Forum Post: Frontline - choice 2012 - it's being talked about - have you seen it?
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2012, 12:27 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am still in the process of watching this myself - 10/10/2012 at 11:15AM central.
I like how they opened with Mittens Bordeaux being schooled by Ted Chappaquiddick. Watch this section and look at mittens - the times have changed mittens has not - still running on promises with no substance.
SORRY - perhaps a little off subject - perhaps not too far off? - But I loved this and thought that you might appreciate this as well.
Man Says Something Sexist, Gets Put In Time Out
One key scene in this great Frontline, The Choice (do any of you have any idea how hard it is to put together -and fund- one of these, much less one of this excellence?), Romney protesting against fellow college antiwar protestors. That would be like protesting against fellow OWS protestors. It takes a certain kind of giant fucking asshole to do that. Another one of a plethora of differences.
He was - again playing to an audience - that time ( and it was shrewd - as he isn't a dummy - he is twisted ) he was preforming for the powers that be - supporting the status-quo.
A shape shifter then - a shape shifter now. The perfect vessel for the Powers That Be to use against us. Why they want the black one gone.
They ( TPTB ) have pretty much dropped ( at this point in time ) any semblance of restraint and sanity ( the facade ) of being concerned for their fellow man and the world. They have gone ape shit in their grab for complete control. How the public can miss this fact - I do not know.
Brain-drain, dumb-down, Dancing With Stars, X-Factor, MSM omission, Fox Noise emission, RW Hate radio repetition! The TPTB can get away with murder.
We saw it in the Twit and Barry debate. Twit went on a lying frenzy, Lehrer was Ruffied, and Obama was given the choice of being the uppity angry black or polite loser. Hell, I wouldn't blame him if he turned it over to Joe.
Only a small fraction of the public fucking bothers to vote, but everybody bitches ~ that's the problem.
I still think that that poor performance in the 1st debate may well have been intentional. 2 more debates to go and pants on fire has locked himself into a position already. Can pants on fire hold his position? Or will he try to present another image - again - and again.
Bitching is not a problem per say - not considering why you ( an individual - "not you" ) are bitching and following it up with proper examination of what set you off and further following up the bitching with positive action - IS A PROBLEM.
This is where we find ourselves today - some ( many? ) are beginning to wake up and see these issues and are beginning to act on the issues - in protests - and in forming and supporting campaigns like Move to Amend - rather than like in the all too recent history opting out - people are beginning to see the mistake of having opted out.
The process of waking up and standing up - MUST CONTINUE.
Better late, than never.
This is all old. I just don't want my kids to have to go throw another Bush era, on steroids.
The Athenians, Ancient Greeks, had it all figured out when they created "official" human democracy. Read Plato and Socrates.
That is the thing - it is getting late - very late - and the process has been started before ( waking up and standing up getting involved ) but every single time to this very point in time/history the process has been left to drift and wander - the process has not been continuously supported and grown.
People think that once a success is made, they are done.
MLK always stressed vigilance, that a success is just the beginning. Not the end.
When millions of new voters elected Obama they thought that they deserved a trophy. Instead they got a shit storm of political push-back. Which they mistakenly blamed Obama for. How (as you said) they missed what was happening we'll chalk up to inexperience. But it made things much worse in the midterm, probably something they new nothing about. And the rest is fucked consequences.
Here we are. Have the new voters learned their lesson? I don't see anything here to suggest it, unless they are completely embarrassed and are staying quiet.
Bueller? Bueller? Anybody?
The change to be looked for in my opinion - is not just local ( USA ) - but is this phenomena of global protest and how it all ties together. An indicator of possible real lasting change here in the USA - I think is apparent in the numbers of people leaving their party and registering as independents.
Issues are starting to come to the fore.
Question is - will this continue - can this change be sustained - this time.
Everything is local and political, everything!
What we have here now are a new crop of disgruntled youth. Where's our fucking trophy? Why aren't things working the way WE assume they should? Where is my Apple support team to straighten this out?
They're like newly homeless people, mad as hell about their situation. The system has a plan for them, death or prison. Oh, one more, obedience! The system has all the time in the world. The people have about a year.
OR protest (campaign) and vote (enact change).
