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Forum Post: How to Build a Stable System?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 11:53 a.m. EST by JohnWatson (250) from Nürnberg, BY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If you don't know why we urgently need a new system first take a look here:


We all know how the global system shouldn't work. But how should it work to fit the special interests of every single person in the world?

The stablest system I have ever seen is not found in the universe it is the universe itself.

It keeps running longer than all systems we know and there still is no definitive end in sight. And it evolved by very primitive principles and rules which are easy to understand even if you are not a professional physicist. But even the best physicist doesn't know why it is there and how it works in general. And maybe we will never know this but it is there and it seems to work perfecly. It even managed to evolve a sort of artificial intelligence called the human beeing.

So I think we should take the universe as a blueprint for our own stable system which we are about to build.



The first easy principle should be: BE NICE TO EACH OTHER!

The second one: LET THE PEOPLE GO!

We are all brothers and sisters just trying to get along somehow. If you disagree in one point try to argue without beeing insulting. If you can't get together ask someone trustworthy (for both parties) if he can act as a mediator and help finding a common sense. If there is no way in getting to a common sense, go different ways. Maybe both of you are right or wrong in your beliefs. Only time will tell. But the world is big enough for all of you to find people with similar beliefs.

Over the time there will evolve community systems all over the world. They will include smaller community systems including smaller community systems (and so on to the smallest community system, which would be you) which are interacting together and where people with similar beliefs and needs are living together and respecting each other. So there would be no need anymore for borders and wars against each other. If you don't like your system go and find another one or build one by yourself. We have a global network and it should be easy to find a nice place which fits your needs, even if it is on the other side of the world.

Then we would have no need for leaders, police and judges because the local systems would serve as supervision for the including systems. And this supervision would be no problem if the people who supervise you are people you trust. It would be like family and friends keeping an eye on you.

And the people in one system shall be free to establish for their including systems whatever they like as long as they all agree and don't bother outside systems with their BS.

This will be real democracy. If you want to live in a police state you are free to build one for you. But if anyone decides to leave, you better let him go or else the rest of the world would get you down.

And the best thing is, we can start immediatly without having to wait for the others which are still trying to ride a dead horse.




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[-] 3 points by AnonymousOccupySolutions (37) 13 years ago

Thought you might find this interesting: "How do you Build a More Ethical Society?" http://www.unitinghumans.com/2011/08/how-do-you-build-more-ethical-society.html

[-] 1 points by JohnWatson (250) from Nürnberg, BY 13 years ago

Thank you for the link.

According to 'Eigentumsökonomik' ('Property Economics') by Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger there are currently three social/economical systems known to mankind. The first one is a tribalistic society the second a feudalistic/socialistic one which both have no property rights but only possesions which are respected and distributed by the community or a leader but are very slow in evolving new technologies. But they have a good social net so everybody is beeing taken care of.

The third one is the system based on property rights which we see doesn't work forever but is quick in evolving new inventions to make life easier. But the way weaker persons are treated is very unsocial.

And the Venus Project seems to have the power of connecting the benefits of all three systems into one:

We can have a 'king' (the internet) who keeps track of our needs and distributes the resources and if we don't think he serves us well, we can easily reprogram 'him'. And the machines will be our villeins so we can all be upper class and think about making our life more comfortable.

[-] 2 points by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ 13 years ago

Ah, yes; be nice to each other. If we could do this, without limits, all the rest would fall into place. I do believe we are all at the end of an old era and the beginning of a new one -- difficult, scary, messy and very, very exciting. When I first heard about the Venus Project and Zeitgeist, my thought was, "Now we have the ability to live up to our ideals, where money is not needed because all the basic necessities will be provided comfortably for everyone, leaving us to become the best person we know how to be. One of Star Trek TNG episodes predicted this future. Of course, Roddenberry also had the Ferengi, who would make very good right wing conservatives today.