Forum Post: Income inequality is BS. Question: Do you Lib's want a pseudo-communist, nanny state ?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 17, 2012, 10:32 p.m. EST by TryingForAnOpenMind
from Yonkers, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Income inequality is the loaded question of the moment, the political equivalent of “When did you stop beating your wife?” If you’re not opposed to income inequality, you must be in favor of poverty.
If you look around the country you find varying levels of income inequality among the states, and thus guidance about how to reduce it.
The reflexive solution to income inequality is to raise taxes, but the facts don’t support that approach. Progressives say they’re opposed to income inequality, but so-called blue states — those whose residents vote predominantly Democratic — outnumber red (Republican) states, in the 20 states where income inequality is greatest. Some 60 percent of the most unequal states — New York leads the way — are blue, while 60 percent of the most equal are not, with deep red Utah most equal of all. equality.
Measurements of inequality don't take into account in-kind transfers (medical assistance, food stamps, etc.).
The inequality expressed was taken from one point in time.
There are other things that come into play, such as immigrants and mindsets.
The steady increase in income inequality in recent decades is due largely to increased immigration. Between 1970 and 2000, foreign-born population in our great country increased from 9.6 million to 31.1 million. The percentage of the U.S. population that is foreign-born increased from 4.7% in 1970 to 11.1% in 2000.
Immigrants' median annual income is about 15% lower than native-born Americans. This is why the gap between the top and bottom groups has increased.
If the private sector is so good at allocating capital why did it have to be BAILED OUT? Let's see...who gives failing CEO's golden parachutes worth millions? That would be the private sector. The private sector also spends millions and millions of dollars lobbying our government. The private sector has no morals and no patriotism. That's why they'd rather operate sweat-shops in China than employ Americans. Hell, the wealthy aren't even paying more in taxes! Let's see those tax returns, Mitt Romney?
What are you proposing more government involvement? Why did Obama approve the bail out? protest @ Pennsylvania Ave. Enough with the partisan...divisive politics. That dog don't hunt anymore.
That dog may not hunt but I do. More government involvement is exactly what's needed! What else could balance the power of the corporations? You are incredibly naive if you think that the private sector will suddenly get religion once the government is gone and care about things like workers rights or the environment. Certainly there is no concern for public safety or wealth distribution. If you're one of those ignorant, no government libertarians, married to your ideals, you can take those ideals and shove them up your ample backside. And maybe I can recommend a therapist for your obvious lack of common sense.
Why the bitterness dude ? Seems unhappy people become Liberals. People seek out those that are similar. Birds of a feather flock together. An unhappy person looks around and sees two groups: happy people, and unhappy people. Rather than take a page out of the former group, enter the herd and ask for help and guidance , the person is more likely to choose the path of least resistance — of instant acceptance. “Come to Mumsy, darling, you’re one of us.” And once in the herd, it becomes very, very difficult to leave it.
The Liberal, of course, will deny this pathology. No, they say, they are only trying to make things fair. Liberals are consumed with fixing the world. By eliminating what is unfair, by eliminating the evil banks and the greedy corporations, all the little people will receive what is rightfully theirs! Subconsciously, then, nobody will be more successful than they are... are so twisted with hate, and so convinced of their own in inability.. they cannot even rely on themselves to overthrow The Other. They hand over their own power to a third party — the GOVERNMENT, to do their dirty work in the form of increased taxation and regulation.
Liberals, however, have got it turned around. They seek to heal the world before healing themselves first. They see this as somehow noble, great sacrifice. Well, it’s easy to make a sacrifice when you regard yourself as valueless. Every major religion across almost every culture, instructs man to take care of himself first, and then attempt to heal the world. Get with the program....try to have the courage to look within.
