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Forum Post: Grass Roots

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 4:55 p.m. EST by ltjaxson (184)
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Marx said that a revolution will never succeed unless it is implemented from the bottom up. I am no Marxists (ok, mybe a little), but he was exactly right. Our own war for independence and the subsequent constitutional 'rights' were implemented by the those who benefited from it the most. Very few of Thomas Paine's ideas about Republicanism are part of the Consitituion. Even the Bill of Rights, which Jefferson lent very much from Piane, have the ideas of Paine and other doctrine of the Age of Reason. The basis of taxation from regressive levies on consumption to a progressive tax on landed property (ie hereditary wealth or accumulated wealth). The republican state as an agent of the social welfare, private property as an institution, and every citizen receiving subsidized eduction, health care and retirement. Yet these things, that would undeniably form a more perfect union, were conspicuously omitted. One reason and one reason only: there's no profit in it... We need to plant these seeds with grass roots!



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