Forum Post: Government should be obligated to supply every citizen with employment.
Posted 12 years ago on March 13, 2012, 2:05 p.m. EST by FriendlyObserverB
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Should the government be obligated to provide every citizen employment opportunity ?
I hear a lot about corporations and small business providing jobs , but why should the working citizen be forced to work for tyranny when the government doesn't provide enough jobs !
No one wants to work/ be exploited by an entrepreneur/ small tyrant/ family run monarch/ dictator, but we are left with little choice since the government does not provide us with enough jobs.
Private enterprise-Enemy #1.
well said, i totally get what your talking about.
Thanks, I am glad someone understands.
When you say "work for tyranny" what do you mean? Our current government? Their corporate handlers? Both? It's a bit of a paradox as is, why on earth would anyone want to work for a tyrannical hierarchy?
For an answer: within reason. They definitely need to take action to get job creation going, but how about for a starting talking point requiring job creation when unemployment is above say 5% or so?
We can't have completely mandated employment, as I don't feel people should be obligated to work in an environment they don't like, and should still have mobility.
The real goal is to reverse the trend of long-term unemployment. That is what's really killing our work force right now. Way too many people are down and out. Unemployment figures need to stop being fudged and reflect that too.
Government should provide a basic job that all can apply to & most are eligible for. Afterall, they are here to govern. Then the unemployment stat would really be measuring the people's ambition & ability. This is good idea. Hear, hear!
I think everyone should start and run their own busines. Then they can control their own destiny.
Govt. should supply a Job,electric Car,a House all for free. People should only work though if they want to. Americans should have 3months vacation every year.
Nationalize every industry in America.
The Govt. should disband the Military and that would save Trillions while showing the world we mean them no harm and that would probably bring a whole new peace on earth.
Why not form your own small business or doyou want to be a back rider?
Are you kidding? No one can start a small business! That takes work and stuff!
What do you want the Gov to control every aspects of our lives??? this is dumb
I agree, I'd rather clean the toilets at the Whitehouse than at the IHop. I'm the only non-white working there too.
No they shouldn't
yay minus three on the guy who thinks people should be responsible for themselves
The "working citizen" could form his own business as to create his own paradise, but he is usually too dis organized, too lazy, or not savvy enough, so he has to live off the intellect and ambition of the entrepreneur.
Working citizens are "back riders."
Keep diggin that hole.
-1 points by aflockofdoofi (-23) 21 minutes ago
Keep diggin that hole. -2 points by DKAtoday