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Forum Post: Getting Arrested for Protest--Applying to Graduate School

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 2:03 p.m. EST by sanmoni (0)
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Getting Arrested for Protest--Applying to Graduate School

I realize that when you are willing to be arrested and believe deeply in the cause you probably shouldn't really be concerned about your criminal record in potentially being arrested--it seems like a totally ridiculous question.

However, I think that there are many who may be just a bit more hesitant in coming out with the potential of arrest getting on their redcord because they feel they will have difficulty getting into graduate school or a job in the future.

Is there anyone that can give any information on the effects of being arrested for protest when applying to graduate school? I mean depending on the program, they ought to consider that a good thing if anything. But considering the bureaucracy, it would probably be difficult and complicated when explaining from time to time. But, I really don't know.

Regardless, I am willing to be arrested. But it is something in the back of my mind that I wish I could find an answer about, and I am sure it is in the back of the mind for those who prefer to stay away totally and be safe. Though, once again, if you are ready to make change, you are ready for the arrest.



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