killed 2 vets, Then the Goventment sent in the military to force the protesters from Washington D.C; Another example is the espionage act created during WWI which stated that anyone who says anything negitive about the Govenment will be placed in prision.(which doesnt exist anymore, i was making the point)

[-] 1 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

"Given this, what cop would pepper spray, or baton someone fighting for their cause."

Are you serious? LOL! The cops don't give a shit. Most of them are bullies who hide behind a badge and a gun, and who enjoy pushing people around or, worse, hurting them. They're cops because they usually can't do much else. Fuck them--actions speak a lot louder than words...

[-] 1 points by Businessman (34) 13 years ago

You're an asshat. Get out of my country please, and never come back.

[-] 1 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

Sorry, it's my country too, loser--I just happen to give a bigger shit about it than you do. Now go watch TV...

[-] 1 points by Businessman (34) 13 years ago

It might be your country but you don't belong in it. Although you sure do act like a typical American teenager, assuming you know what kind of person I am by telling me to go watch TV. And you also assume you care more. I'll make an assumption of my own; you are a punk who doesn't know anything about law enforcement and has no room to speak.

[-] 1 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

"It might be your country but you don't belong in it"

LOL...so you're the bouncer now at the red, white and blue velvet rope? I think you're going to be surprised at how many people detest your little club, and by extension, YOU. But just keep on guardin' the door, you paranoid nitwit. And as far as the police are concerned, my original post stands: Law enforcement is as law enforcement does....

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

In northeast, we should encourage all Irish-Catholics (like myself) to join the Ancient Order of Hibernians and attend their meetings.


At the meetings, we should encourage they invoke Rerum Novarum as justification for all officers to abstain from cracking down on protesters as it conflicts with Catholic doctrine of social justice.


[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

They will divide their own. There will simply be more beatings, macing and eventually fatalities, but they will divide. Or we all will fall.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Police and military go through some type of heavy indoctrination, which becomes the controlling point when they are in the street. It becomes it's us against them, and we must obey orders; the constitution, truth, justice goes out the window. While I wouldn't protest for cops rights, because they're so often wrong; and believe they're above the law; I would urge OWS to have a dedicated stream for police, even hire psychologists and therapists to work with the police and protestors to break throught the indoctrination and mind control. So deeply do I believe in this therapuetic approach; that I would contribute monetarily to implementing it.

[-] 2 points by texantyrant (14) from Air Force Academy, CO 13 years ago

Do tell, what indoctrination do you think I've been put through? Pointlessly picking fights with the military won't help in the slightest. I for one support OWS, there's no need to demonize me. (admittedly, still just an Air Force Academy cadet, but still)

[-] 2 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

How and why did this become about you ? Further where did I pick a fight with the military, or demonize you? You need to calm down, until you can reason vs feel...or just grow up. On your own, I suggest you study indoctrination, and mind control before you react without thought. THERE IS a process of heavy indoctrination that both police and military are put through, regardless of whether you personally are aware of it or not. My statement was an empathetic one, recognizing this process, and suggesting a therapuetic action, which might help. Generally when someone suggests therapuetic actions it's not picking fights, or demonizing; especially when they care enought to monetarily contribute .

Picking a fight would be if I called the police cowardly sociopathic pigs; or repeated Kissenger's statement: Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as "dumb, stupid animals to be used" as pawns for foreign policy. Instead all I did was suggest therapuetic interventions with trained proffesionals.

[-] 1 points by texantyrant (14) from Air Force Academy, CO 13 years ago

I'm in the military, and you made a sweeping claim that the 'military go through some type of heavy indoctrination.' This claims I've been indoctrinated, heavily at that. Admittedly I did overreact to this, for which I apologize. I would still like a more explicit statement concerning how exactly you think I and my fellows have been indoctrinated.

[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

http://www.amazon.com/Political-Indoctrination-Vietnam-Studies-Military/dp/080321734X https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Indoctrination http://www.counterpunch.org/2004/07/13/the-bedrock-of-marine-corps-indoctrination http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=20910 http://irregulartimes.com/index.php/archives/2005/11/28/naked-soldiers-fighting/ Air Force Special Tactics Center - Special Tactics Training Indoctrination Course, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas This 10-week Indoctrination Course recruits, selects and trains future PJs through extensive physical ...


[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

The first thing is to stop comparing them with the military in Egypt and Tiananman Tanks. We have to re-contextualize Occupy as an American protest, and not a comparison to X number of protests around the world in different socio/political contexts than America.


[-] -1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

while this sounds good its quite a bit more complicated and more difficult than you make it sound. Signs are not going to break through years of indoctrination and programming. The best actual tactic is to call the cops crooks and pigs, make the case that they are, and THEN invite them to STOP being evil.

Yes, thats harsh. No, its not effective to try to bring them over to our side with peace, love, and ice cream.









[-] 3 points by texantyrant (14) from Air Force Academy, CO 13 years ago

Yes, insulting them will bring them over to our side. You should know better than that. They've been told we hate cops. Show them we don't.

[-] -1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i do. with good reason. And I'm going to take that all the way to protesting in front of the pig shop and letting them know i know they are crooked. You can't fight this kind of evil with smiles and apple pie, you have to get under their skin and call the demons out as demons. If thats not a pretty game to you, welcome to the adult complexities of life.

I'm not talking about insulting them. I'm talking about telling the truth about how evil and crooked they are. there is a difference. Insults, by their nature, aren't true or relevant.

[-] 2 points by texantyrant (14) from Air Force Academy, CO 13 years ago

Telling someone to their face that they're evil and crooked isn't an insult? Fighting fire with fire only causes a bigger fire. Look, most policemen join because they do actually want to serve and protect, but they have a job to keep to. They themselves are not evil, as evidenced by the cops in Albany etc who refused to arrest protesters.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

no, its not an insult when it is the factual and contextual truth. they may join with the best of intentions, but what they DO is invariably evil bastard grunt work. They themselves ARE evil or they would QUIT. The ones who refused to arrest protesters are the exact true example. they prove their actual integrity by doing what is RIGHT instead of what is ORDERED. Any action that is objectively evil is the fault of firstly the person who takes that action. Being told to take such an action does not excuse culpability. A hit man isn't off the hook for murder just because his own life is threatened by the mob should he fail to make the hit, hes not off the hook for only acting under orders. Quit trying to excuse the inexcusable. When evil scum pigs beat people, lie to them, defraud the public over illegal laws, and etc, they are CHOOSING to take EVIL actions. Period. If they had integrity they would be forced to check it at the locker when they put on a badge. There is no such thing as a "good" police officer in a systemically corrupt and fascist system.

Calling a thief a thief is not an insult. Calling somebody who is not a thief a thief is an insult. Somehow there is a double standard that happens just because these things happen under color of law. The reverse should be true. Committing 2 or 5 felonies under color of law to enforce infractions and misdemeanors makes them nothing but evil crooks. period.

Its high time to stand up to them and quit kissing their fascist panties.