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Forum Post: Here we go again. The ongoing campaign of commercially motivated Ebola terrorism continues.

Posted 10 years ago on Nov. 14, 2014, 5:10 a.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

America was just declared Ebola free 48 hours ago.

Since then, I've been searching The web every few hours on a VERY strong hunch.

Sure enough, another case of Ebola is being flown into hypochondriac America directly from ground zero Sierra Leone. Once again, the timing is all too obvious.

I would bet my life on this a thousand times over.

Two or more individuals with access to Ebola body fluids and 'for profit' ties to one or more drug/biotech companies are working together in order to keep America in the grip of Ebola fear throughout the 2014/2015 cold/flu season.

Scores of entities within healthcare are also driving Ebola fear in order to sell more medical testing, HazMat suits, gloves, ect as well as scores of media entities and personalities in order to drive up the value of their own commercial healthcare affiliations.

This goes far beyond criminal activity.

This is commercially motivated terrorism.

As I've been swearing since October 1st, Ebola will NEVER become an epidemic in America or ANY developed country. It will kill FAR FEWER than one out of every 500,000 Americans.

Unfortunately, I am unable to convince more than a few individuals with common sense. The rest are under the corrupt influence of commercialism and/or political partisanship.

They are beyond reach.

Maybe I should just print 5000 copies of this page and throw them and my body from the roof of a skyscraper in New York.

Let's see the commercially motivated powers to be cover that one up like they have been covering up the true motives and views of James Holmes for two and a half years and counting.



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