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Forum Post: Here's a list we can all start with, if we have no other purpose but to demand our equality and a brighter future.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 3:45 p.m. EST by Korsen (53) from Fairfield, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A year or two ago, I became very upset with the situation I was in, and the way the world was operating in order to turn itself. I started writing about it. I published that book a while ago, and it marches to the same tune that most of us already are marching to. Let me start by saying that you can get it for free, or decide to pay if you appreciate the work put into it, at the site below. (Note, I said free.)


It's called My Suicide Note: A Sockdolager From Me To America. The definition of the word sockdolager is something that settles a matter : a decisive blow or answer : finisher : something outstanding or exceptional.

It's literally a collection of several dozen social problems in America that should morally and ethically already be fixed, but continues to go unanswered. As well, provided at the bottom of the book, are a few of my own solutions. I thought, if nobody is going to fix anything, I might as well offer up my own answers. Everything can be fixed, we just have to act on it like we are now. I find it highly ironic that I publish the work a year or two ago, and come to find a movement in the same tone as my work.

You can find the summary in the link, but for those of you who like to know what's in the link, i've put the description of the book below. As a final note, you can download the book in any format you can think of for any device from .mobi to .epub to .pdf and more. You can even read it on the link itself. I hope someone can take my work and run with it, because it's ready to go. Cheers.

[Description] This is a book you can take to your Congressmen and ask "What have you or your predecessors done in the last 50 years to address these issues?" This is a book that takes a big picture look at life in America and asks "Why is life this difficult in such a great country?" This book is about present social problems and simple, easily available solutions that could benefit everyone, if only Congress was willing to show that they cared about their constituents.

This book was created to start a discussion about solutions that are within our reach, that our government keeps ignoring due to sweetheart contracts, kickbacks, and plain old corruption. This book is your modern day suffrage movement.



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