Forum Post: Give your respect to police officers first to earn their respect in return. You can't make a withdrawal without making a deposit first.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 6:51 p.m. EST by USCitizenVoter
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Give your respect to police officers first to earn their respect in return. You can't make a withdrawal without making a deposit first. Rules from mother nature. Mother nature always has the last word.
Remember we are in our infancy and many do not yet understand the message. If we break all bridges with police officers now, we could set ourselves a harder mission. If we get their unions if we bring them to understand, we would have a very very easy piece of cake walk in doing what we want to do. Until the REST of the 99% understands and gets behind us, they are fearful of losing their jobs, upsetting the boat (for example only 5% of workers stayed home in Oakland for the strike) and will take time to understand, then join. It should not be 'either you are for us or against us!' but 'If you listen to what I have to say and see what is happening, I know you will be for us." Give ALL the people some time, for crying out loud, to hear, to think, to hear again, to understand. The day we make friends with the cops and work with understanding, is the day they come on our side of the barricade.
Ramous, Your going to the top of the class. Thank God for your reply. Our Armed Forces will be next challenge once the police start refusing to stop a protester from using his or her freedom of speech. The military can be charged with treason for not following their orders and that's hell to pay for them.
Well thought out response. Thank you for sharing.
OurTimes2011, Thanks for the complement. I love your handle. There is a lot in the name one chooses for himself.
I agree with what you are saying. Somebody has to be the “first image” that will be reflected back. Make it be you with a positive image
Give a cop a suspicious look and receive one in return
Give a cop a sign of appreciation and most times he will reflect that back
Don’t take this lightly, this is a very powerful tool for getting through life
The one that reaches out first will suceed. If occupiers are truely determine to get the police to join occupy then write it on some signs and carry those sings in the next protest. It will be tough for a police officer to knock you down if your sign say that your relative like a brother or mother is a cop too. Occupy Together with the police at our sides could start by offering a simple hand shake or thanking them for serving in your city.
Cops are mostly a GANG. Good Cops DO exist. THey are just rare. Most are brainwashed.
Now anyone knows the police are needed in any society to keep the peace.
Bware- Police are trained from their first day never accept defeat in a physical confrontation. If an single or group of protestors finds themselves "wining" a brawl with an officer, his training will kick in. He will start shooting. They are taught that if they are about to receive "Great Bodily Harm" or "Death" to draw their pistol/shotgun/rifle and shoot the threat.
That's is pure animal behavior and it's in our DNA to fight for your life if your backed into a corner with no way out. The police do get the legal right to protect themselves from harm but they also can be sued if they don't protect you from harm or if they intentionally abuse you.
I always say this, if you go into police line of work, you need to learn to ignore taunts and words thrown your way. They are only words and you should be trained to not react to just words......if you react to being taunted or called names and need to get revenge in some way, you need a new line of work.
RufusJFisk52, Good point reminds me of a saying my mother taught me as a kid. Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.
I did respect the police. Then they shot a peaceful protestor in the head. I am still trying to respect the police, but apparently your solution to the whole shooting-people-in-the-head thing is that I should have respected them more, and then they wouldn't shoot people in the head. Basically, it's my fault.
Only one police officer shot him while following orders.
Which is what helps me to not condemn all policemen everywhere. True enough. But do you really suggest that this incident could have been averted if only I'd loved the police even more?
I don't see what you're getting at. The jerk who shot Scott Olsen did not in fact do so because I failed to love the police as much as you think I should. He doesn't even know that I exist, let alone what I'm thinking. He did it because he's a jerk. It's really not my fault.
Maybe he is a jerk I mean who knows. Maybe he's the father or mother of one of your kids school class mates. It is a small world after all. I hope he will come clean but I doubt that he or she will. Last thing I'm going to teach my kids is that all police officers suck. Nope thats not happening at my home.
Scott Olsen could have as easily been hit by a protester throwing an object.
But he wasn't. And even if in some parallel universe he was, I don't see how this could have been remedied by me feeling greater respect for the police. Would that have changed the trajectory of this imaginary "object"?
If Scott Olsen was hit by a protestor, then this hatred towards 'a Police officer shooting someone in the head' would have no merit. That's what would have changed.
And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.
But this is not relevant to the subject of the OP.
There has been no solid evidence that the injury was a Police officer's fault. Tell your uncle I said hey.
There Is a War Going On For Your Mind
but he wasn't
There Is a War Going On For Your Mind
He hates his country and hates Jews. Put the pieces together.
Do you really think most of these people want to be friends of the police? The might be where ever they come from but this is different for them now.
Good suggestion.
It's about the common ground we are standing on. The police officers have families and their families are under the same government rules as we are.
Flip that and you might have something... Last I checked they worked for us?
The city Mayor is the problem. Sure they work for us but they are under the Mayors directions. The directions they have to sware to give up their lives for. Many police officers have been killed while doing a good job. Remember they also work for the clowns that walk into work one day and start shooting up the place.
I don't really get your point. The "lives on the line" narrative never really jived with me; a) they sign up to be a superior class of citizen b) Nobody I know owes their lives to the police, but many have had thier lives impacted negatively or outright destroyed. Statistics don't lie, most cops are scum and they know it. Don't like ethically questionable orders? Don't sign up for the job, then blame the mayor, your superior officers etc...
Thank God we all don't all live in New York City. The Mayor controlls the police. Did you vote for your Mayor getting him elected into office? Vote in a decent Mayor and you'll have a decent police force.
