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Forum Post: Forget About the 1960's Boomer Losers!! They're the "System" That's Screwing Everyone - The Boomers Are Hypocrites, Traitors, Race Traitors, Prescription Dope Heads Now Instead Of Illegal Dope Heads

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 11:38 a.m. EST by 60sBoomerLosers (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

the boomers are complete and total fucking losers, forget about those losers, NO Healthcare for them! Let them fucking die!



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[-] 4 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 12 years ago

I'm not feeling like this is a constructive thread, Loser.

[-] -1 points by tr289 (916) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

Constructive or not it is correct...

The Baby Boomers were the Drugged out hippies in the 60's. The coced out disco freaks of the 70's. The Yuppies of the 80's. The Bankers of the 90's and now, sadly, our leaders. I don't agree with the let them die part but the baby boomer generation is the biggest disgrace American history. The sooner they die off the better this country and world will be.

Sorry Baby Boomers. =P

[-] 1 points by PapaVan (3) 12 years ago

You Guys are totally missing it. Boomers started the deal that you losers should never face competition (everyone gets a participation trophy), that you losers need to have Mommy talk to your teachers to try and get you a better grade because your self esteem was suffering, that you losers needed to have Mommy go with you on your college interviews so that they gould tell your story because you were reticent to toot your own horn. Yeah the Boomers failed you in that way. What they did do is work so you could grow up to be Jerks. Boomers have their failures but stereo typing as drugged out 60;s hippies is like say all the 99% are the sex crazed, un bathed, druggie idiots that we see stealing their neighbors goods in the news in the varous cities around the world. I doubt you're all the non-thinking anacharists that really want their environments to collapse in ruins thinking that is better than working from within to improve our lives.

Papa Van

[-] 1 points by PapaVan (3) 12 years ago

You Guys are totally missing it. Boomers started the deal that you losers should never face competition (everyone gets a participation trophy), that you losers need to have Mommy talk to your teachers to try and get you a better grade because your self esteem was suffering, that you losers needed to have Mommy go with you on your college interviews so that they gould tell your story because you were reticent to toot your own horn. Yeah the Boomers failed you in that way. What they did do is work so you could grow up to be Jerks. Boomers have their failures but stereo typing as drugged out 60;s hippies is like say all the 99% are the sex crazed, un bathed, druggie idiots that we see stealing their neighbors goods in the news in the varous cities around the world. I doubt you're all the non-thinking anacharists that really want their environments to collapse in ruins thinking that is better than working from within to improve our lives.

Papa Van

[-] 1 points by aahpat (1407) 12 years ago

That is one terrified demonizing generalization.

Crawl out from under your bridge troll. The darkness in your heart has blinded you.

[-] 1 points by spflhome (41) 12 years ago

If you really like to change things, please click the following link and start a campaign to get millions to sign it......Thanks.


[-] 1 points by sassafrass (197) 12 years ago

This is a perfect example of the kind of propaganda that's being tested on our country by a sector of sociopathic nutjobs to see if/how we can become a sadistic mob, based on exploiting a time of economic uncertainty. "Losers", "let them die", "they think they're entitled". Same kind of shit that's been pulled by any would-be sadistic divide-and-conquer dictator throughout history. It's being pulled by brainless thugs like this troll as well as in subtler forms. Its intent is to bombard and bombard and bombard, divide and divide and divide, to keep repeating the hate and the lie in hopes that people will fall for it. Only the stupid do.

[-] 1 points by PapaVan (3) 12 years ago

The losers are those that feel entitled, entitled to a free education, entitled to free health care, entitled to free retirement, entitled to free food. Take a look at Greece and see where unfettered entitlements get you. Greece is going down no matter what happens now because they're all "entitled" . Well guess what? The rest of Europe is not going to be paying the entitled any more. What's the solution? Get off your duff, realize that what you achieve in life is up to you, not up to someone else giving you a handout. Get real! Take responsibility! Do something constructive! Vote the bastards out! Be part of the solution! Don't expect handouts!


