Forum Post: Here's why we need socialized medicine for all Americans (video)
Posted 12 years ago on July 3, 2012, 8:49 a.m. EST by Underdog
from Clermont, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
With all the uproar over the recent Supreme Court ruling upholding the constitutionality of PPACA, I thought it time to repost this interview which clearly shows the problems inherent within capitalistic privatized healthcare insurance.
A good video a good interview - another dose of reality - CorpoRAT profit abuse and campaigning.
Bill Moyers does great work.
Yes he does, and in regard to this particular interview, I really have a hard time understanding how people can be so ferociously oppossed to socialized medicine. If they can't understand the advantages for all Americans after watching this interview, then I must conclude that they are unreachable and have swallowed the Big Business propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
This is also about maintaining a dependent workforce.
Other places I use the word “slave” I use it because I mean to, it best describes what the GOP and the 1% want to achieve, though I admit I also like the word “peasant”, which is really closer to the truth, after all “owners” had to provide something to the slaves, the peasants work your land, you take what you want and leave them what you like.
If people can get healthcare, they might have the freedom to stand up in their workplace, or even quit.
They want you to believe healthcare costs a lot of money, they pay more to keep you dependent, it’s worth it to them, these guys didn’t get rich being foolish with money
yes, i have been using the term "neo-feudalism" lately. That's where I think we're headed.
very surprised so many people downvoted the thing about a dependent workforce, but I gues they wer tonguetied
Bill Moyers is an aging leftwing crank. The older he gets, the angrier he gets and the less able he is to keep up the facade of being objective.
Leftwing crank, Rightwing crank. Labels. We all have opinions and the right to express them. Why do you attack the person instead of the arguments and/or evidence presented in the video?
Because I wouldn't waste my time on the video having seen so much of Bill Moyer's work over the years. He get older. He gets angrier. He gets more hard-line leftist. He isn't objective.
How do you define "objective" in terms of a political discussion? Someone standing on the sidelines criticizing both sides with no opinion of their own? Anyone can point fingers and denigrate. People who take a stand for something are in the game contributing to the effort one way or another. It's the difference between actors giving their all for a performance and parasitic critics who would not even exist without the efforts of the performers.
Parasites cannot exist without hosts, but hosts can exist without parasites.
I like that comment - we have all to many parasites living off of the bodies of the multitudes. Tapeworms infesting not one digestive tract but millions of digestive tracts.
Moyer's "host" is PBS and the government tit.
He's a great progressive soldier against the right wing wackos that have destroyed the country.
And you don't watch because you know he's right.
Your insults = weak arguments. You attack the messenger because you can't refute the substance.
You're a shithead.