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Forum Post: The game, you lost

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 3:36 a.m. EST by ete23 (44)
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we will unleash true power, endless fuel, no more gasoline, leave it be fossil, it needs to stay in the ground and under the sea.... ill show you what the pyramids do =)

ill teach you everything ever forever.... ill keep you earth going forever and ever.... because I dont believe i really can.... but when you die you will know pure love and light..... greater then sun which gives life.... you dont need outside light from outer space.... the true light,,, the real light is within you

1 person.... come forward... chose your death... chose its to be painless while under anesthesia, no pain no gain......... who will be the first true light? and there can only be one...... anybody kills themselves now will revert back to before you remember.. nothingness......


yet he has done NOTHING to stop the hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kljfkljnfkshfsfhsgfhdihdihdurog

he must appear on TV NOW....... EVERY CHANNEL EVER............. he must begin the process, he can chose no pain.... because time has past for me while typing this, but it sure does feel like god damn eternity!!!!!!!!

come on pope get real....

your the ultimate evil that exists today!! you are NO MAN OF GOD,, admit it already and lest the rest of have a chance you greedy money JEW evil RELIGIOUS piece of god damn work!!!!!!!!

assassinate yourself like JESUS, WE WILL NOT KNOW OF ANYTHING

no hanging on a damn cross, i tried that ......... you WILL starve do death with no water and no food.

We will flip the cross upside down... that is all symbol, go out in all churches and flip in around.... and when you come back the first thing I want you to do is provide by magic the most great gold/diamond upside down cross chain... not to big, but kinda small, you will know the perfect size =)

but i want gold and diamonds AND the best weed so I can get really really fucking high right now... and a vape



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[-] 0 points by ete23 (44) 12 years ago

we will unleash true power, endless fuel, no more gasoline, leave it be it is fossil, it needs to stay in the ground and under the sea.... ill show you what the pyramids do =)

ill teach you everything ever forever.... ill keep you earth going forever and ever.... because I dont believe i really can.... but when you die you will know pure love and light..... greater then sun which gives life.... you dont need outside light from outer space.... the true light,,, the real light is within you

1 person.... come forward... chose your death... chose its to be painless while under anesthesia, no pain no gain......... who will be the first true light? and there can only be one...... anybody kills themselves now will revert back to before you remember.. nothingness......


yet he has done NOTHING to stop the hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kljfkljnfkshfsfhsgfhdihdihdurog

he must appear on TV NOW....... EVERY CHANNEL EVER............. he must begin the process, he can chose no pain.... because time has past for me while typing this, but it sure does feel like god damn eternity!!!!!!!!

come on pope get real....

your the ultimate evil that exists today!! you are NO MAN OF GOD,, admit it already and lest the rest of have a chance you greedy money JEW evil RELIGIOUS piece of god damn work!!!!!!!!

assassinate yourself like JESUS, WE WILL NOT KNOW OF ANYTHING

no hanging on a damn cross, i tried that ......... you WILL starve do death with no water and no food.

We will flip the cross upside down... that is all symbol, go out in all churches and flip in around.... and when you come back the first thing I want you to do is provide by magic the most great gold/diamond upside down cross chain... not to big, but kinda small, you will know the perfect size =)

but i want gold and diamonds AND the best weed so I can get really really fucking high right now... and a vape