"Little people"? What's with that? Your blatant classism is showing. I noticed you didn't address anything I said there. Instead, you wasted everybody's time trying to paint an inaccurate picture of me in order to dodge the real questions. If liberals are consumed with fixing the world (not an ignoble goal), then neocons are consumed with profit at any cost. Reading your post is very informative as to the nature of your character. In my experience only crooks, thieves and Republicans oppose good government. And by the way, a government of We the People is not a third party despite your rhetoric.
"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country" "...the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God."
hmmm, where do you get those figures ?
that fukin repelican scumbag was given them on one of those anonymous chain emails they all pass around - it's worse than vd
No... acquired these stat's from the a daily in Boston. The truth blows your small, mind? you guys fabricate much of your facts.
prove it you repelican shill
Income inequality is not my primary concern... Indeed, I fully support the notion that the onus of improving ones standing in life is primarily based upon ones own self... it the inequality in representation... the under representation of the little guy in matters such as healthcare which I take issue with..
That said... it does seem odd that CEO compensation increases in the high double or even triple percentage digits whereas average worker compensation increases by <10% in the same time period...
It seems odd that people who take home orders of magnitude more money than the middle class are still given breaks for creating jobs overseas rather than at home...
It seems odd that any effort to question this policy, or trying to work for the rest of the people is met with such vehement resistance...
It seems odd that we find the money and political will to send our young men and women to fight and die in wars based on faulty intelligence, thereby enriching big military industrial contractors but cant find the same resources or political will to help the people... by reining in big pharma and military contractors... by reinstating Glass Steagall...
It seems odd that in a capitalist country, there exist entities deemed too big to fail...
It seems odd that while purporting to be the paragon of peace and prosperity, our government is directly or indirectly responsible for putting into power and/or arming and/or facilitating some of the worlds worst despots and war criminals...
There are things which are not right... we may not have all the solutions... but for damned sure we have the right to ask WHY....
How do these (R)epelican "small government" robots miss that whole HUGE Patriot Act?
The MOTHER of NDAA and a whole host of other expensive Acts.
(R)epelicans make the biggest government of all, and pretend it didn't happen.
(R)epelicans lie, over and over.
The problem is their compatriots believe their own BULL SHIT!
Have you been hanging with zendog? you are both in denial...and don't want to believe the truth..This whole OWS circus is a the real "99%" are not down with you
Where was this copied from?
A source please?
google darling..I'm busy with some pressing stuff...or give me till tomorrow.
the dumb ass don't have a link
There you be civil please.
oh.. why didn't you just ask?..I'll give you the link up top.. chill guys are so nasty. (give me one minute)
oh... that helped a lot.... same thing you cut & pasted.... where do those figures come from... the internet ????? hehehe
I gave you the article...waz up w/ you? Where do you get your info from the dead sea scrolls?
look ... TryingForAnOpenMind ... you really should spend some time reading thru the different threads here ... there's a lot of good information... you might learn something real and valuable ... peace
thanks...I have found a lot of lib propaganda mostly...but will keep looking
he's a fukcing repelican - he's obviously lying
you can tell - his mouth is open
:) ... here ck this out... it will make you happier... Banned Mormon Cartoon - EXTENDED VERSION
I'm on dial-up. I wish I could . . .
that's alright. I think this helped.
Income inequality doesn't matter as there is relatively high mobility, the reason that there is less now is that smart begets smart and rich begets rich. Look at the top 5% of income earners most are doctors, lawyers, engineer, positions that require intelligence and drive, America is largely meritocratic.Which is a good thing.
There should be income inequality. I want my doctor to be paid alot more than my gardener. But wage stagnation and an increasingly large wealth disparity does matter. America is an oligarchy.
word up,,,april
Who's the OP nitwit? Ah well, I think Zen is taking care of him. : )
I think that's zendog..he is really off the deep end.
Oh I love Zen. Zen's like a big lovable pitbull. I think this poster is a freaking nitwit. He needs to rip this guy up.
So you're profile says you've been here since Nov. But it's funny, I don't recall seeing you around until recent. Are you new here or we just crossing paths?
