Forum Post: "Homeowners" do not own homes. Not anymore at least.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 5, 2011, 8:10 p.m. EST by Jackofhearts
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Jefferson's idea of property was allodial, no one had any claim to it but you.
Today, we at best rent our property from the government with heavy restrictions.
Tenant titles which resulted from the act of 1871 made all US land, property of the King of England. Taxation of any basic requirement of life including but not limited to land, water, food, and air are slavery. You cannot fly so your feet must be on the ground, cannot live without eating and drinking so must have food and water. Cannot breath under the ocean so need air. These should never be taxed. The act of 1871 also killed our constitution look it up on your own.
We don't ' own' anything. Eminent Domain has been around as long as I can remember but it's become a huge issue in recent years because so many have lost their land, farms and homes to the government. I've had two dear friends whose families had large farms in VA. Both of them lost their farms to the State. Well, not the entire farm but how can one farm with an interstate running through the middle of it? They were paid pennies on the dollar for their land. One of the men sued the state and it took several years to battle and he basically lost the battle. They gave him a penny more than they originally offered him. We don't own anything and we really are not as free as people would like to believe. We are beholden slaves to government and corporations and any circumstance that they create for us. The wealthier folks can hoe the row more easily but even so they are also getting screwed. BTW, did you know that even your vegetable garden is owned by the government? In the event of a national catastrophe, they can come in and take ALL your food from your garden and they will probably tax you as well. ...AND, if they find that anything in your garden grew from a patented seed from Monsanto they can fine you and jail you. Many farmers have lost everything because a corn seed from a Monsanto field blew into their field.
A land grab conspiracy seems to have occurred in cotton country in the eighties. A retired farmer explained: The University "experts" and farm journals advised farmers to invest in expensive new irrigation equipment, wells, and modern tractors, etc., the banks agreed and encouraged the loans, value of farm land somehow decreased, and the banks required immediate collateral or cash to continue the loans. Unfortunately many farmers were forced to sell farm land, (before the land value rose back up), to comply. Corporations bought, as did overseas investors. The only good thing was that laws were passed limiting non USA citizens buying land. I'm betting someone is still working on schemes to pry the titles of farm and all other land, out of the powerless' hands. Monsanto Die-IT.
This was years ago, shortly after i was born...
My family owned over 4,000 acres in the Everglades but the government flat out took it from us then immediately sold the land to an oil company. A few years later the land was incorporated into the Everglades national park... I guess no Oil was found.
( Side note) This land was bought for a couple $100 in the late 30's. So don't go thinking I'm rich or anything. =)
The government should take most land BACK from people who never 'owned' it anyway. Here in FL and MOST OTHER PLACES, small towns were literally started by ONE MAN who laid CLAIM TO LAND, - ALL THIS LAND is still 'owned' today. You see ads for it - $39,900/acre!! FO SALE! etc etc. Land that was NEVER built on or set foot on OR paid for by the original owners. It ALL needs to be taken back and sold for a VERY VERY VERY low amount to people who will actually live there or be held until its needed.
Read the story about the Wetzels: I first heard about this on NPR one morning in 07. The Wetzels, an elderly couple in Illinois, were using the oil from their local KFC or other fast food place to make enough fuel for their tractor when the feds came and arrested them. It's much easier and safer to be a wasteful gluttonous consumer because the gov't encourages that ( for their own benefit/revenue). The government discourages people from being self reliant and resourceful because of course, that might negatively affect corp sales and tax revenue. People who shop at Walmart are considered patriots and those who attempt to recycle and reuse are considered pot smoking poetry writers and tree hugging traitors and anarchists. Technically, any of us who create a product for personal use out of any other product could be held liable for back taxes and worse.
good points about the government pushing spending--isn't the "housing rush" prompted in large part by gov't tax incentives and programs like Fannie Mae, exactly why the country is wrecked?? "I am from the government and I'm here to help" are very frightening words indeed. Next stop: college bubble (sallie mae).
With a bit of legal know how and a lot of want to, one can still pull a land patent, in most states, and even Texas has provisions to allowing one to file for, and receive an allodial title. Nevada ceased in 2005.
Check out Mexico and Cuba's ownership rights and you will run whimpering with your tail between your legs.
The most unconstitutional Supreme Court decision involved property rights.
Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States involving the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one private owner to another to further economic development. The case arose from the condemnation by New London, Connecticut, of privately owned real property so that it could be used as part of a comprehensive redevelopment plan which promised 3,169 new jobs and $1.2 million a year in tax revenues.
They actually took property from a home owner and gave it to a developer!
Sounds exactly like what Walmart does
Not even if you pay cash for your house?
