Forum Post: Go ahead, secede ...
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 20, 2012, 1:30 p.m. EST by camp
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Go ahead, secede, you gunslinging, fear mongering, bible thumping misogynists. Go ahead create your own country where you lay down your religious law, take away woman’s rights, teach creationism in your schools by armed underpaid teachers, while sitting on your fat white asses watching Faux News with a semi automatic on your lap screaming “Adhere to the Forefathers’ Second Amendment, everyone must own a gun!” in complete denial of the founding fathers belief in separation between church and state while your Black slave serves you fried green fucking GE tomatoes and a Latino mows your lawn for $2/day as you stuff all that money into your pocket that the big corporations who are Too Big To Fail give you to protect them. Hey y’all, at least your Citizens will be United while they are legitimately raped. Namaste, mother fuckers.
If California is going to be the model for where some folks want this nation to go, then perhaps the West Coast from Washington state on south should secede. And I am only partially joking on that. Looking at the electoral map, the reds and the blues could not be more defined. I have as much chance of sprouting wings and flying up to heaven as Congress has of working together. The idealogical divide is probably greater than in 1861. So why not make the split? the social engineers can practice their art without involving those who may not, shall we say? be progressive enough to agree.
I actually like the idea of secession fact I hope that one day real soon America will secede from the South. One day the sane states will wink and nod ...then D.C. will wink and nod, and then we'll set up an America on the other side of the street.
I think DC should secede and leave the rest of us alone.
50 Free Man Challenge was an interesting idea from OT.
Each state get at least one person outside the D/R spectrum into Congress. Their only goal is to hold those toads accountable. Thats it.
How'd that work out for you?
You are alone. Your ilk has decided to destroy the social safety nets in this country. You have a large amount of homeless people. You and your ilk have destroyed as many unions as you could, outsourced jobs, and destroyed people's careers so that you could steal from the people. You should be proud. Yay you!
Not enough for you?
What are you talking about? I was being sarcastic to the post about secession. I was referring to the clowns in DC that are running this country into the ground.
Dont forget WallSt and the Fed.
Its a 3 Headed Monster and its out of control. Each head feeding the other while it takes one massive dump on the rest of us.
WallStreet beat them all to it, silly.
Now they are the ones beating what's left of our governance into the ground too.
Are you sure you came top the correct web site?
This one is called Occupy Wall Street for a very good reason.
Yeah, and it's the clowns in gov't that passed the laws to allow them to do it. Push your representatives to reinstate Glass Steagle would be a good start to break up the big banks. Getting rid of the Fed and going back to the gold standard would also help.
You'll have to bring that up in the board rooms, as their "investment" monies are not moving in that direction.
They are busy buying up States all around the great lakes as a precaution to global warming. Which they already have a HUGE investment in.
It's not the FED per se, and a return to the gold standard is idiotic.
Not enough Libertopia?
I was referring to both sides of the aisle as well as the destroyer in chief.
Bush has been gone for a while now. You shouldn't speak about the mentally disabled that way no how anyway.
Why else would they keep him out of the light?
Thank you oh so much!
I don't presume to change anyone's opinion on this forum. It was just a rant. Boy, did it feel good!