Forum Post: HERE COMES THE SUN: Why OCCUPY WALL STREET IS ABOUT TO WIN and a prediction about how the 1% will react during their final days of rule as non-violent direct action slowly usurps their power
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 25, 2012, 2:23 a.m. EST by therising
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We Americans have been asleep but are slowly awakening. As a result of this awakening, the era of the 1% appropriating the American dream will most certainly come to an end. After all, "Truth crushed to earth rises up" as MLK Jr.said so eloquently.
However, we must bear in mind that, as our nonviolent movement rises and the reign of the 1% ends, those that represent the interests of the 1% will begin to flail and it won't be pretty. This will manifest itself in all sorts of ways: flat out violence and heavy-handedness by police (encouraged by 1%), agent provocateurs creating the illusion of violence etc.. . . anything to discredit the movement.
Yes, we've been asleep for too long. But read the second half of the Occupy DC response to the Stste of the Union address below. It's always darkest before the dawn. Here comes the sun my friends. Here comes the sun.
(please see below)
"When our courts tell us corporations have more right to speak than we the people do That’s not democracy.
When pepper spray and midnight raids make a joke of the 1st Amendment right to assemble. That’s not democracy.
When defrauding clients, blowing up our economy, forging thousands of documents and seizing people’s homes illegally is not a crime but protesting all that is a crime That’s not democracy. Our America is not a democracy, not yet. We all know why: Wall street owns Washington. Bribery is legal, and the laws we live by are for sale to the highest bidder
That is why our government serves the very rich and powerful at the expense of the rest of us
It protects the bonuses of bankers and Wall Street executives, while failing to keep hard-working families in their homes; It shields offshore tax havens for the very wealthy, while letting our bridges, schools, and infrastructure fall apart;
There have been dark periods in our nation’s history, when corruption became the norm when grave injustices stood in the way of America living up to its best ideals. But time and time again, Americans stepped up to take back their government and correct our course. Today Occupy Wall Street and the 99% movement step into this proud American tradition.
But fear not, one percent! We are not here just to help the 99% at your expense. We are here to help you too. For when you’ve begun to think rigging the game is fair game
When you regard hard-working Americans as undeserving of a middle-class life and unworthy of the profit their own work creates
When you treat the people who build your buildings and serve your food and raise your children and patrol your streets without respect
You have not only lost touch with our humanity You have lost touch with your own humanity
You need to find it again, for everyone’s sake Real democracy will do you good
We are the 99% We are here to create the democracy we have all been promised. We are the 99%. Our finances are weak, but our spirit is strong. We are the 99%. Our spring is coming."
Here comes the sun my friends. Here comes the sun. As Breyton Breytonbach said in in a South African courtroom shortly before being sentenced to prison for protesting apartheid: "Whether we win, or whether we die, freedom will rise like the sun through the morning clouds."
Bongo Jerry, the great Rastafarian poet put it like this:
"Sooner or later but mus' the dam going to bus' And every person will break out Who will stop them? The force? What force can stop a river of people who know their course?"
Occupy everywhere. The people are rising. Humanity is rising. Viva la non-violent revolution.
I like the focus on the 100%. It really is true. In the end, that is the ultimate goal.
Great point. The truth is that the 1% are just as much victims of corporatism and materialism as we, the 99%, are. Corporatism and materialism have hijacked our imagination during the day and our dreams at night. All 100% of us. The only difference between us and the 1% is they think they're winning and they have fancier toys. In a way, we the 99% are luckier because we have no illusions that this system is benefitting us.
I agree. You put that so well, I won't muck it up by adding anything.
Utopia is something unattainable. San Francisco OWS through bricks off the roof at the cops last week. I see this movement turning violent. It should stick to getting money out of our corrupt political system. That is what originally rang true to my ear.
Wonderful and very hopeful. I would like to mention the Court’s ruling in regards to the Arizona public financing law where they found that it was a violation of a rich person’s rights for the people of the state of Arizona to match them dollar for dollar on campaign spending. To me, while not as sweeping as “Citizens United” I think it is also a chilling decision.
I need to study that more. Thanks so much for pointing that out. Directly relates to other post I just made: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% are about to take control of this country"
Here's a link to the ruling.
Thank you for considering this and perhaps including it as part of the discussion
We need to occupy the courts again and again.
I did check out the other link thanks, been away for a bit.
OK thanks
A beautiful song for a beautiful post!
power to this post.
