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Forum Post: Grow Up!

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 16, 2011, 8:54 p.m. EST by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Spoiled children that don't know they are spoiled. My father grew up without electricity, gas or indoor plumbing in the 30s and 40s. Occupies complain that they don't get free 4G on their smart phones. There are very few people in the country that understand what poor is!



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[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

This forum post and thread is potentially a 'Randian Ghetto' for supercilious ; self-regarding ; self referential narcissists and matrialists ; all aspirants to 'The Cult of Earthly Wealth' and who despise the poor, less fortunate and less able.

The forum-poster and his acolytes here, wish The Rest Of Us to ignore and forget The Grand Financial Larceny and The Despotism Of Banksters and The Corruption and Corporate Capture of 'Democratic' Governments throughout the 'West' and beyond.

This thread is an ideologically motivated attempt to disguise, deceive and obfuscate from The Real Problems and so I'm off and gone et ...

radix malorum est cupiditas !!

[-] 2 points by pumpkin (43) 13 years ago

shadz66- thanks for your comments- today we have had enough. we will join together and fight for the rights of all humans. against oppression, injustice and for those who are voiceless.---------------------------------------------- Thanks -- FORREAL- this kind of post, strengthens ows , and joins us together against the oppressor.

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

A forreal what? Idiot?

[-] -3 points by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO 13 years ago

typical name calling from the brilliant occupy intellect. Do you actually have a supporting argument?

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

I think that "you" have to inhabit reality 1st. Prior to my being able to talk any sense to "you".

[-] 2 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

I grew up working poor in the Bronx and am currently at MIT thanks to a crazily determined mother and a strong, supportive working class community, and I fully support the movement as a whole as much (as I sometimes want to cuff someone upside the head out of frustration at particular policies and tactics that don't work).

Just something for you to chew on: the policies that we're out here protesting and complaining about are the very same policies that left a good quarter of this country in your grandparents' position seventy to eighty years ago. Incidentally, there are already a couple of thousand people out in the California desert living in a way quite similar to how your father grew up, and the economic mess we're in now sent a lot of them there. Don't believe me? Google "Slab City" and then get back to me.

[-] 0 points by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO 13 years ago

good comments. I do know there are thousands of people living like my father. We have more than 300 million people in this country. I totally understand if a small percentage chooses to not live on the welfare and other public assistance we currently provide.

[-] 2 points by ilovecars (36) 13 years ago

those millions of homeless, have chosen to live that way?
this web page sure can bring in the crazy's.

[-] 2 points by forsale (11) 13 years ago

Maybe you can tolerate this? but ows can't ! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk One in 45 children in the USA — 1.6 million children — were living on the street, in homeless shelters or motels, or doubled up with other families last year, according to the National Center on Family Homelessness. The numbers represent a 33% increase from 2007, when there were 1.2 million homeless children, according to a report the center is releasing Tuesday. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk while the super rich, fly in private jets and buy off congressmenjjjjjjjjjjj not only is ows the best thing that ever happened to this country- its the hope of the planet-- http://1vbd3.cjb.net

[-] -1 points by REALamerican (241) 13 years ago

Its their right as Americans to be rich and fly in private jets. especially since most of them donate plenty of money to avoid paying taxes. You can't change people's rights.

[-] 1 points by forsale (11) 13 years ago

Realamerican- There you are wrong - ows can change peoples rights! we will make sure all people have equal rights- the abuse of the 99% and their children , by the filthy corrupt rich , will cease.

[-] 0 points by REALamerican (241) 13 years ago

"Change people's rights"

That is the most unamerican thing i have ever heard.

[-] 1 points by ilovecars (36) 13 years ago

we hold these truths to be self evident- that all men are created equal- realamerican- get your head out.

[-] 0 points by REALamerican (241) 13 years ago

yes, so they have the right to own private jets. you cannot take that away from them, no matter how immoral they are,

[-] 0 points by justhefacts (1275) 13 years ago

Yes. They actually think THEY are in charge of other people's rights.

[-] 2 points by TheTrollSlayer (347) from Kingsport, TN 13 years ago

But i don't own a smart phone.

