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Forum Post: History of conspiracy theories- they usually are the conspiracy

Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 13, 2012, 8:57 p.m. EST by debndan (1145)
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The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are usually the conspiracy

confused yet? Let me explain with a brief history of some well known conspiracy theories and their results.

And the reason that this is, is because people either don't know their history, or don't care, but here goes with a list from oldest to newest

1st) Theory: That the templars were satanists bent on world domination Spread by: King Charles of France

   Result: King Charles confiscated templar wealth and executed their leaders-

Charles went from a debtor king to a wealthy one overnight

2nd) Theory: That the illuminati were bent on overturning christianity and european Kings and Queens.

     Spread By: European kings and queens and church leaders

      Result: The US and French revolutions were the last of their kind for a century.

3rd) Theory: The Jewish people of the world were conspiring to overthrow and control europe.

    Spread by: Czar Nicolas of russia

    Result: The czar was able to strip jews of land and wealth by way of progroms in 1880'-1890's 

Here the Czar went from being a debtor to new wealth

4th) Theory: The Jewish people are conspiring to hold Germany back during the Depression

    Spread By: Adolf Hitler

    Result: Hitler rose to power and caused the holocaust

5th) Theory: in the 1950's communists were infiltrating government and higher education

    Spread by: The American far right ( NIXON, the MOTT society, Birch society etc.)

     Result: There was no result because we didn't buy into the bullshit here in the 1950's

  And that is what conspiracy theories are: BULLSHIT 

   They are spread by people that want to take advantage of those that are desperate for an explanation, 

it's a way for rich or powerful people to distact attention to gather money or power, or take freedom by way of the MOB

The witch hunter is usually the biggest witch, 

and conspiracy theories usually are the conspiracy, it's history

Learn it, or suffer from Ignorance

Which is what is behind Ron Pauls fed conspiracy and the Far right's soros and/or illuminati theories And the Far Left's 911 conspiracies It's just those in power or with wealth trying to distract from the fact they are screwing people and want to maintain doing so



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