You don't own anything!!! We've all been duped into believing that we own something when actually, you're just maintaining the land and other property and paying them to do so until the gov't, military or some other large corp OR Walmart decides that they want it, " need" it. If we end up in a civil war, God forbid, you're property becomes their property. You would be sickened by the number of uprooted and displaced families in this country due to eminent domain. In many cases, the land belonged to people whose only trade for many generations was to farm and now they have no source of income and were not even given the option of being able to sell their land at it's current value. The gov't always has the right to take your property for public use. Granted, they will pay you a small sum for it but it's such a small amount that many end up bankrupt. Ironically, these folks paid property taxes on the highest value of the property for years and yet get nothing in return. I've come to realize that the " American Dream" is just an illusion. Oh and by the way, you cannot even choose to not have electricity or other public utilities. Let's say that you were a naturalist who wanted to live off the land and use candles and firewood for lighting and heating. They can arrest you for that because they say it's against health codes. I pay 10 dollars a month just to have a natural gas line coming into my house and yet, I do not use it! If I don't pay my electric bill, they have no problem cutting it off ( even in the middle of the winter -and keeping it off until I pay my bill but I can't elect to turn it off.
I don't agree that it happened in 1871, not with any teeth, however, by the time FDR made the big bankruptcy official, it was a done deal. All public lands were first made as collateral, then all private lands as well as any property which has a "title", manufacturer's statement of origin, etc.
The people being signed away as collateral came afterwards.
Have you never owned real property?
I own commercial properties, taxed at double the residential rates. All paid for free and clear.
I have no children and when I have had them, they were home schooled.
I really object to attempts to tax my properties the same as those who have children, especially when I'm very well aware how offensive the public education system has been for many years now.
Offensive in what way?
Are you serious?
I'm a high schooler and I don't really see it as offensive. Please explain.
And for good measure, what changes in the education system, as well as on parenting, did the United Kingdom's Social Security Administration Act of 1992, have on the people of the United States?
Well that explains quite a bit.
How about you do some research on the following:
1)Outcome based education 2)No Child Left Behind 3)What stopped being taught at the point in time when the federal government became the self-appointed over-seers and dictators over all 50 states education systems. 4)What changes happened in the late 1950's with regard to education in the US.
Then we'll discuss this further, if you remain so inclined.
Well said Frog. I don't have children but I have taught HS before. If I did have kids, they would never see a public government school. The USA ranks pretty low on education standards and good outcomes. I'm not surprised though. Our classrooms have been turned into ' for-profit' factories as well ( based on SOL outcomes) and the SOL amounts to nothing more than providing rote learning without any analytical problem solving skills and creative thinking. The no child left behind amounted to nothing more than dumbing them down with medications so that fewer teachers could handle larger classrooms. The arts and sciences have been obliterated in lieu of competitive sports which supports a very aggressive, violent, competitive mindset which works well in a dog eat dog world economy.
Agreed and likely even on many points you haven't made, and likely would as well.
It is interesting that the profession has one of the highest suicide rates of any white collar job. It's seldom discussed in the media.
I'm friends with many of my elementary, and later, teachers as well as several others. In light of all that has been done, it's ridiculous that any state requires even an Associates Degree to teach a federally controlled classroom.
Also interesting is the vulgar amount of paperwork and documentation required to fail, even a psychopath, who demonstrates extremely poor socialization skills which manifests in violence towards others. Add in that any student not making the grade, results in poor ratings for the teacher, as opposed to the failing parents, who may or may not, should have ever procreated.
After all, the 1992 deal resulted in all children being wards of the state, upon birth, with the biological units only having the privilege of custodial guardianship.
It's pleasant to actually converse with a sensible adult on this subject.
You would probably like 'Charlotte Iserbyt" on youtube. Explains what the NWO is doing with the education system.
I read a book in 1992 titled Behold A Pale Horse. 20 years ago things were not so convoluted and it is interesting as none of the players have changed and the basic institutions are still in place. Now the level of technology and amount of highly complex laws existing which make unraveling the proverbial ball of yarn, more difficult in most ways. However, it still boils down to the same plan/
I'll check out the vids, I'm reasonably sure I'm enlightened above average on the subject, but, I always manage to learn something.
Gosh, you sound so much like me that I was laughing ( a nice alternative to my usual sobbing:D ) I quit teaching after one semester ( back in the eighties) and decided that if I was ever going to teach again it would be in museum education. I was a science/chem/bio teacher. I would come home every day with the spins and so nauseated that you would have thought I had been drinking all day. I love teaching - just not in the public school system. Every so often I teach math phobics in the elementary schools. I was a math phobic too so I understand how their brain is wired. Children who do not excel in a subject are usually not " stupid" and in many cases, they are the brighter students who simply don't respond in a one size fits all dummies method of teaching. Oh and the ADHD issue...that's one topic that enrages me and have you heard about the most recent guidelines for ADHD? I recently heard that the German gov't is in panic mode because German women are refusing to make babies. I also heard that the birth rate is at the all time low in America ( which may actually indicate that there are more intelligent folks out there than I imagined..hahahha). The problem is that those who would make wonderful parents and providers are not the ones making babies. There seems to be an epidemic " trend" ( I hate that word) of HS pregnancies- glorified on TV as well. I went back to work at an ivy league college as a researcher a couple of years ago and wowee was that ever a shock. The students were the best and brightest in our nation and yet, they were truly so stupid in so many ways. They were not logical at all and very short-sighted. These are our scientists today. One of my interns told me that she never microwaved any of her food except baked potatoes. When I asked her why she was microwaving the potatoes she just looked at me completely dumbfounded. So, I asked her again. Finally, she chirped, " Well, because that's what my mom told me to do". Then her face turned completely red upon realizing how stupid that sounded. Had she not considered that potatoes are food too until that moment? I have friends in other countries who have said they would never move here or allow their children to grow up here due to the violence. America is an extremely violent country and we pride ourselves on that so it seems. Bullying is rampant. The workforce is full of narcissistic sociopaths who bully and it's become such a problem that corps are providing seminars on how to deal with bullies. Why not just fire the bully and create a happier and more productive work environment? Ah, but the reality is that the bully is perceived as the most successful employee. Classroom bullies are often the teacher's pet because they make teachers appear more successful too.
