Forum Post: Given that OWS tells us that Obama is the Solution - Perhaps OWS is the Problem?
Posted 12 years ago on March 2, 2012, 6:34 p.m. EST by hdean
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Given that OWS tells us that Obama is the Solution - Perhaps OWS is the Problem?
Obama is owned by Goldman Sachs. Fact.
If OBAMA is the solution, so say's OWS, then we're in a world of shit forever, ...
Biggest meanest bankers in the world. OWS likes to talk about "economic hitman", ... that is Goldman Sachs, they are the worlds economic hitman, they run country's and declare wars.
They "Goldman" put Obama in Power.
How in the hell can Obama be the solution?
Don't tell me he's our asshole and less an asshole that BUSH, cuz Bush is gone.
This is the argument they made about Somosa in the 1950's in Nicaragua, ..."He's an asshole, but our asshole".
NO OBAMA is NOT my asshole, ... I suggest we find a USA president that is NOT an asshole.
That's NOT the fucking problem today. Let's talk today.
Bretton Woods was fine in a world where the USA controlled monopoly firepower to incinerate the earth.
But today the OIL country's have a choice they can sell their OIL to Asia for GOLD, or they can sell their OIL to parasitic nations for USA paper.
It's a NO BRAINER. The BW agreement simply state's that ALL the World MUST accept US dollars. But guess what, the world now say's FUCK YOU to Uncle Sam and Bitch Goldman-Sachs.
Once the ASIAN economy's over took the west, ... its now ASIA that can dictate the terms. The middle east see's what has happened to China, sitting on Trillions of worthless US dollars it can't sell.
The future is that NOBODY want's US dollars and OIL country's are just getting it in the last few years.
BW is a dead agreement it did back in the 1970's, the USA was toast POST Vietnam War.
So, do you think we should vote Republican, or just not vote, and let the Republicans have absolute power?
There are no other choices in the upcoming election.
So, come on, which is it?
Obama is NOT the fucking solution.
Mormonism is NOT the fucking solution, ... the entire reason the OWS talking points from day one were "Go rest during winter, and return to protest for Obama in the spring", ... by then it will be too late for the progressives to find an alternative candidate.
Obama is an asshole and NOBODY is doing anything to find a real candidate of the people.
Did I say Obama was the solution? Seems you are putting words in my mouth to back up your own inability to think about politics strategically. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt here, because there is a concerted effort to push the anti-Democratic message right now.
We should all be aware of these "stay on message" "taking points," ie., lies, produced by the Republican "disinformation" machine, and the very recognition of them should give us insight into what they don't want us to do.
OK, ... so GK finally admits that anybody that questions OWS twisted fucking Orwellian logic is operating on KOCH Pills and following the Kolobian Romney Mormon Tablet.
What fucking god damn bullshit. I'm an anarchist, and what I see is that OWS is a fucking prostitute whore for the DNC. Fuck the RNC, your both fucking the problem, and not the solution.
Spoken like the Republican opperative you undoubtably are.
Republican Plan:
convince them not to vote.
Once in Power crush their movement, and all hope of it's success through control of wealth, news medis, the police, the military, the presidency.the House of Reps., The Senate, The Federal Courts, the Govenorships, The Statehouses, the threat of hired mercinaries and the Supreme court.
That sound like a good idea to everybody?
O'Bama, Rommney, Gingrich, Santorum, even Ron Paul all work for the same Masters. Those masters have a public face and his name is Bernake.
Read this for evidence, there's a ton more of it out there and in my opinion it is empirical. The OWS should focus on the root, not the branches of inequality.
Ron Paul works for Bernanke? Explain that, please.
He has a 20+ year record of fighting to audit them and most all his efforts have been fought by The Fed's actual owned pawns from both sides of the aisle.
YES LIMEY, your dead on, but OWS ONLY exists to re-elect the Obama. Short term thinking.
Obama is owned by Goldman Sachs, the same people who OWN and created the US federal reserve.
The GS just wants the world to use the US DOLLAR which it prints for free, otherwise their children die.
The tell me who's in charge so I can put a fire up their ass. Time is not on our side. We are near end times, and by that I mean that they have engineered a situation where a unified Global currency will seem like the only solution!
