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Forum Post: How Class Works

Posted 11 years ago on Nov. 11, 2012, 11:43 a.m. EST by struggleforfreedom80 (6584)
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[-] 0 points by Shayneh (-482) 11 years ago

So, if you are not satisfied with working for someone else you have two choices - either start your own businesses and figure out how to make income from doing it or go go buy some land, grow your own crops, farm animals, build your shelter from logs, etc.

Are you willing to to that and if not why?

Seems everyone thinks that owning a business is a "piece of cake". Well it isn't. And for those of you who resent businessness you have never been involved in either managing or owning a business of your own - let alone investing to start one.

[-] 2 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 11 years ago

“So, if you are not satisfied with working for someone else you have two choices - either start your own businesses and figure out how to make income from doing it or go buy some land”

First of all: in order to start a business in a capitalist society, you very often need capital – preferably a lot of capital – in order for it to have a realistic chance of being successful. So that means that, yes, if you’re rich and wealthy it is relatively easy to create “your own business” in a capitalist economy. On the other hand, if you’re poor or an “average Joe” however, the chances of succeeding are not very high.

One’s access to resources is vital in terms of the actualchoices and freedoms you have in this type of economy. The more wealth and recourses you have, the more power, choices and freedom you have, including in regards to creating your own business.

Secondly: ”Why don’t you just quit/move” etc is a horrible argument. I don’t have to exemplify that, do I?

“grow your own crops, farm animals, build your shelter from logs, etc.”

I just told you in another tread that starting cooperatives, anarchist communes etc is great, but the economy is all-encompassing. A co-op here and there does not change the fact that wealth and power is highly concentrated on a small powerful elite. The whole economic system must be abolished and replaced by democracy. Capitalism is tyranny - tyranny is intolerable.

“And for those of you who resent businesses you have never been involved in either managing or owning a business of your own - let alone investing to start one.”

I am against how businesses are being run and controlled. The economic institutions must be run and controlled democratically by the workforce and the communities.