Forum Post: How about we start encouraging visionaries and stop funding speculator, this is not the capitalism I signed for
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 5:37 p.m. EST by delangelo
from Verdun, QC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Lest Play By Their Own Rules
I Will Put This Short And Sweet
Lest encourage people that have ideas to change the world for the best and mostly create jobs AND let’s stop the Transfer of wealth happening right now with insurance corporation and depository banks.
I have nothing against commercial banks but if they want to speculate then they should do it with their own capital that’s fine.
Whatever companies that do not create value o the country and the people but the only role they play is merely to reallocate resources from the poor to the rich, because those ones are the only one that can afford to invest in those corporations, Should be either MUTUALIZED or NATIONALIZED.
There is a great deal of common sense in all this and the right as much as the left should agree on this point. If u don’t contribute to the wealth of the nation then u have no reason to be a for profit organization.
STOP the transfer of wealth from poor people to rich people. If this kind of investment (depository banking and Insurance) is no longer available for rich people then they might think of investing in the real economy and not just merely speculate. This will help create jobs and enhance creativity by creating new opportunities for ideas that are out there but can’t find enough funding.
Lest play by their rules and ask for the game to be fair if they want to get rich they should not do it over poor people but by creating wealth by investing in new and creative ideas and not just ripping off poor and middle class people.
All comments are accepted and appreciated but no personal attacked will be read or taken into account!
Stop the left right speech that’s outdated and let just face that this is not capitalism. This is some distorted system where the rich just by doing nothing will always remain rich and the poor and middle class people will struggle pay check to pay check
How about we guarantee each and every one the chance and opportunity to be happy isn’t that in the USA constitution? Call me anti American but what I am saying is just common sense.