Jump on issues and campaign for them - get involved - stay involved. Education fostering awareness is key - Essential. People over profits. Peace over profits. Environment over profits.
EDIT : People looking out for people. All People.
People First!
Yes - and in so doing - that means protecting the environment - and promoting peace - and regulating business.
Yes, it all falls into place, when you put people first.
It's not about color, rather it is about stupidity. Obama from day one was never fit for the job
Not like W was?
Both these two candidates rose to the top with the help of the establishment; in the case of Obama he was able to get the support from the corporate media and the Democratic Party because he adopted the appropriate conservative or corporate beliefs. It is this massive propaganda machine that they use to make these candidates seem "viable" and this show and others like it show that they get certain advantages from the corporate media while independent candidates that get their support at the grass roots are shut out.
Corporate plutocracy in action.
Another letdown - the program had such possibilities but seemed to avoid any pertinent information like an examination of the meltdown and positions on that. I suppose the 1st clue should have been the goldman sux commercial that aired prior to the program beginning.
I disagree - understanding what a person is made of down to their core morality and how they came of age, how they came to their stance is important. It goes to how willing they are to sell themselves to corporate America. What I found most interesting is that Obama seems to consider a higher purpose in his life path than a man who supposedly reports to God as a preacher; to Romney, Wall Street and finance speaks to his heart and soul over people. You still have to consider that Obama has compromised people many places for Wall Street. But that's what is scary what about a man who believes in Wall Street and the power of money over humanity? I think about Romney's wife and MS can take away your existence and can paralyze you - she had so many years in bed and in illness but he knows it could happen again. Rather than spend her good years enjoying life with her he is pursuing "a higher calling" aka ego. Ann should leave him. Again power vs what is truly important in life. We've been here before though - welcome to: Bush 3 - the Distopia Continues. Romney is going to win because the establishment has already told us he's won the election - hard to argue when they own the voting machines.
when they own the voting machines Is the only way it can happen - unless people ( majority of ) are starkers ( Mad ). I have hopes for an Obama rebirth of altruism if he had good people in government sending up proper legislation - and that will take us - The People.
The alternative media is the place to go if you want discussion on issues; I gather you know that but the trick is to let the majority of the complacent people know.
I noticed the same thing.
I did learn a few points on their backgrounds, but little else.
Have you , or anyone else noticed how little info is coming out about races and ballot issues on the State level?
Just been seeing local attack adds put out by the Koch's as well as the RINO party as well as some not as numerous return attack adds by the Dems. I took the time to print off my local ballot information so I could get a look at it in advance.
On a different note ( kinda ) have you noticed an uptick in credit card invites to join? I have. The pleas to join are coming hot and heavy. R they experiencing a down-tick in participants?
I throw those out so fast I don't have time to count 'em.
What I have noticed around here, is a lot fewer lawn signs and bumper stickers.
It feels kind of subdued.
"It feels kind of subdued."
Ever notice how quiet it gets just prior to some major storms(?) there is that funny ( strange ) feeling in the air?
Yep - the lawn propaganda is down around here as well. See some local stuff but not much of that either. This is not a normal election cycle - things are changing in the public perspective.
Now that you mention it I've noticed the lack of grassroots campaigning.
Makes me think about those numbers of people being reported to have registered as independents.
Plutocracy dominates because democracy doesn't show up. WTFU.
Occupy agrees with you.
Almost halfway mark in the program. Very interesting so far.
mittens is not funny - he is terrifying -
that he can delude almost half of America to believe his lies
he is terrifying - and lyan ryan may be worse
No Mittens is not funny ( well funny strange - but not ha ha ).
About the only thing this program showed me was - that when Ted had that life taking accident - He seemed to have had a life changing experience from it - and worked to perhaps atone for it. Mittens on the other hand when he had his life taking accident - seems to have had a life affirming experience - lie - lie - lie - lie about your lies - lie about that - as this way reality can be whatever he wants it to be for whoever is his audience - likely even including his own conscience.
now the 2-Party candidates are selling off the 9/11/12 protest attack in Libya as a terrorist attack
Posted 12 minutes ago on Oct. 12, 2012, 1 p.m. EST by MattLHolck (12997) | edit | delete This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That whole business stinks. And I believe was staged to embroil/outrage the public - to further strengthen taking more involvement and action in Libya by our government.