Forum Post: General Strike on American Television News Networks
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 7:28 p.m. EST by vox
from Brooklyn, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This may be the MOST critical action of these protests. If you want to reform America you cannot achieve this while the TV news is so fundamentally at odds with the hopes and lives of the people of the world. Television news is the most potent vehicle for the diminishment of human and civil rights in the world today.
Nothing will change until the media is held accountable for their lies and disinformation. This can be achieved by a general strike on TV news programs. The day the strike occurs, the advertisers (whose contracts and revenues paid) are directly tied to the Nielson rating of whatever shows they are advertising on. Just one day of boycott would mean that the news networks would have to COMPENSATE for this loss. If you then organize several days of boycotts, the advertisers will then feel that the network news programs are no longer a viable vehicle of advertisement and will begin to pull their ad contracts. And these contracts are all tied directly to the CPM (cost per thousands of viewers) If the CPM's go down the advertisers can back out of their contracts and we can deliver a blow to this corporate LIE MACHINE that is Television News.
You mean months of boycotting so it will be effective? Days of boycotting is a joke. And in all of this, has anyone even begun the boycotting of all imported products from every retail stores in lieu of buying only ethe absolute necessary, resale or refurbished for a year so that cash registers do not ring up the automatic reorder of imported goods as standard protocol? This is the only way to bring jobs back to this country, affect Wall Street with an undeniable message that they can't ignore and yet, I don't see a single headline for this plan yet. Don't forget, their daily stock price is directly affected by the cash register ringing up sales and this action must be accompanied be daily avalanched letters demanding that every item on the shelves have a USA made equivalent or you will be boycotting them until it does.
well i would prefer a permanent boycott on television news actually so we are in agreement there. not so sure about the ban on imported products. american products are simply inferior in every way, have you ever drank a budweiser beer? it's pure garbage. european beer is superior, ditto for those piles of junk called american cars - german and japanese cars blow them away. and on and on so i wouldn't force american products on my worst enemy (actually i would so that they can't do anything with them)
Your point is well taken and I wish it was all as simple as beer, which doesn't really get to the heart of manufacturing in America. Cars on the other hand, is something that you don't buy every day, so putting off a purchase for a new one if you can while putting severe pressure on manufacturers to improve their American products is a keen idea. I was really talking about regular consumer items such as everything for your home, what you wear and your electronics. I suppose that beer would be a worthy start though. That is something that a lot of people already make at home from kits. There are many stores and restaurants that have huge arrays of American beer too. Specialty items definitely have a voice in this boycott though. When we boycotted champagne several years ago, France was crying for forgiveness.
I don't watch TV, what can I do? I also have some software that really limits the amount of ads I see online.
Don't you people enjoy the free media exposure? Not that they have any more idea of what you're after then anybody else seems to. I've been here a few days and still can't figure out what it's about. Nobody seems to agree on anything.
we're not "enjoying" any free media. the media is portraying this protest as an isolated bunch of losers. they are not showing the massive crowds they only use camera angles that make the crowds look small, they typically show only the most unkempt and unsavory players at the encampment. the only reason why they show anything is because the movement is so massive that they can no longer ignore it as they would like to do.
Define massive. Isn't the park kind of small? What IS the main objective?