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Forum Post: Frustrated

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:20 p.m. EST by Capitalist1 (2) from Chicago, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Those of you who enjoy the European democratic socialism should go to Europe. If the capitalistic structure here is not what you want then leave.



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[-] 2 points by morriden (128) from Burton, MI 12 years ago

Oh yes, because this movment is just evil.... bla bla bla... Cause if were not for capitalism we must be evil, we must be dare I say... a Socialist!!!!

Moron, read a book, and open your mind.

[-] 2 points by MichaelMoosman (48) from Murray, UT 12 years ago

How about we make our capitalism work in the US. I'm strongly in support of capitalism, but when corporations become monopolistic and can't fail, that doesn't make good capitalism, that just means that the govenment is bought and paid for by the corporations.

I want to see good healthy compitition, which is NOT what we have today.

[-] 2 points by RastafariAmerican (141) from Yonkers, NY 12 years ago

You seem to have forgotten what America is.

[-] 2 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 12 years ago

Why leave, when I can stay here, change the system, and drive free-market utopians mad with frustration?

[-] 1 points by Capitalist1 (2) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

Typical thoughts of a lazy American looking for a free handout, get off your couch put down the Bud Light and go get what you want. I walk by you people everyday protesting on my way to work. Why not spend that time working and help out economy instead of bitching about the way it works.

[-] 1 points by worknow (2) 12 years ago

I agree! Business would bloom if there were less taxes...and less wasteful spending (aka smaller government and less programs). America reached its greatness through the capitalism, hard work and toiling of men and women. It is time for people to rethink their ideas that they can live comfortable without working for what they have! Most people who have money is because they work endlessly; businesses are successful through innovation, sweat, and sleepless nights. Handouts should only be available to the severly destitute...and should not include luxeries. Moreover, as vital as an education is, if you decide to attend an expensive university or college that is your decision and your responsibilty if you have mounting debt! It is time for the general public to take responsibility for their own actions.

[-] 1 points by worknow (2) 12 years ago

I agree! Business would bloom if there were less taxes...and less wasteful spending (aka smaller government and less programs). America reached its greatness through the capitalism, hard work and toiling of men and women. It is time for people to rethink their ideas that they can live comfortable without working for what they have! Most people who have money is because they work endlessly; businesses are successful through innovation, sweat, and sleepless nights. Handouts should only be available to the severly destitute...and should not include luxeries. Moreover, as vital as an education is, if you decide to attend an expensive university or college that is your decision and your responsibilty if you have mounting debt! It is time for the general public to take responsibility for their own actions.

[-] 1 points by brochomsky (208) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

This is true. We should take the example of our Founding Fathers and go to Europe.