I've been trying to stay out of the limelight
I try to keep a low profile too. That was just me being snarky. : )
have a nice evening..I missed this site yesterday.
I hate repelicans
I just hate the lying bastards
I fuking hate them
either get a script for trazadone or seroquel.....Or try running 8 miles daily
I probably should go get some psychotropics shouldn't I . . . .It has been suggested in the past - by professionals . . .
especially since what I would really like is to hack off the heads of prominent repelican strategists. yeahya. hack off their heads with an axe, mount them on posts, and use them for practice with a shot gun.
Post videos on youtube.
I'd like ta.
I can't help it. you fuckers just make me so angry. I hate being lied to. and that is all you people can do.
Bush never had a mandate. What were you people thinking?
Boner never represented the will of the people in the budget debate.
you people were lying.
well. I don't really know if they are your lies - or if you are just another dutiful zombified fool regurgitating the party line.
and I'm really not at all sure that I care . . . .
hehehe ... relax ZD ;)... they're just too stupid to realize they are lying ... because they never read anything other than crap... they're retarded ...
you know we will have to support them after we destroy all they're thieving get rich quick scams....
you need to learn to like them... you know like a puppy that keeps biting you.... ;)
You Lib's have a weird herd mentality, personality disorder. Unhappy people become Liberals. Birds of a feather flock together. An unhappy person looks around and sees two groups: Rather than take a page out of the former group, lib's enter the herd and ask for help and guidance on how to become happy, the person is more likely to choose the path of least resistance — of instant acceptance. “Come to Mumsy, darling, you’re one of us.” And once in the herd, it becomes very difficult to leave it.
The Liberal, of course, will deny this pathology. No, they say, they are only trying to make things fair. Liberals are consumed with fixing the world. By eliminating what is unfair, by eliminating the evil banks and the greedy corporations, all the little people will receive what is rightfully theirs! So twisted with hate, and so convinced of their own ineptness., they cannot even rely on themselves to overthrow The Other. They hand over their own power to a third party — the GOVERNMENT — to do their dirty work in the form of the confiscatory process of increased taxation and regulation.
Liberals, however, have got it turned around. They seek to heal the world before healing themselves first. They see this as somehow noble, great sacrifice. Well, it’s easy to make a sacrifice when you regard yourself as valueless. Every major religion across almost every culture, instructs man to take care of himself first, and then attempt to heal the world.
Brad B ..I have referenced my source.. Seems like lib's are too drunk on Democratic have any objective perspective...Dem's tax and spend ...And promote the welfare, nanny state. Democrats don't get it. Their goal is to spend ever increasing amounts of public money.
I'm just irritated - no sweat.
They come in here and lie like it's nothing - and what? we're all supposed to debate with all civility in the face of their blatant disrespect of the public, of us, and our ability to reason, . . .
they are sick bastards
sick I said
I gotta agree...... you know... we could a movie about all they're dumb ass comments here... and make some money.... ;)
Check this shit out
is this pathetic, or what?
hey ...what is up? how's the weather in Burlington? we's got a bunch of snow down here in NY. party on dude. Do you have cross country skis?...or snow shoes?
I have a snow plow - and not enough snow to plow. There should be over two feet in the yard by now, yet the grass is poking up everywhere and the driveway is a sheet of ice.
We have approx 5-6 " accumulation right now.. and it is snowing like a beast outside I live in Westchester County, NY....about 7 miles from NYC. watch yourself out there in the snow zendog.... your bones are getting more brittle, now that you are past 50. don't slip.
You should do some minor research ( at least ) on Global warming. If you do you will find that many wild storms are a side effect. Things like torrential rain or multi-State snow storms/blizzards, as well as droughts and high temperature. It is not a smooth ride!