Power to the people
The 0.1% are already flailing and I think that has been the case for a while now, hence the global mess they have made for us. More and more countries are not taking us dollars for payment from the US any more. That in itself is huge...and a real problem. I'm sure there is lots of arm twisting and threats in the internal war that must be happening at this stage amongst the elite global governments and the ruling elite. They are criminally insane, playing a dangerous ponzi scheme at our expense, and are still at it. They won't go down easy. I hope you're right that the sun is rising, but I can think of a better place for these self serving criminals where the sun doesn't shine. ; )
I certainly can agree that I've felt that feeling many times. And it is very difficult to forgive these folks who appear incoragable. However, I agree with others who say we can't poison our own effort by hating these folks (as easy as it might be to do so. To really rise, we the 99% must wield the force of non-violent direct action but we must also position ourselves to benefit from the miracle and the power of compassion and forgiveness it will free us, make us lighter, give us the strength and presence of mind to rise up and crush corporatism without destroying the beautiful idea we stood for in the first place and without destroying the heart within. There's no doubt about it. Martin Luther King, Jr. was right. We're going to have to love these people, this 1% enough to help set them right. That's a lotta love. But I am confident that it is the only way.
Forgiveness, by the way, does not imply weakness. Quite the contrary. It implies strength.
I have no problem with forgiveness....but they must cease and desist their criminal behaviour before that can happen, and they are refusing to do so. If anything, they are picking up their criminal momentum. What do you propose to stop them? They don't give a damn about, even a few 'million' protesters trying to stop them. Its just one more reason for them to call for martial law, and there's enough military and vet whistleblowers corroborating this now, that martial law is irrefutable.
These elite oligarchs are laughing at us "useless eaters". The next 10-15 years are going to be hell on earth, IF we survive that is. The ruling elite are cold and callous beyond anything you or the masses are aware of, and the only way this will stop is if we "get" those decision makers at the very tippy-top of the structure. There are a few groups who have the knowledge and the resources to "get" these people, but the question remains whether they can ever get close enough to them, because the oligarch rulers are ultimately cowards ruling from behind their mommy's apron and have very well paid protectors. If they are removed from power, and I believe the first step to doing that is by naming them publicly on a mass scale so that everyone knows who we're REALLY fighting, then, and only then will be the time when all the wonderful ideas regarding society, constitution, bill of rights, energy, etc., from the intelligent people at OWS can come to fruition. There have been some pretty incredible ideas on this and other forums from everyday people, and when the people have better ideas than their government, that just goes to show how collusive the government has been collectively at keeping the people purposely held down.
I'd give anything to be proven wrong about this.
It's the system, not the individuals. I completely understand your frustrations but I've been at the table with many many 1%'ers, self made billionaires, senators, some wealthy congressmen and congresswomen, trust fund beneficiaries, etc. There is no smoke filled room. These are people with families. People who are flawed and mortal just like you and I.
And they are just cogs in a wheel. No one of them is executing some Machievllian plan to rule the world. They just do their thing like we do our thing and it comes together to cause all sorts of pain and suffering.
I'm not saying they don't make bad choices. I'm not even saying you or I would make same bad choices. What I'm saying is that they are making these bad choices a cogs in a system that distorts humanity and CREATES the 1%'er mindset. You could "get" all of them you want but under this rigged materialistic system of corporatism, this distortion of our nation, the 1% would quickly be replenished with a whole new cast of characters for you to "get".
The way to beat this is to go to the heart of the matter: We need to get the #^^$&@ money out of politics. We need to pass constitutional amendment That effectively overturns the Citizens United supreme court decision. We also need to legally and psychologically overcome the concept of a corporation being a "person".
There is all sorts of action we can and should and will take that will take this nation back to its roots, back to a place similar to what the founding fathers intended. I'm of course not suggesting we bring the wrongs of their era (including the lack of founding MOTHERS) into our new model. What I AM saying is that we need to bring back in very practical terms the notion of "one person, one vote" and we need to exercise that vote. We the people need to exercise that vote.
But to get there, there is much work to do. We need to take direct action. Enough talk. Let's get this done. Read this plan and let me know what you think:
If link doesn't work, just google fresh thread
The Illuminati is a conspiracy theory. Hopefully this article can balance your reading diet. You really shouldn't spend so much time on conspiracy theory websites.
Hi Trashymask,
There have been w-a-y too many well known, sophisticated and educated politicians, world leaders, scholars, military, literary writers and world activists over the last one hundred years (and before) that have exposed and warned us of exactly what you claim in your infinite sole wisdom, to not be there.
