Forum Post: Hit them where it hurts, their money
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:26 p.m. EST by kavin1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Great job, keep it up !
I have a recommendation.
Hit the rich where is hurts, in their billfold.
Protest don't get their attention, but losing money does.
Pick a company, ie Exxon. Get everyone to stop buying Exxon gasoline. Watch the price drop on gas!
You do not have to do without, buy elsewhere, but send message to Exxon.
Or, stop buying HP computers. Meg Whitman is new CEO. The old CEO got a 13 million golden parachutte for only 6 months on job. Make an example out of HP.
I am older, but I am with you guys.
Keep it up.
I haven't gone to a BP since the oil spill. I haven't shopped at Wal-Mart for years since I figured out how bad they are for local business. If you don't agree with it, I 100% agree, don't buy their shit. Support your local stores.
It is almost impossible to stop 'buying their shit'....You buy a shampoo or a bar of soap - you are putting money in the pockets of the Johnson & Johnson Heiress so she can buy a Gucci handbag and then be photographed for a magazine, then you will buy that magazine and see Paris Hilton in Jimmy Choo shoes and your daughter will want to look like her. But she can't afford them so she will buy imitation from the shopping mall which is owned by another corporation and all these companies are owned by foreign investors who give their money to banks with market traders and they are owned by a partner at Goldman Sachs...and so it goes on and on!
Goldman Sachs has offices world-wide, it's one of the fastest growing firms this year, making money off our backs.
The guys should be camping outside GS and its affiliates...then when the 'cops' come out as their private army and start battering and arresting everyone...THAT will get onto international news AND affect the money markets...THAT is where you should be targeting....
Look up the history of that group and all the players who caused and are still causing the economic collapse since 2008. Watch 'Inside Job' narrated by Matt Damon about the Iceland crash...THEN you will realise who you are REALLY dealing with!!
Oh, btw, my lofty goals...
With more than 300 million people in the US, the actions of one are only meaningful to the one, though. I am in no way dismissing the importance of living according to your ethical code and the action you have taken. I am merely pointing out that it needs to be a massive movement and coordinated to have an impact. How many people have actually taken steps to move their banking from Bank of America in response to the $5 debit card fee, for example? Sadly, they own my mortgage now that they acquired countrywide. I had no choice, which really made me angry. I would never have chosen to do business with under any circumstance, after seeing a coworker deal with them in the 1990s. I cannot afford to refinance with another bank or credit union, so I'm stuck, and it pisses me off every month! On the plus side, my mortgage is more than half paid, so they earn very little interest off me.
I think the movement should pursue much, much, much, much more lofty goals, although boycotting businesses who hurt the common good is always a legitimate and worthwhile action.
Think more like we are against a hydra or a pervasive weed, if we are not careful we'll be playing wack-a-mole, and they will win.