Good point DK (donkey kong ?) Global Warming, as it is being promoted, is suspect, the whole idea that puny little man, can have any effect on Earth's biosphere is so patently absurd. It may be getting warmer, but ONE volcano can spew out 20 years of exhaust in one month, consider this: every single dirt clod on this planet is a by product of volcanic activity, all the mountains, also all the valleys, to the bottom of the sea, every bit of it was formed from boiling liquid rock, coming from inside the liquid core. If the greenhouse effect could destroy life on Earth, I think it would have done it by now.. party on dude !!!
TryingForAnOpenMind (18) 1 minute ago
You should do some minor research ( at least ) on Global warming. If you do you will find that many wild storms are a side effect. Things like torrential rain or multi-State snow storms/blizzards, as well as droughts and high temperature. It is not a smooth ride! Also Tornadoes ( see last years report for the USA ).
You are correct in pointing out that Volcanic activity affects the climate with dust as well as green house gasses. Yes we have had volcanic activity from the beginning of time. What we have not had until recently ( the industrial revolution ) is man making a major non-stop day and night ( 24/7/365 ) contribution.
No...I don't think so.
Well that is more than apparent-TryingForAnOpenMind (18) 1 minute ago
accidental engineering . . .
it's not just for elections anymore
it's a KILLER
do I look worried?
No you look fierce. Keep the faith. Cold as mold in NY..
french-style revolution!! weeeeee!!
You better watch out or the NYPD are going to come for you. To do an evaluation @ Bellvue, You are in NY correct?
vermont scumbag
and I'm sure the cops all know me around here
they can see me coming a mile off
it's the tin foil hat
piss off
you carl with ah kay pantywaste piss ant
oh...Vermont cool...what part? how's the weather?
Williston - just outside of Burlington.
Normally we have a couple of feet of snow - yesterday the temp was up around 39 degrees, there is about a half inch of ice in the driveway, and not much snow at all.
Elevation about 1000 ft above sea level - you get higher and there is more snow - this is definitely going to be another year of above average temps.
Why do you use facts and figures to lie to people?
I have a source...I take exception w/ you saying it's lying. There are definitely different views on all this USA economy stuff,.than just the anti-wall street angle. Why are you so one dimensionally partisan?
I'm 51 years old. I've been watching the repelican party lie for the last 15 years.
I'm quite sick of it.
Politics in this country isn't a game. It isn't some team sport. Global warming is here, outside the door - on the lawn. That debate alone is quite exemplary of the entire process - 15 years ago the claim was there is no global warming - five years ago the debate changed and a new term entered circulation - anthropomorphic.
Meanwhile scientific consensus has followed a trajectory similar to that of our rate of carbon release . . . .
The consequences of our failure to act will most certainly be catastrophic.
Then there is the budget debate - I watched that unfold in the run up to last August.
And again.
every single day that passes without resolution to our debt exacerbates that problem - compounding it daily, just like the interest on that debt
I watched.
as they dug in their heels, refusing to end the Bushite tax breaks, corporate loopholes, the stock market and jobs numbers tanked - all over market uncertainty if the U.S. would default on its debt.
Commentators around the world had never seen such behavior from Congress.
The repelican party is intent on breaking shit - and it is themselves that they are breaking.
the repelican party is DONE
Compare this
with this
Does repelican refer to the pelican bird? Just wondering.
lol. Of course it does. And Democraps means poop. So we've got pelicans on the one side and poop on the other. If you're on the poopy side it stinks. And when the pelicans poop, they push it all over to the poopy side.
Of course not, and I'm sure by now you know better - but I don't mind, I'll take this opportunity to repeat:
Repelican -
is a term of approbation,
a proof,
derogatory in nature,
intended to shame
and to ridicule
those who run for high office
upon a platform of lies before the whole world
and have not the decency to blush bright crimson.
they are reprehensible.
they are repulsive.
they are repellent.
they are repelicans . . . .
I was expecting a better wordplay from a poet. I thought there might have been something deep behind this neologism. Instead, it's like an ad hominem from a kindergartener.