What bloodline is it exactly that you are from? Is it the Desmarais family? Or perhaps its the Rothschilds themselves....or the Krupps....
What ever it is, you're lifelong abuse at the hands of your own family must be so intense that you can't break free from their chokehold and I can't say that I blame you. Others that have separated have lost much. I wish you well...get help to protect yourself mentally and physically from your enslavers.
People in OWS will judge for themselves. Conspiracy or not, you shouldn't stop people from receiving any information that will help them use their intellect to research, decipher and come to their own conclusions. In the long run it can only help the overall consciousness and the movement itself to bring all views to the table.
be well
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 never EVER again!
I agree. The 1% delights in the fact that we, the 99% squabble amongst ourselves. It is what allows 1% of the citizens to make most of the decisions in a country where each person 18 or over may vote. We all need to take a deep breath and think about this. Because, although there may SEEM to be a huge difference of opinion among members of the 99%, when you take a step back, we're really all have the se foot on our neck.
As soon as we realize this, we'll greatly disturb the status quo because we'll begin to focus less on what divides us, the 99% and will focus more on what unites us. At that point, it will begin to dawn on us.... "Wait a second. Each of us has a vote. And although we have differences, there are some core action items that we the 99% all agree upon."
And then..... as we begin to consider how to gain enough power to take action on this list, it will dawn on us that we ALREADY have that power. We each have a vote. In 2005, Citibank sent a memo (google "2005 Citibank memo" or "Citigroup-Oct-16-2005-Plutonomy-Report-Part-1.pdf") to its wealthiest clients advising them how to invest in the changing landscape of America. In this memo, Citibank analysts were exceedingly candid with their wealthy clients. They told them POINT BLANK that America is no longer a democracy, it's a plutonomy - a country which is controlled by and is set up to benefit the richest 1%. They told them that the best investments going forward were likely to be luxury goods because the middle class and poor were going to have less and less and the rich were going to have more and more.
They also reviewed risks to this investment strategy, indicating that one of the only hitches could be that it's possible that at some point the majority of citizens would awaken to the fact that each person has a vote and they would exercise that right. Citibank put the odds of that as very low but told their clients they'd keep them posted of anything changed on that front. Their view was that, although it's true that each person really does have a vote, they won't be motivated enough, organized enough, frustrated enough or smart enough to actually use the power that is already within their grasp.
If we can begin to focus on what we have in common rather than what divides us, we can make decisions from a position of unified power rather than making demands from a position of divided weakness.
Divide and conquer, or Unite and Win!
Look up people, it's not your neighbor who's pissing on you. And although we are all in this bucket together, avoid crab mentality. We need team work! This is Class War and while we have taken massive casualties (much of it friendly fire) we have yet to recognize/identify the enemy. It is not the whole 1%, our enemy is the ruthlessly greedy few within the 1%. We have many friends and allies in the 1% (I.E. Michael Moore, etc.). The enemy has the guns (money), but we have the numbers (votes). VOTES TRUMP MONEY!!! That's why THEY spend so much to sway our votes!!!
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 never EVER again!
We really do have the numbers. It's incredible when you sit down and think about it...
let us pledge to not accept a dictator, nor a police state, we are well armed, there are more of us than there are of them, are we willing to lay down our lifes for the sakes of our liberties? I say to our future tyrant: "give me my liberty or your family and mine shall become fatherless together, and we shall stand before God as to who was in the right.
And if you listened closely to the President's speech, you will notice that many of the themes OWS has brought up were in it. Whether real or sincere or not on the president's part, it is clear that the national dialogue has changed, and changed by a relatively TINY group of people.
Totally amazing. I agree. Proves the old saying echoed by MLK Jr.: "Truth crushed to earth rises up."
Everyone should also check out the trickle of news out of Davos, Switzerland, it looks like the 1% are getting afraid and they are talking about it among themselves. Also, there is a report from "Keiser Report" that certain hedge funds are trying to sue the country of Greece as a last ditch attempt to get their money, which means they've been done in. Good and I hope this is the beginning of the crash of the 1%.
We the people need to start writing the new constitution Section 142 A : might read like this: Businesses shall cease from forcing their products from posting private information online without the customer's express written consent, nor shall they be forced to make it their ownly decision, such as pictures, *.pdf documents, HP printer software, Turbo Tax 1099 forms, including payroll accounting software. Cell phone companies that have booby trapped their phones to save pictures in a folder called "my album" (tmobile) when in fact it is an online folder where .25 cents per picture is charged adding cost to their phone bill unaware to customers who have no text service shall also cease immediately or such companies who fail this order shall be broken up and / or ownership of offending companies shall be immediately taken over by we the people.