[-] 0 points by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO 13 years ago

If you don't own a smart phone then you truly understand the plight if the 99%. Point being, if you don't have food and shelter in this country then you didn't do ANY thing to try and get it.

[-] 1 points by TheTrollSlayer (347) from Kingsport, TN 13 years ago

Hey genius, guess what. I dont have one because i dont want one and am neither hungry or homeless. Besides, your only posting here to be disruptive, not gonna work bozo.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

CBS ran a spot on Slab City, near the Salton Sea in California.

Homeless people, foreclosed on due to the mortgage crisis, formerly middle class Americans.

Your ignorance is glaring.

Your smug self righteousness is disgusting, and I can't wait for the day your small dark heart seizes in your chest, you worthless excuse for a human being, you.



[-] 0 points by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO 13 years ago

"self righteousness" - very interesting choice of words. Do you own a mirror? what more beyond welfare should be done?

[-] 1 points by forsale (11) 13 years ago

clearly you are not forreal- zendog is right, you are a disgusting piece of sub-human shit.

[-] 0 points by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO 13 years ago

nice response since you couldn't answer the question. What more beyond welfare should be done?

[-] 1 points by Restorefreedomtoall1776 (272) from Bayonne, NJ 13 years ago

Very few, you say? Well, I don't drive anymore because of a terminal medical condition, but I'm still able to walk to a nearby bus stop and ride a bus. In the last several weeks, I have been approached by an ever increasing number of people, of all races and ages, begging for some change or even several dollars. Never before have I ever encountered anything like this where I live. At first, when this started, I tried to help everyone, but later on I had to become more selective, sometimes at the peril of my life. According to recent statistics I've read, I think there are at least 150,000,000 Americans who can be described as poor and desperate.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Go back to your team leader and tell him to hire someone with better trolling skillz. You suck ass.

[-] 0 points by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO 13 years ago

typical well thought out argument to support your side.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Spoiled children that don't know they are spoiled. My father grew up without electricity, gas or indoor plumbing in the 30s and 40s. Occupies complain that they don't get free 4G on their smart phones. There are very few people in the country that understand what poor is! is not a well thought out argument, dickmunch. It is you acting like an ass talking about shit you know nothing about.

[-] 1 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

The great depression was preceded by wallstreet and unregulated greed. The fact that we'll have to go through it again is incredibly frustrating.

[-] 1 points by Jflynn64 (337) 13 years ago

Are you saying that one caused the other?

These comments seem very personal and attacking. So are you saying that only good people deserve equality. I have to tell you I have been to the OWS encampment in SF and I was very unimpressed with people defecating in public and overt use of drugs. There were no hard workers there.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

now I know there is a forum post around here documenting the numbers of homeless Americans thanks to the bank foreclosures.

it's in the millions.



that's doing without electricy, gas, or indoor plumbing.

[-] 0 points by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO 13 years ago

absolute bull, why are they homeless???? Have you ever heard of WELFARE! we have that in this country. BTW the top 1% pays for it too!

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Go try and apply for it.

You think it's easy?

[-] 2 points by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO 13 years ago

Yes, it's easier than working 12 hours a day just to eat like my father. Probably easier than "Occupying". The problem is that it's been several generation since people understood what hard is. Hard is getting up a 3:00am to get wood to put on the fire when it's 10 degrees outside and you have to grade school in the morning. Work hard in school and after you get out of school and you will succeed. PERIOD

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

I used to get up a 4 and work for 10.

I used to walk to school too.

In bad weather, I used to hitchhike to a school in Detroit.

So what?

[-] 0 points by MASTERdBATER (15) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Get back to us once your back online.

Should be 6 mos. to a year.

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER (15) 13 years ago

Have fun with this IP. GL

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER (15) 13 years ago

I bet they learned their lesson about spending beyond their means.


[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

True. Poverty is relative.

[-] -1 points by MASTERdBATER (15) 13 years ago

We have the richest poor people in the world.

[-] 0 points by forreal (-7) from Otterville, MO 13 years ago

You got that right. We have the richest poor people in the world. Instead of doing something to make their lives better they "Occupy".