As soon as the war with Iran kicks off either by us directly, or us funding an effort by Israel (Most likely option) it will begin.
It's time to take down the Fed and it CAN be done!
Kalle Lasn in Vancouver, BC(CANADA), owns the website through his ORG funded by SOROS called CANVAS. This OP has been used in every Arab-Spring on earth the CIA in past year, and they took it live to the USA. Ran from BC, cuz is illegal for CIA to operate on US soil.
'badlimey' your a bad actor, and too self important in your own mind, like I wrote above it took the FED-RES over 100 years to establish what they have, .. now there are too many status-quo interests who will preserve what they have.
The IRAN war is only about the fact that all OIL NATIONS want gold for their oil, nobody wants US dollars, and that is what the FED-RES creates, now that nobody wants US-Dollars the FED-RES will collapse of its own making.
I don't think that I am any less or more important than you or anyone else. I am certainly not acting. Fact, you can't disprove one single thing that I have said so you do what all ignoramuses do when their brain short fuses, resort to personal attacks. It's what I expect, you won't be the last but congratulations on being the first. There now you have accomplished something.
And this Gold that the oil producing nations want, who owns it? Where is it? You should also define who the status quo are, and present an argument on why they would be impacted. I served as a Police Officer, in the British Army and the US Army. I am a decorated veteran with an exemplary record of service to my country.
I am also a Father of 3 and a Grandfather, what would I have to personally gain by speaking openly?
Think before you spout off.
A confirmed god damn fucking asshole.
If you want OIL from nations that have OIL, then I suggest you become gold miner and quick. Otherwise you'll have no oil.
Whatever, I'm past the point of debate with you, ignorant, delusional, misinformed, moron.
Anybody that talks shit about their 'kids' on this forum is either a BOT or a PEDO, and this board is full of both.
Your personal life shit is for what? Too prove to us your more human than human?
Why not focus on the OP topic, or is it all about you and your make believe family?
I am not hiding behind anonymity like you. Who are you? Send me a private message and I will exchange personal information with you. Let's see who the man is now.
bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE……………………….. BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . .
I don't know what's going on but I want some of what you smoked.
Jews sure are happy people!
How as a double-secret, extra-special moderator on OWS-FORUM is it that you can post this thrassy-shit and the other mod's not shadow-ban you? I'm just curious?
The MOD standards are extremely low, and OWS-MOD-God's work in strange ways.
Great article; you messed up a few (very minor) points but otherwise this was well-written.
Government Sack's had been running this country for over 40+ Years, they have been running the world for longer.
How did they take over? Through AIPAC, and using the Federal Reserve as the personal piggy bank. My guess is now they're terrified that the USDollar looses reserve-currency status their hot-air balloon will collapse to earth. Today they have NOTHING to lose, so its full on negative agression.
"Government Sacks" [TM], is what people at Goldman Sachs call themselves.
OWS only exists to Re-Elect Obama 2012, ... funny OBAMA is the power, ... and OWS tells the sheep that he's the solution. If that were true, our problems would have been fixed in 2008.
Obama kept all of the BUSH money men in office,
HOPE&CHANGE? My gawd you people are fucking stupid.
But then Obama is our asshole, ... so we have to support him with our votes, ... but once this election has past, you will be of NO need to us.
Have you ever read the Bretton Woods agreement?
You should.
Finding a single soul in the USA that is NOT an asshole is impossible, a nation of assholes ONLY elect assholes and thus OBAMA.
I don't click on external OWS honey-pots. I'm very well educated on BW, thank you.
Well it was much longer ago than 40 years and far more effective for making you point than merely stating Sacks have been running the show for 40 years.
TPTB formally took over when BW handed them America as it's personal piggy bank.
IT took over 30 years to put everything in place to set the stage for BW proper.
That's NOT the fucking problem today. Let's talk today.
Bretton Woods was fine in a world where the USA controlled monopoly firepower to incinerate the earth.
But today the OIL country's have a choice they can sell their OIL to Asia for GOLD, or they can sell their OIL to parasitic nations for USA paper.