We need a much better neologism to make fun of republicans. Let's look for one together.
Lose the partisan position...Democrats are as bad or worse !!! Democrats want to keep people ignorant of the real facts. Once a person gains some self respect and ambition they quickly learn that Democrats stifle progress and promote idleness. An informed electorate is the biggest danger to the special interest liberals now in control of Washington. The faster the public learns the facts the quicker this country can return to progress.
facts? you want facts?
we know who the enemy is :
Repelicans to undermine the Occupy Movement:
Forum Post: Memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street
original PDF document:
and we know who the TeaParty is:
The Billionaires TeaParty
The New Yorker - Covert Operations
Chomsky on The Tea Party v The Occupy Movement
More on the TeaParty:
InformationClearingHouse Jan.'11
And Chomsky on RonPaul
All BS propaganda. you drank acid laced kool aid.
nice comeback. Too bad you don't have any facts to support your assertion -
oh, that's right. there aren't any.
Seems funny though, that's nothing new for repelicans so why are you suddenly floundering like a fool . . .
ah well. I suppose it was inevitable that reality would catch up with you one day . . . .
the repelican party is DONE
Unhappy people who want to blame others become Liberals. Birds of a feather flock together. Rather than try to improve themselves or endeavor some sort of independent thought...the lib enters the herd and ask for help and guidance , the person is more likely to choose the path of least resistance — of instant acceptance. “Come to Mumsy, darling, you’re one of us.” And once in the herd, it becomes very, very difficult to leave it.
The Liberal, of course, will deny this pathology. No, they say, they are only trying to make things fair. Liberals are consumed with fixing the world. By eliminating what is unfair, by eliminating the evil banks and the greedy corporations, all the little people will receive what is rightfully theirs! Subconsciously, then, nobody will be more successful than they are... are so twisted with hate, and so convinced of their own in inability.. they cannot even rely on themselves to overthrow The Other. They hand over their own power to a third party — the GOVERNMENT, to do their dirty work in the form of increased taxation and regulation.
Liberals, however, have got it turned around. They seek to heal the world before healing themselves first. They see this as somehow noble, great sacrifice. Well, it’s easy to make a sacrifice when you regard yourself as valueless. Every major religion across almost every culture, instructs man to take care of himself first, and then attempt to heal the world. Get with the program....try to have the courage to look within.
That is called social stability - it stems from the rule of law . . . a necessity in the acquisition and maintenance of wealth.
there is always the alternative - we could do it ourselves.
And if there is no redress for those who have had their homes foreclosed on through robo signing and other such measures; if there is no compensation for those who have had their retirement stolen . . .
it seems inevitable . . ..
Global warming is here, outside the door - on the lawn///////////////////////////////////Maybe you should mow your grass then if Global warming is on your lawn libidiot, that will get rid of it bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Meanwhile scientific consensus has followed a trajectory similar to that of our rate of carbon release//////////////////////////////////////////////If you want to cut down on carbon release then maybe you should take the keys out of Air Force 1!!!!! buckwheat has that in the air about six days a week. Today I think he is going to Disneyland
well maybe you'll get to smile and wave at the President,
hehehehe ... ;)
I'm tempted to keep posting that on all the repelican threads that have been showing up - but jart would send me a pm and tell me to stop spamming
I don't think she would appreciate that it isn't spam at all, but a reflection of a deep seated rage that is endemic in America . . . .
hehe... change a couple of letters or the order to throw the spam bot off .... ;)
that's a clever idea - but I'm sure the repelican trolls would whine . . .
can you imagine? they set out to destroy the forum, and then whine . . .
yeah... but I have seen a few of them... actually listen... and walk away with a new view.... they arn't All that stupid... just 99% of them ...
I don't dispute that this is possible - perhaps even likely - but so many I have bumped into online have this firm mindset, this indoctrination -