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Forum Post: GND

Posted 6 years ago on Feb. 9, 2019, 10 a.m. EST by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX
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"... That is the green new deal. And it’s a GND for the 90%, not 60 [family blogging] siloed NGOs. And all deals have (at least) two sides: This one has the 'climate' side, and it has the 'justice' side. ..."




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[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 6 years ago

In support of forwarding the Green New Deal, consider:

On a personal note: I think Bernie @BernieSanders should take-up where he left off in 2016. Elizabeth Warren cld be a good running mate & perhaps be "the" presidential candidate in 2024. If the democratic party will not support Bernie - then He should run Independent this time! https://twitter.com/DKAtoday/status/1097173282799923202

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 6 years ago

Chances are the GOP will win Texas's electoral votes anyway. So it doesn't make a difference if I vote for an independent, a Green or a Democrat. If the Texas vote is in question, I'll hold my nose, if necessary as I did for Hillary, and vote for the Democrat

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 6 years ago

The threat of climate change to the survival of the human race is subsumed beneath the threat of capitalism.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 6 years ago

Capitalism is (to a great degree) determined to be blind to the threat that climate change presents - because Capitalism does not want to change - it figures it can make a quick buck off of the damage caused anyway and be stronger. Such is insanity!

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 6 years ago

Such is insanity

Insanity is the greatest threat to survival.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 6 years ago

Insanity is the greatest threat to survival.

Especially when the insane are in-charge! Gov gr8 example of the insane being in-charge at this very point in time.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 6 years ago

GND = There "THERE" is where a National Emergency should Be Called And Funded!

Pounding Money & other resources into resolving the ACTUAL REAL AND MASSIVELY GROWING CRISIS ! = "Global Warming" & Humanity's current feeding of it!

Creating A Clean Energy Grid And the Supporting Infrastructure - which would in the creation: Create Employment, reduce costs that could be channeled into moving the Green process FASTER, reduce illness as the process removes pollution from the necessary processes of civilization! & OH SO MUCH MORE !


[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 6 years ago

In support of the GND's economic justice section: ? % people in debt for life? Living pay to pay. Capitalism failed them. 50%? to 90%? Capitalism is a failed economy!


[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 6 years ago

Should 90% of us be considered marginalized?

"The GND advocates possibly because social justice vocabulary and styles of thought come most easily to them; the defense of 'the marginalized,' for example. But in a neoliberal hellscape with falling life expectancy, falling birth rates, real wages stagnant for decades, a Kafka-esque health care system, and (especially for the young) crippling debt, doesn’t it make sense to consider the 90% as marginalized?"


[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 6 years ago

What's your criterion for making the 90%-10% cut?

From my standpoint, I see: Falling life expectancy is bad because we lose the social capital invested in the people who die early. When we couldn't remember or feel what our forebears had gone through, we tend to have to repeat learning our lesson in the hard way. In the multiple nuclear-meltdown catastrophe near Fukushima, the Japanese ancestors deliberately marked in stone the height to which their tsunami had reached. If the nuclear power plant had been built heeding the advice of the forebears, the catastrophe wouldn't have happened.

Falling birth rates is not necessarily bad depending on context. It's a long-term ¿evolutionary? trend that we have lower and lower birth rates as we grow richer. What is alarming is the instabilities that difference in birth rates can cause. Most poorer countries still have high birth rates and experience much stress due to that. In theory, the richer countries can simply import the poorer countries' people and things will be fine. There is a problem here though. The richer countries get the acculturated-to-poorer-countries people. There is some truth to the saying that one cannot save one's own depopulating culture with other cultures' people. Culture can shift but it gets harder as a person gets older. I am not advocating snatching babies because we do indeed live in a culturally being-imploded world so we definitely need multiculturally literate, sensible, and sensitive people to minimize and defuse the potential explosions, the more the better. It's important to know where the other people are "coming from" to empathize and minimize conflicts. Sometimes, there are differences which cannot be bridged over so for these the best thing is to have segregation with an understanding that each side stays within its own jurisdiction. Let the pork eaters (the Chinese) congregate. Let the beef eaters (the Jews) congregate separately. If they find the other group's practice disturbing, they need to restrain themselves after recognizing their jurisdictional limits and just tolerate the existence of the other group elsewhere. Otherwise, it will result in the Biblical crossing of the dried-up Euphrates. Segregation can be greatly advantageous to opposing sides depending on the specific context. When the U.S. first started having more and more automobiles on its muddy roads, cars going north were "integrated" with the cars going south so these two opposing streams got into each other's way and got stuck in confrontations and traffic jams in the mud. Making and adhering to the rule of driving to the right freed up every driver. Driving could be done faster and often safer.