Sorry, but I find that to be a gross oversimplification of the solution. The nature of the problem is quite complex. For instance, somebody might think voting for a different (decent? I think most people THINK they are voting for decent candidates, but then, people are lazy and ignorant) mayor would correct the rampant abuse, and corruption, only to find that it didn't alter the trend one bit.
We do have a limited amount of individuals running for the office. Just think about the corruption within any election. Simply bullcrap because we have been tought that we need to vote with secret ballots. It's no secret that all the votes are not getting counted in the first place. That's my favorite part of the occupy movement bringing voting out in the publics eyes. Justice for all.
Sounds like we're on the same page. People just can't accept that this system has been, and is broken. Propaganda is a powerful tool.
I'm for electing the science community to set a new world policy. Policy? / Rules? Every great inventor hates to see his inventions used for war. Just not how they want to be remember.
Science is a powerful tool, but I'd prefer a philosopher king...
Genuine Guardians maybe?
What is so awful about showing another human being some kindness?
Unprovoked violence is a rarity.
Kindness? I though we were talking about respect? Unprovoked violence is a trademark of police, or perhaps a lack of respect qualifies as provokation to you? Sounds to me like you got it all twisted friend.
Kindness and respect slightly parallel, and the lack of respect I've seen towards the Police has been VERY provoking at times.
Parallel or not, I never said anything agaist showing kindness, I myself havent spoken to a cop in years, and will continue not to. Unkind? I guess?
That's what liberties and freedom are for.
Having that type of demeanor towards a particular type of individual is incredible.
They have their rights. Freedom and Justice. Justice is the problem. Not enough justice in America.
Not really, when you know as many cops as me, and hear the amount of shit they do first hand, THEN couple that anecdotal knowledge with even some casual research and maybe apply some critical thinking, then your reasoning might sound credible, until then, I find you pretty incredible.
We have our rights. Freedom and Justice. Justice is the problem. Not enough justice in America.
That my opinion differs from yours? Are you an all-knowing individual? Instead of rationally discussing the topic you ramble derogatorily and try to belittle me.
Maybe you have bad encounters with Police officers because you don't respect Police officers?
If that's how you interpret my posts, far be it from me to try to change your mind. You once again touch on a theme I find invalid; what if I had been disrespectful of a police "officer"? Would that justify violence against me? Why are cops protected from "disrespect"? Most people experience it everyday... I don't know how to be any more "rational" I can't "belittle" you, only you can do that. It would seem to me, based on what little information you've given me, that you DO have a very small, narrow, dare I say "little" view of what the police's role is. Maybe we just don't agree with that role, some would argue that they are doing a fine job, these are the people that empower further abuses under the Constitution, and the general ethical treatment of other people. Care to comment?
Not being disrespectful to a Police officer drastically lowers your chances of him being violent towards you. You 'try' to belittle me with no success. Your broad assumptions that anyone who thinks a Police officer is doing a good job wants to abuse the Constitution and other people is a very unique perspective; unfortunately I can't comment on such radical opinion.
Well, the cruxt of my argument is that we matter just as much (more dare I say?) than the police. You got a serious inferiority complex bro, tried uniform service?
You don't matter more than anyone else. Sounds like you have a superiority complex. Tried humility?
Impressive strawman. Your opinion that the police do a good job is wrong. Do you think the burden of proof is on me? Lol! What don't you understand about It not mattering what either of us "thinks"? You're wrong because the facts don't support your opinions.
I'm wrong, numbers prove it, we don't matter. That's the bulk of what you said.
I'd hate my life too if I thought like that.
Because frankly dude, you don't SEEM very intelligent or informed. Everybody has an "opinion".I gravitate more to facts, and the causal relationships between them. Try addressing my arguments instead if telling me things I clearly already know. Just saying...
You try to make parallels with clauses that have zero congruency. I may not SEEM intelligent to you, it is merely a difference in opinion. I had stated in my previous post that I was unable to retort to your rationalization of Police lovers wanting to rape the constitution.
But since I don't think the way you think...I must be wrong.
Is is respectful to have them drug tested? Specifically for steroids? You want the poor tested right? But not the coke heads on Wall St., right?
I want the poor tested? When did I say that? I don't want the coke heads on Wall St. tested? When did I say that? There is no law that prevents an individual from using steroids, why should such regulation be enforced?
Putting words into my mouth and rebutting sounds like a solid way to win an argument, but I never said any of that stuff.
I'm with you. Taunting police is abhorrent. Cooperate, elevate.
Show me their drug test for steroids first. Guilty before innocent, right?
I want to thank everyone for their replies to my post.
There's a lot of people taking steroids for the wrong reasons. Guilty before innocent is just how the mind works, prove your innocent of a charge and then you'll be trustworthy. For me to keep my job I have to participate in random drug testings. Not a big deal for me that just how it is sometimes. Good news is you won't find me overdosed in a hospital bed. But most of all I enjoy my clear state of mind. Helps me to make good decisions.
lol it's a good idea for most people but I don't think comparing the cops to banks is a good idea for these people
The deposit and withdrawal is from one person to another. NOT A BANK
I know that. But I'm just saying that comparing the police, someone they are already on the fence about, to bank terms, a group they already hate, does not sound like the right way to get your message through
It's about how the human mind works. You"ll get more attention with honey than with sour lemons.