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Forum Post: Guess WHO is in our skies? Angels!! The complete story found here!!! They Come to help this movement. It is the moment they have been waiting For!!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:38 p.m. EST by Sophia (0)
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Guess who is in our skies? Angels !! The complete story here!!!!

Galactic Federation of Light is outside of our planet and we need to know of their existence. They will come down to assist us just like it is written to play out at the End of Time a.k.a (Beginning of the New Age.) We can not be AFRAID. We must welcome their help. This is the Angels the Cosmic Beings And Jesus. Everyone Must read this. It is our help. God awaits our response. Send out shouts let them know we are ready for them to come down. We give them permission to come to our Aide and to guide us into the Golden Age. THEY NEED TO HEAR FROM US!!!

If you want to know the truth go to ascension- research.org and Galactic Federation of Light.info. The truth is that these are Angels, Cosmic Beings Archangels and the creator doing what has been documented through all times. God said to seek knowledge about him and the angels. (Spiritual knowledge). Google The Book of Knowledge :The Keys of Enoch @ wikipedia.com or simply buy it. It is the Divine plan taking place as we speak. Be in the know. Why would he say that in the bible if there was no information available to seek. Mankind continues to rely on his on thinking and opinions. When everything that has occurred and will occur has been documented as truth. How can I make such a bold statement. Well because I have looked upon all the knowledge. (11 years of research started in 2000) Just do a search on the keywords giving in these websites. The world already knows and is on board with these activities. You guys need to catch up. The Galactic Federation of Light is the angels and cosmic beings sent to this Planet to help Earth and mankind shift. And to Overcome the Dark Cabal. Its all in Revelation. Remember we are to live several years of Peace with Jesus. Why be afraid of peace harmony and love. Also check out in Wikipedia these keywords Elohim, Cosmic beings, Archangel, Spiritual Hierarchy. Look these up why would we have a definition of who they are in detail if they did not exist.. Nothing is kept from you. I listen to daily transmissions from these Ascended Masters about every aspect of what they are doing who they are and the Divine plan from heaven for Earth and Mankind. Awake guys!! And don't be afraid. We fear the things we don't understand or cannot identify with. We all identify with Jesus he is an Ascended Master and that is who is in our skies. Once your in the know the fear is no longer. Peace and Love... Gin

Also go to Ascended Master Teachings. You guys are going to learn something today. If you want to see God in the clouds which precedes our contact He says in scripture you will see him in the clouds and he is coming with his angels. You don't want to misinterpret this event or miss it and end up going against angels and Jesus and our creator. Go to this: Face Seen In Cloud (VIDEO) and the Divine Plan is at this link: http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/galactic_federation_of_light_first_contact.htm Guys and girls God asked us to do one thing which doesn't even require any effort it is simply to make up our minds and to BELIEVE his word and his ANGELS! To believe god is righteousness. Now to hear the daily transmissions search Galactic Federation of Light October ?? 2011 and enter yesterdays date and click! You will hear a message from the Ascended masters the cosmic beings daily!!!

Links: http://www.galacticfederationoflight.info (They are the angels from the cosmos) http://www.paoweb.com http://www.ascension-research.org go to index then click on scroll titled Ascended Masters, Elohims, Angels, and Cosmic Beings. Each being gives you discourses on who they are. Ascended Master Teachings @ wikipedia Ascended Masters @ wikipedia Find out who the are. The Divine Plan @ http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/galactic_federation_of_light_first_contact.htm This will happen immediately after we show them were are not afraid of our cosmic friends. They do not wish to harm us. So they wait for our recognition of them so as not to harm our mental state. Now is time for the return of the Christ. The second coming.

Also go to to you tube and type Strange sounds heard in the sky Are these the trumpets! They were heard all over and on my birthday August 16th.




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[-] 1 points by Shannon (1) from Pacific, WA 12 years ago

The link to luisprada.com didn't work for me.