Real wages stagnant for decades is both good and bad depending on whether you are a worker in the U.S., Red China, or India. It's obviously bad for the U.S. worker but the work outsourced to Red China and India made both countries' workers' livelihoods far better off than before. Our Shittoad-in-Chief thinks that we are getting a great deal by importing several Silicon Valleys' worth of high-tech workers every year. I doubt that it was as beneficial as he seemed to think. Of course, a warm moist vagina or mouth was definitely a great import from Eastern Europe for him. I understand and I certainly agree! Michio Kaku claimed that the H1-B visa (82,000 of them for Fiscal Year 2019) was what he called "the genius visa." I think that he just spends far too much time in his ivory tower to know the truth. I found it disturbing that he encouraged people to study physics to make it their lifework. I know quite a few unemployed (trying to work in physics, not just a closely related area) or working in other non-physics-jobs physics-degree holders. Telling one to pursue physics as a livelihood is just immoral, shunting people towards economic austerity, often for life. People who can do physics have minds that can usually do other things for far more pay so I certainly don't mind people trying hard to understand and learn physics but to stay celibate from other related and highly lucrative areas is just plain economically immoral even to suggest. It is also immoral to steal other countries' grown and educated workers through H1-B visas. I also know that these were the classic exploited slave workers. They were paid (often far) less than U.S. workers (the labor certification requirement that NO suitable U.S. worker can be found is absolutely a total joke with extremely-tiny-font job requirements and specific qualifications running inches long in a help-wanted advertisement's newsprint; I was frankly shocked when someone pointed that out to me because the person who in no way could satisfy the qualifications was sending a resumé answering the advertisement just to muddy the water! Yeah, right, I agree that I definitely have a severe problem finding people willing to work for me for nothing.) The employers dragged their feet in getting them the green cards. It's just modern-day slavery and you know where I stand on that. It's so much better off if we give the DREAMERS a pathway to citizenship because I honestly think that we have a first-call claim on keeping them here since we had acculturated and educated them. If what my Mom had told me were true, I was an accidental picked-up-from-a-public-toilet-bowl baby but she definitely cleaned me up and treated me as her very own baby. I was both acculturated and educated under her care. Whether adopted, picked up, or natural-born, they are all our children.

Kafka-esque healthcare system is terrible. The Retards have got to go. Medicare-for-all is simple, cheap, and effective. The U.S. spent twice as much as other developed countries and getting far worse outcomes in the mean. Only idiots can say that it's great. We don't really have a healthcare system. We have an insurance cost-shifting litigation system for maximizing profits using health as a slogan.

Crippling debt is bad but it was also a choice (my parents lived through hyperinflation; their solution was to keep zero savings, to work to get money and spend it immediately; one doesn't gain, or lose nearly nothing, if all the numbers are kept very close to zero.) I understand how our government promotes debt by devaluing the U.S. dollar through persistent monetary creation of inflation. The more one borrows, the better off one gets in the long run because one ¿can? pay back the debt with cheaper and plentiful money. There's a major problem with this. People all know this so they all do what the U.S. government does, which is the greatest debtor of all time, of everywhere, while waiting for the government bailout. A trillion here and a trillion there. It soon adds up to imaginary money. Money is institutionally treated with disrespect towards its stored-value so it disappears. In my lifetime, casting aside the suddenly wealthy people (having received a big inheritance, winning the lottery, winning the Nobel or a similar high-monetary-amount prize,) I have NEVER met any wealthy person who did not owe a lot of debt. If one is wealthy, one almost for sure owes a lot of debt so the government is definitely on one's same side creating more credit loosening and printing money to back the credit as needed in order to inflate away the debt. Most wealthy people owe a lot of debt and own real things bought with credit (also known as fake money, the main reason historically for hating Jews who are the crafty masks of oppression for the ruling class,) not even using the so-called "real money" that the government keeps on printing to backstop the credit loosening on the road to living hell, just like in Venezuela. When everybody else sucks on the very few suckers, those few suckers die of being sucked dry then everybody else starves to death for the lack of sustenance. Crippling debt is only crippling if one cannot service it. The trick is to keep one's credit scores high and keep on juggling the money around to create the illusion of liquidity -- Shittoad-in-Chief may be cumming with scrod, the past participle of "screw" in its cloaca. As long as one can borrow from Peter to pay Paul, there is no problem at all. Eventually all debt will become quite meaningless once we have reached Venezuela's 80,000% 2018 inflation rate. Unsustainable debt will be discharged en masse through financial chaos: recessions, high to hyperinflation, stagflation, panics, and depressions. The poor people who are on government programs subsidizing them are de facto kept from accumulating wealth because they cannot earn more than the limits imposed by the government without the government cutting their subsidies. They become the permanent slaves who must work to keep their subsidies but never work so much that they can work themselves out of poverty. Capitalists love having this type of people available in abundance to work for them. Government bought by them through their political riggings is a way to enslave other people.