Remember when Michael Vick was returning to football? Every single person interviewed by a news commentator responded with, ' I don't care what he's done as long as he scores for us". Yet, when Vick rapes or murders one of their daughters, only then does anyone take notice of his sociopathic behavior and no doubt we'll hear things like, ' I'm shocked! I would have never thought that such a great football player/hero could be a murderer". The students at Penn State who defended that pedophile made me sick!!! Do they not realize what and who they were defending for the sake of a football team? I apologize for this very choppy post but I'm trying to do too many things at once.
Glad to know that you're out there in the world. I sincerely mean that!
This is what the elite do in their spare time. Fair warning....heartbreaking to watch. Elites and paedophilia
this is from another poster
The right to lifers in this country are all too concerned about children who haven't been born yet. The gov't and the fundamentalists seem to want everyone to procreate and yet, none of them give one hoot about the quality of life, once anyone is born! This very obvious contradiction is a sin. Sandusky was released on 250,000 bail- of which ONLY 10 ( maybe 20) percent of that needs to be actually paid!!! I CANNOT believe how any judge in this country could allow that man to walk free at this point. Do you remember the Shasta Groene case? Her perp, Joseph Duncan had been released from jail for horrible abuse crimes just days or weeks prior to murdering shasta's brother and torturing her. The judge was NEVER brought up on charges. After the crimes, Shasta's recovery, etc... She and her father ended up homeless and bankrupt and her father has cancer. The state of MN or Idaho did nothing to help them despite the fact that none of them would have suffered IF that judge in MN and all the judges prior to him had done their job.
Sad...unfortunately part of the reason why no-one is doing anything is because it is so sad. Also, this is just scratching the surface. Judges are a huge part of the problem. Did you get a chance to watch the top video in this thread? You get to see the staggering level of collusion with government, elites and law enforcement, including judges.
Fair warning: disturbing but important
i dropped out so i was never subjected to High school regiment, but i gained a better understanding of how society functions once i went to college. are they not the same?
It depends on which college you attend. Generally, "state accredited" colleges are heavily influenced by and comply with the agenda of the same government which funds them.
that must only apply to state governments because I went to an Arizona state college and critical thinking, debating people with different perspectives, and history of my nation were what I learned. my perspective was gained being a working class SLOB (Superiorly Loyal Objectionably Bright) having learned street smarts, book smarts was a piece of cake to learn.
I can find not mention of SLOB with respect to any type of education system. Is this just some catchy acronym you crafted?
Well, some may disagree while concurring that if a school receives federal funding, it's curriculum is certainly tainted with prejudice, if not fully prejudiced. However, for all I know, you may have graduated 60 years ago, although the SLOB stuff sounds para-militarily modern.
nope, graduated in '09, and the acronym is a badge of honer i wear to show my allegiance to my peeps, the bottom rung. created it myself
Honer, as in the harmonica?
superiorly? loyal to whom or what?
what does obgJ?ectionably bright actually mean?
I assume you meant to type the word "objectionably".
it means I got street smarts, baby. I can smell a hustle a mile away. and i'm loyal to the class i was born into, not the one I wish i were.
Which classes are those?
Everyone says that. Way to be original. Anyways, no child left behind was an idiotic idea.
Yet you haven't put a stop to it? Why aren't you in school?
And way to demonstrate you've exercised a bit of skeptical due diligence.
I am in school right now. Pre-Calculus honors at the moment. What exactly would you like me to do about it? Also please elaborate.
Well anything you can about anything of which you are aware and are certain to be "idiotic", as pertains to your education system. You know, an original approach even if it brings about you're being ostracized or deemed an aberration?
Should I fail all of my standardized tests?
Sure. yawn Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Pay with what ever you want. At any moment the government can take your land for any reason. It happens all the time to farms and land owners that own "profitable" land. Land in Gas and oil areas, Land in developing communities... If some one can make a $ off your land and pays off the right politicians you can kiss your land and or home goodbye.
I actually have no idea why because I haven't done any research on this
Yes, this is what the New World Order is using to usher in Agenda 21.
This has been going on since our countries beginnings. Believe me it's nothing new and has happened to my family.
Yes, I hear it all the time. We can do something to stop this criminal behavior. A poster here at OWS (ChristopherABrownART5) has a good plan by which we can work from. Here are his links to a process called Article 5.
Agenda 21, the dems pretend it doesn't exist. TEA party people are against it.
As long as property taxes exist no one will ever own their home.