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Forum Post: How to Capture a Monkey With A shiny Object

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 9:59 a.m. EST by reality101 (61) from Bradenton, FL
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Corporations are placing shiny objects infront of us all in the hopes of distracting us so they can capture us un aware.

Somehow the 99% must get the word to the masses to let go of the shiny worthless objects and back to The Democracy of the Founding Fathers.

Corporations are not People. Most corporations lack any sort of compassion and justify their GREED as looking out for their shareholders. Drugs that do more harm then good. Self serving studies that are manipulated to obtain the desired results. The acceptance of Human Deaths as OK if its cheaper then fixing the problem.

Politicians today are placing Shiny Corporate Objects Before us. They were the First monkeys caught by the corporations. These politicians have now been trained by the corporations to place the shiny objects in front of us. Do not be fooled educate your friends.

The Shiny Object in the Coconut Shell cost the monkey his life and freedom. Don't let Corporations take away our Democracy with Empty Promises and lies spouted out by the politicians who have been captured and corrupted by the shiny objects.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by reality101 (61) from Bradenton, FL 12 years ago

Social Security is not shiny nor is Medicare.

In addition I paid for them thru my own labor with taxes. It's funny how politicains want to privatize these things so they are free from over sight.

The redistribution of wealth is not what many politicians would have you believe from the rich to the poor but the other way around. The rich get richer and the poor are poorer.

I agree "FREE" gets votes the problem is there is NO FREE LUNCH. Politicians use this as a shiney object

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Unfortunately your generation also elected nothing but criminals to represent them.

Democracy can be a real bitch. Sorry, but there will be no SS for you.

[-] 1 points by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ 12 years ago

Rich people aren't rich because poor people are poor. total fallacy. Soc Sec & medicare should be optional. Not forced. How can this be a free country if there is force being used on us? soc sec is not for your benefit but the politicians. Creating dependency for your vote. if it were an option it could operate like any other insurance product.

[-] 1 points by reality101 (61) from Bradenton, FL 12 years ago

There are problems with "Social Security" being operated as a "Private" Insurance Product.

Anyone who remembers Huricane KATRINA and Fate Farm is aware of this. Private Insurace companies hired insurance adjusters to "ADJUST" bennefits for the benneifit of the corporation. The home owners were offered 12 cents on the dollar for their claims. These poor had no resources to go against the Big Corporation. The State Attorney finally got some results.

Thank GOD the State Attorney had not been corrupted by the Corporations.

I wish I could say the same about our Supreme Court.

[-] 1 points by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ 12 years ago

competition solves that problem. give me a specific case. I am surprised people were even able to get insurance in that flood zone. I am surprised "poor" people had flood insurance since they were "poor" I need some more specifics on your assertions.

[-] 1 points by reality101 (61) from Bradenton, FL 12 years ago

The State was Luisiana. The people were "POOR" because they lost everything. The hurricane destroyed the small businesses so there were no jobs to go to. You can Google it on line for all the fine details. This is fact not an assertion.

The Insurance Industry is not competative and lobby Government for favorable rule. Increased premiums on home owners insurance are another reason for BANK FORCLOSURES. This also is fact and there have been demonstrations against "Citizens"here in Florida. Insurance Premiums are set by Government hence the special interest lobbyist.

[-] 1 points by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ 12 years ago

you hit the nail on the head - there is no competition - insurance premiums are set by the government. and you wonder why insurance is so expensive lol!

[-] 1 points by reality101 (61) from Bradenton, FL 12 years ago

Some of the little things the general public does not know about insurance. Insurance is like a politician. The industry likes to create the illusion of coverage.

Read the fine print. Suppose you have a leak in your roof and there is water dammage. Should be covered under home owners insurance . The insurance company will spin it. Lack of maintenance sorry, If it was caused by a hurricane or wind and you do not have a policy specifically for that -guess what sorry. Oh and they just forgot to tell you that the deductible was raised to 10% of the house value. Your house is not covered because it is under insured. You are not covered because you are over insured.

Private Insurance is a shell game. Check the vin# of the car and your insurance polcy. One typo on the policy-sorry no coverage--Happened to a friend how paid the same company for 10 years.

Insurance to cover buildings. A Condo associations here in Sarasota, Florida paid the premiums for over 30 years.. When a claim was filed-- Latent Defect- durring construction over 30 years before the insurance was in place- no covered-sorry. The sorry part -the condo owners now elderly and retired do not have the resources to fix the problem. The counted on the insurance as a safety net. They are now homeless.

Social Security is one of the few "insurance" products that is not a Shell Game. But there is a lot of money in the pot and efforts to "ROB" Social Security pot will continue

[-] 0 points by aries (463) from Nutley, NJ 12 years ago

I would argue the government is placing shiny objects in front of us like Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare etc. free stuff in exchange for dependency is the most certain way to get votes.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago

Free stuff . . .

You fuckin repelicans are all alike.

The Private Sector has utterly failed at containing health care costs. They gouge us with every single quarter.

As the nation bickers over who will bear that 20% annual increase in the cost of health care - repelicans would strip us of our right to collective bargaining . . .

free stuff . . .