The only path out of poverty for these must-work-but-not-too-much people is to stay away from the government's subsidies. I understand why some of them buy lotteries. If they win, they quantum-jump to become rich. However, lotteries are such a horrible and terrible way to get rich due to the odds being stacked against the players.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 6 years ago

What's your criterion for making the 90%-10% cut?

It's not my cut. It's a rhetorical question. The economy is working for 10% of the population. Capitalism is a failure for the rest of us. Instead of rambling on mindlessly, why don't you read what others have to say:


[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 6 years ago

I did. I think we need much more than a Green New Deal. We should aim for making Earth into what Michio Kaku called a Type-I civilization.

I don't want to ride a nonstop Shanghai-Express from New York and be shot down by an Anti-Ballistic-Missile defense system somewhere on the western Pacific Rim during the atmospheric reentry. Peace can make many desirable things possible although continuing conflicts is a form of freedom for the peoples on Earth. The internet itself we are using right now is a Type-I civilization's tool made possible by the ending of the Cold War. It's our generation's peace dividend!

There are cavemen leading many countries who think that being able to wage cyberwarfare shows that their balls are brassy hard between their legs. Here was what a kid (male, unsurprisingly!) told me regarding the creator of the partially finished [¿engineering?] projects gathering dust, "Oh, she's an artist because she couldn't do engineering. Engineering is hard because engineers have to make things Work! Her unfinished projects are Art." There was a time when the greatest artist in Europe, Leonardo da Vinci, was also a great engineer. The greatest [maniacal] artist of all is God [who signed His alpha into every electronic energy level of any hydrogen atom and let Z reign over system behavior. Z denotes the configuration sum wherever two or more identical particles gather in His Name (the Omega) in different energy levels. All systems, regardless of their compositions, with the same Z up to a scalar factor behave identically in isomorphic ways.] I have my two-bits' worth of rejoinder, "Anyone who hacks a computer system to make it malfunction can no-doubt qualify as a two-year-old toddler who can knock down wooden-block towers faster than their parents can build them."

Bang-bang babies can staff our product-reliability testing department. We'll give them hammers, blowtorches, wetbaths, etc. We sorely need global adult/adultery daycare centers distributed worldwide to some nations' capitals. We in the U.S. led the world again, with multiple ones already installed at great expense. In Texass we had probably dug the biggest hole in the World and filled it back in because there was no promise from a scientist that we could find God there, unlike in the Texass X-Science textbooks where we can find e-duc-ation of the patriarchal Texass Instrument of co-pulation. Our politicians didn't want to discover that hillbilly Higgs boson -- we've already got bozons galore. Being America cum loud, Texass hosted the "bigger" hole in the U.S. pocketbook. "Everything in America is bigger!" We still need to sink the cost of that second aircraft carrier with yet another shutdown to fill the Chinese order. The Chinese General would be displeased if we had only sunk the cost of one.

The internet was very much an open-society model so many Great-Walled-In societies felt terribly threatened by the internet because these societies really belong to the predominant cultures of centuries and millennia past. Time differences accompany gravitational forces that result in cultural whiplashes or clashes, no different from what the Theory of General Relativity predicts. As an example, the 2001-9-11 attacks were a cultural clown-car crash. So was the Opium War. The U.S. is exceptional because it was able to overcome Christian sectarianism and be founded with godly principles upon our Godless Constitution. Its different levels of government being secular made it compatible with most countries so that it has diplomatic relations with all but a handful of countries and numerous military bases worldwide. Examine a U.S. coin in detail for its symbolism carefully: Liberty, In God We Trust, E Pluribus Unum, olive branch and arrows clutched by a breast-shielded eagle. We are the most religious country in the whole world but our government aims to have zero religion in it. When that secularism goes, the U.S. will disintegrate into chaos. We seem to be on our way alright, with our Shittoad-in-Chief gnawing away at its own toadstool. Toadstool is toxic and numbs the mind.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 6 years ago

Time and space are not things. They're concepts. We can manipulate things. Concepts are means to describe, understand or order things.

GND is a doable thing. It's not the best thing but it's better than a concept that's isn't doable at this location (relative to other places) and position in the order of events of things. The uses of [words/concepts] time and space are a more concise way saying that but what I did was expand them to the things they describe.