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Forum Post: HEDGE fund top wall streeter supporter favors OWS, explains why! READ

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 12:08 a.m. EST by Doc4the99 (591) from Washington, DC
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1) this guy exaplins why the market is rigged and supports ows.

2) if u havent noticed the fed bailed out europe or started y to on wed. With your tax dollars via currency swaps. Your dollar is worth less now so billionaires can keep their bonuses.

Anyway... http://www.reddit.com/r/occupywallstreet/comments/muqzv/ wall_of_text_i_work_in_wall_street_and_work_in

Also ... zerohedge.com

is a self-post, so I'm not trying to karma-whore or anything. I have a message I want to share with anyone who's interested. I'm writing this in hopes that the OWS movement can have a better understanding of the hedge fund industry and the financial markets. With OWS being the zeitgeist of current politics, I think it's important to know how exactly the hedge funds, along with the financial markets are destroying the 99%. Hedge funds. These guys are basically the vehicles of choice for ultra-rich people to get into the financial markets, besides family offices and private wealth managers. What are hedge funds? They are funds that have a 1-5 million deposit minimum, cater to the mega-rich, and can invest in anything without regulatory restrictions, use leverage to pump up their exposure by 15x, and pretty much eat up a vast majority of the industry's profits. These guys invest in EVERYTHING. Instruments you've heard of - stocks, bonds, forwards, futures, currencies, and instruments that you, me, or anyone else have never even heard of, much less know anything about: commodity future swaptions, FRA/OIS swaps, CLOs, exotic future options, p-notes, index/commodity/equity exposures, and a huge array of OTC (over-the-counter) instruments that no regular investor would ever have access to. Why I bring this up: the financial markets are rigged. 99% of the investing public has access to services such as basic brokerages, 401k/IRA's, mutual funds, pension plans, etc. Some of these services, especially pension funds, will invest into hedge funds, who take an additional 2 and 20 (meaning 2% of assets plus 20% of capital gains). What this means is that if you go any of the traditional retail routes, you are utterly screwed facing off against the hedge funds. First, you are paying exorbitant fees. Commissions on every stock trade. Mutual fund managers taking a cut - an annual % cut, as well as a % per profit cut. If these managers (i.e. pension plans) invest in another fund, that fund is also taking another % cut. You're down 2% the minute you invest your money. Next, if you're doing the investing yourself, you're paying ridiculous spreads. The bid/ask spread of a stock will cause you to be down another 2-3% the minute you buy the stock. For example, if you're buying a share of company at $4.25, you can sell back at only $4.15. Furthermore, you have absolutely no chance in terms of access to the best services. Hedge funds have a direct line to investment bank's institutional brokerage teams - these are the guys that spend day and night sucking up to hedge funds, trying to get them the best deals at the cheapest rates. This means that while you're buying stocks and bonds, hedge funds are getting special rights, warrants, sweetheart deals, private placement deals, options, bigger discounts on bonds, and much better bulk commission rates and lower spreads on stocks. If you're paying 4.25$ for a 4.15$ stock, they are paying something like 4.16$. And they are eating alive your profits because when the stock goes up to $4.30, they can activate another warrant to purchase 20m shares at $4.25, diluting the value of your shares. Next, you lack information and exposure. You have no idea what is going on in the market besides what you see on the news - while hedge funds have analysts working around the clock and a bunch of service providers who give minute-by-minute analysis of their portfolio opportunities and weaknesses in all markets with exposures to nearly everything. Meaning, if there is an opportunity in the real estate market (i.e. legislation), it might take you weeks to get in - hedge funds will have gotten in the minute the legislation was passed. Furthermore, when IPOs come out for companies, hedge funds get top billing on the primary market shares - which means investment banks are selling directly to them. Once the secondary market becomes available, hedge funds are up 15-20% on these investments, sometimes within hours. Finally, you have no capital compared to these hedge funds. The people who invest in these hedge funds are not just the 1%, they are the 0.1%. These are the guys with 500million dollar bank accounts and the ability to do whatever the fuck they want. Hedge funds know this, and they invest without having to care about whether their clients can pay the rent or send their kids to college. All of that is irrelevant. Their sole purpose is to earn money, not to mitigate risk. What does this all mean? It means the hedge fund industry is making a gig... more on the link...



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[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 13 years ago

One's best bet is to invest in one's own business, and buy things that will lessen one's dependency on the corporate network.

Don't go away, and keep up the good work OWS!

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 13 years ago

Hi Doc4, Good post. Best Regards, Nevada

[-] 0 points by Doc4the99 (591) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Thanks. More examples of bailed out banks unwilling to work with lenders. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/gmac-boycotts-massachusetts-will-halt-state-mortgages-retaliation-lawsuit

[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 13 years ago

All I want to know is, can it be rigged from the inside to Fu_k them back!

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

It should be doable, but very difficult. Hedge funds take a lot of capital to get started because they depend on a great deal of money to pay for the analysts that keep track of the markets on a minute-by-minute basis, the schmoozers that cut the sweet deals with the banks, the computer systems that perform the high-frequency trading, etc, and mostly that comes from the ultrawealthy with too much money on their hands. However, what if instead of one guy putting fifty million dollars into starting up a hedge fund we had a hundred thousand guys putting a few hundred dollars each into starting up what would amount to a people's hedge fund? The difference would be that such a fund would serve to maximize profits for ordinary working- and middle-class people instead of for a small group of superrich.

[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 13 years ago

That's a great idea! But the one thing that a Peoples Hedge Fund couldn't become is a part of the problem. It would have to be a reveal! It would have to be something like precision targeting is to weaponry. Hit only the areas that did the harm then publicly use that as an example of how screwed up the system is and why it must be changed. Wouldn't it be great to create a hedge fund that could bring down like Goldman Sachs!

[-] 0 points by Doc4the99 (591) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

All we just need to keep protesting. Keep calling them out. We are not going away.

One percenter of the week. Another ceo gets canned and gets 100there's mill...


[-] 0 points by Doc4the99 (591) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Yeah dont invest. Buy gold