Section 142 A. No company online, including credit reporting agencies, and local government agencies, such as business license division shall post or publish or otherwise distribute any information regarding a citizen without the express written consent of that citizen. A credit reporting agency shall not publish any information on a citizen without their permission. Any failure of this shall result in that agency immediately losing all governing authority and financial assets and those assets shall be redistributed to the people.
Section 142 B. Any fine imposed on a US Citizen by a peace officer or any other government agency shall be held in an account to be used by other US citizens in need of the funds collected. Such people may include those who suffered bodily injury from an accident or cannot afford to repair their vehicle, or pay for their insurance, or otherwise afford an automobile. Damage to personal property is also included in compensation to US citizens from collected fines. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL A GOVERNMENAT AGENCY BE ENTITLED TO ANY FINE IMPOSED UPON A CITIZEN, but rather all collected fines shall be immediately redistributed to another citizen in need of those funds. Should there be no citizen in need of funds for these stated examples, then the funds shall be payed for utility bills of a US citizen in need, starting with in priority of need, those citizens who have had one or more of their utilities shut off, or have otherwise been slow at paying their utility bills, or their rent. EXEMPTION: Home Owners shall not be entitled to any collected funds, not until every other citizen is also a homeowner, and in this case, only those who own a single residence shall be entitled to any funding.
Check out my videos: The Internet and its importance: Why Occupy shouldn't have demands:
Humanity is rising.
I agree with this. The internet makes it possible for us to rise up and that is what's happening.
Thanks very much for your comment. I agree.
Hahaha! I love this website.
When the hallucinogenics wore off did you regret this post?
The 1% and the .01% give you fools exactly what you want, and you eat it up.....gadgets, pop-culture, entertainment, distraction, diversions....etc, etc, etc....
while those of us unswayed by such nonsense are quietly saving and investing, working and earning, setting goals and planning, you fools are protesting and consuming and not planning at all for the continuing years of your lives...
For that, you blame those who market the things to you that you greedily devour, and desire more are never sated, and seek to consume even the efforts of others, once you have depleted your own scant resources, by choice, behavior, and action.......
There will be no "win" for the idea's of OWS, because they are loser idea's, idea's based on a fantasy of utopia, which will never be, the society is based on effort and results, and the more of that you siphon away via redistribution and support for those who make little or no effort, and consume the efforts of others without equitable compensation, the poorer and poorer the society at large will become as a result.....and the richer those who do not engage in those foolish behaviors will appear and continue to become...
The evidence is glaring......your idea's don't work, because those who believe them don't work, or produce results of any meaningful quantity...
What will you "break out" into when the producers stop producing, or if you manage to stop them? who will grow your food, process it, transport it, warehouse it, market it, and sell it to you? Who will produce the energy that powers your lives, who will repair the mechanical components? who will fuel your transportation choices? Who will treat your water and pump away your shit and treat it......Who will provide FOR you......since you have demonstrated as a group the inability to provide and produce these things for yourselves, and direct your anger and hatred towards those who do?
You fucktards think all of these things will just continue to be, function and exist in your effortless utopia, regardless of whether or not those who organize, direct, and manage them are compensated for that massive effort and tremendous result that they create....why would they, why would someone give their lives and enormous amounts of time and effort to be compensated equally with someone who does not? Do you really think that will succeed? Damn.....your stupid, if you do....
What will you do when or if they stop?
You have quite a little narrative going there. Fortunately for our country and humanity, your narrative is a false one. I give you points for being dramatic though and painting yourself as a brilliant person, far superior to the rest of us. Seriously, I've read your posts around here. Let go of your quest to discredit. You won't win. You can't. Because truth crushed to earth, as Martin Luther King, Jr. put it, rises up. You're wasting your energy. Humanity is rising. And the corporatism and structure and delusional system of reward in this system you cling to is on the verge of collapse. Come to your senses.
Join the nonviolent struggle to achieve your dreams rather than undermining them by clinging to a delusional narrative wherein you are at the top of the pyramid. It is made of sand. Join reality. Unite with your fellow human beings.
Borrow more money from China - it is endless because the U.S. consumers will send the money there and the U.S. can just promise to pay higher and higher interests until the U.S. dollar becomes worthless anywhere and we will have a NEW START. Never forget that all of that money is WORTHLESS when the cult believing in it collapses.