[-] 1 points by tommatto (1) 12 years ago

“Boomers Rock”and understanding OWS! By gymratt.tom,on November 6th,2011

Being a talk show host which narrow casts to Boomers,(“Boomers Rock”), and older Gen xrs I have been reluctant, (actually in listening to neo-conservative talk radio staying away from) the topic of the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) movement.

That position is about to change,like right this second.

I have had several people comment on this movement to me, I have watched in horror the Oakland news casts,reminding me of the Los Angeles Rodney King riots which I witnessed up close and personal, and thought oh no this is really a shame.

However, when I see a young woman the next day on the NBC news bemoaning the actions of a few and cleaning up the mess herself, criticizing those trouble makers and anarchists who think burning and assaulting police is ok, I start to rethink the whole plight.

When I have people I really respect tell me to check the OWS movement out a little more closely, well, I did and guess what this boomer has something I want to share.

I think the OWS movement is Right ON!


When I see on the Internet a headline like this one I want to set some records straight,check this out- Forum Post:Forget About the 1960′s Boomer Losers!! They’re the “System”That’s Screwing Everyone –The Boomers Are Hypocrites,Traitors,Race Traitors,Prescription Dope Heads Now Instead Of Illegal Dope Heads

Now let this boomer set you straight-

The majority of the boomers are really good people are part of the OWS 99%, and let me tell you having your retirement stolen, your pocket picked and your future disenfranchised gives boomers the right to be included in this movement. I talk constantly on the need to forget about entitlement programs,to keep physically fit,to work that second and third career because what I am all about is the QOL, (quality of life). That boomers cannot depend on the government to follow through on their obligations, that the system is a mess and we have to take care of ourselves, and our families ourselves.

Handouts and entitlement programs are a trap and unsustainable!

Frankly being pimped by the system is no fun, having worked for multiple decades, just raising a family and putting our children through school, to find out that all that cash you have invested in your 401k or 403b just went up in smoke, that property values are in the tank and underwater, does not bode well for the vast majority of boomers. To be labeled as the problem is completely ridiculous, however I want to say that our work ethic and ability to lead out of this quagmire is really the opportunity of a lifetime, millennials and Gen Y you need us,and we need them as well, it’s called “the collective good”, but we need to step up and recognize that through this adversity is a golden opportunity.

The key is stepping up and helping out, the key is to build the team, build the crusade that is “Boomers Rock” into the movement that will enable and empower us to lead and dispel the mindset that the whole mess is the fault of boomers, nonsense!

Getting kissed while having your pocket picked is not much fun. Putting trust in a system that sells you down the river sucks. The formula is something like this-

Bad policy+ Corruption + greed + theft= Getting bent over!

And now on top of it all are ideas that we boomers are the problem,well again I say through adversity grows opportunity!

Time to step up and build the movement,we got pimped,so fricking what,crying about it does’nt do squat.

Let’s be leaders and join the movement,or start our own, if we have to, it’s called the “Boomers Rock”movement,time to step up baby!

Tom Matt host’s “Boomers Rock”on the all fitness network FTNS (http://ftns.co//) heard nightly 6-7pm est where he talks motivation,fitness,QOL,entrepreneurship,nutrition and any other topic related to the boomer generation. His slogan of “Get UP,Get Out,Keep Rocking,Life Starts at 50″keeps people listneing and learning,because it is all about the conduit of good information!

He welcomes any and all responses to tom@ftns.co

[-] 0 points by utopia (17) 12 years ago

Boomers have been lied to as much as you and I am sorry that there are so many boomer ASSHOLES. Some of us boomers are cool and have been OWS all our lives. Do not blame all of us. Some day the next generation will be calling you asshole sellouts


[-] 0 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

Please stop trying to divide the 99%. You're wasting your time and ours. Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come.