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Forum Post: Here are some OPTIONS...

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 12:24 p.m. EST by owsartist39 (11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Those of you who work in corporate America, particularly in banking, pharmacuticals, major retail, stocks and commodities, big oil, medical fields, etc. YOU should no longer stand behind the hollow words that, "I'm just doing my job." It is time for America's enablers - its employees - to give its fellow citizens some answers. This is not an act of bringing down capitalism, but instead the act of making it fairer and more honest in its dealings with us. Many of you know inside information, e.g., you are aware of training videos and classes designed to show how to dupe the consumer; drugs that are being improperly sold as remedies for things they were never approved for; pricing tricks that have gouged us all. Those of you in these industries know what needs to be exposed - so show your support and just do it. Anonymously is fine, as long as it is done publicly, e.g., send to NY Times; Huffington Post, Nation Magazine; Blogs, etc.

If you want to see corporate America start to pay attention and reduce their levels of criminality, then be a part of doing something besides saying you can't go down and join the Occupy'rs in your city. THIS may be this generations last chance to make the difference that will finally change your future.



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[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 12 years ago

i believe in what i am selling, that's why i'm selling it