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Forum Post: Hi. Hailing you from Bangladesh.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 2:14 p.m. EST by Anubis (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hi, I'm a journalist from Bangladesh. I would like to hail all my American brothers and sisters for finally standing up to the oppression of finance and big corporations.

From here, 8000 miles away, I watched in surprise and dismay as giant corporations affected the lives of Americans. I was really surprised. I used to think American corporations did all their dirty business outside the US.

You have finally stood up to them. And people are responding from all over the world. This is extraordinary. My father has always been fascinated by your country, and when I tried to disillusion him by saying what the corporations were doing, he shook his head.

"They'll change that. You just watch. Their people are such that nothing against the common good can sustain itself," he told me.

And now I see he was right.

But one thing I think might go wrong and spoil all your efforts. You are yet to find that 'one demand' that must spearhead your movement.

You must find a way to reach an accord for the demand.

I think this poll (I'm not sure, is it official?) is a good place to start. http://www.facebook.com/questions/10150311631011963/?qa_ref=qts

The one currently topping this list is 'Revoke corporate personhood'. Sounds quite reasonable to me.

Hopefully we'll send a guy in tomorrow (Saturday in NY). He lives in Brooklyn. A newbie, so please help him get the information he needs.



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[-] 1 points by alwayzabull (228) 12 years ago

END THE FED is another specific demand that needs consideration. Paying a private corporation to print and manage America's debt money is no way to run an economy.