It's a NO BRAINER. The BW agreement simply state's that ALL the World MUST accept US dollars. But guess what, the world now say's FUCK YOU to Uncle Sam and Bitch Goldman-Sachs.
Once the ASIAN economy's over took the west, ... its now ASIA that can dictate the terms. The middle east see's what has happened to China, sitting on Trillions of worthless US dollars it can't sell.
The future is that NOBODY want's US dollars and OIL country's are just getting it in the last few years.
BW is a dead agreement it did back in the 1970's, the USA was toast POST Vietnam War.
Oh no, that's not all it said or did......... study it more closely.
It gave the world bankers, now known as the IMF, legal right to use the USA as it's personal piggy bank. Just one step of many to bring about the plutarchy we have today and the one of the last coffin nails in the long since deceased democratic republic.
Plenty more steps were taken long before Viet Nam, just one huge shell game.
I don't disagree its a 'shell game', MADOFF recently said while in prison, "Why you picking on me about ponzi, the US government is the biggest PONZI on earth", ...
The US Government is a PONZI, during Bretton Woods the USA had pretty much control of the world, and had proved that it would kill anybody that would not trade their 3rd world commodity's in US dollars.
But today 2008+ is a different world, the US dollar is just paper and Hyper-Stagflation is coming soon, and smart folks are bailing quick. Both with their feet and their treasure and moving abroad.
The US MIL see's it coming, and they're going to try to steal as many oil fields as they can, cuz in just 2-3 years the US MIL will have nothing to pay for their oil that they need for their ships, and planes. Expect to see the US MIL start stealing gold, cuz pretty soon that's the only way you'll be able to buy OIL.
Many things got us where we are today, ... but mostly its just the same old story a 'mercantile economy' ( Sprengler, 1918 ) dilutes its coinage to zero, Rome did it pre 500AD, and we did it post depression, .. once a mercantile economy loses it 'reserve currency' status then the world quits sending it food, and its game-over that country becomes a ghost-town, and this has happened to dozens of civilizations over the last 4,000 years.
The only thing about the US is that which usually takes 100's years has been done by the USA in just 1-2 generations, the complete destruction of their currency.
I somewhat disagree with your view that BW gave US control of the world, I see it that it gave TPTB, old world big money, control of the US.
The game plays on..........
That's a fantasy pushed by all the nut case groups that the UN controls the world, or the IMF, ... or the World-Bank,
Fact is Rockefeller and big-oil in general put all the UN groups together post WWII, and placed them all in NYC, ... close to the center of power.
By the 1970's the USA was running on fumes and broke from the Vietnam War, ... we took our money off gold/silver, and needed BrettonWoods to stay in business, that was a bandaide, today its game-over the USA is toast.
The OWS cowards have no clue about the Obama plans for their white ass. DHS fusion centers, and FEMA camp's, ... free housing for all not unlike the tent city's they created for themselves in the fall, ... already pre-conditioned for living in their own shit, ... albeit no catered pizza delivery.
that is like finding an american land hog that isnt an asshole. Its non-existant.
Since the 1920's the ADL, JDL, and NOW AIPAC has controlled ALL USA MSM media.
Might be shameful, but it took 90 years of hard-work to have what they have today, 100% control the USA.
But that said ISRAEL is only a proxy, and USA is only a mercenary-army and source of CASH.
The USA public are only cannon fodder.
Europe, USA, and Israel are in an economic nose-dive, ... ONLY by stealing the worlds oil and selling it to Asia, ... can the West have a future place in the world.
Hypocrits, ... god damn fucking hypocrits are OWS and the DNC.
Obama is the Official OWS asshole of 2012.
The OWS golden-boy.
Let's see when the 'turn' on their war-monger prez? They will not, all war protesting is ran by the DNC, and they never protest war when the prez is occupied by a DEM, ... just another reason to vote PUG, it keeps the fuckheads on the street.
This is what I hate most about the DEM party, ... all so called 'protesting' is ran by the DNC, just like OWS is ran by the DNC.
When some asshole like BUSH is in office the protesters are out in the street everyday, but when there is a DEM is office, ... total fucking silence about the killing for oil.
Hypocrits, ... god damn fucking hypocrits are OWS and the DNC.