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Forum Post: Grass roots economics

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 5:32 p.m. EST by GoodForUS (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I applaud your efforts. I too am very concerned at the damage caused to the economy by the Wall Street club. The financial industry has arguably become the most powerful entity in America. The concentration of wealth and power makes it difficult to reform by force. I believe that meaningful and long lasting reform can be more easily achieved from within the system. Please read more about my initiative at www.Good-for-US.com



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[-] 1 points by Wolfgang5463 (10) 13 years ago

please read the post and see that this economical system has much more in store for the society. Free money from silvio gesell.


[-] 1 points by Chef (9) 13 years ago

Nothing that a thousand nooses' wouldn't fix!

[-] 1 points by revg33k (429) from Woodstock, IL 13 years ago

nonviolent protest, this also means threats of violence are out as well