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Forum Post: How are you keeping track of #OWS?

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 2:38 p.m. EST by bugsy57 (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Share your thoughts on the use of social media to ensure that proper coverage is being shed on the Occupy movement...it was a different scene last night when I went down to Zuccotti, but what hasn't changed is the passion and the voices that are still being heard....share your thoughts on social media..




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[-] 1 points by bugsy57 (4) 12 years ago

@Biker..how do you feel #OWS fail?

[-] 0 points by Biker (-5) 12 years ago

No more chance. We are losers. OWS failed traumatically and never more come back.

[-] 2 points by lookingfortruth88 (75) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

you were never part of the movement and are only here to discourage more people.

[-] 0 points by Biker (-5) 12 years ago

Maybe you. I am in deep sadness due to this big loss. Our dream gone in the wind.

[-] 2 points by lookingfortruth88 (75) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

how so? be very specific because I have been following this movement since day 1 and I haven't seen anything change for the worse.