Forum Post: For the misinformed
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 10:39 p.m. EST by gregb325
from Scranton, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I wonder if the simple misinformed minds on here can stay on topic and discuss these facts....only these 9/ bible.....this is in essance, the cheese in the trap.
Goldman Sachs
Federal taxpayer bailout funds received: $814 billion
Profits for the years 1996-2010: $76.2 billion
Profits since bailout (2009-2010): $21.7 billion
2010 CEO Lloyd Blankfein pay: $13.2 million
2010 bonuses and compensation: $15.4 billion
Bonuses and compensation for top 5 execs last 10 years: $1.0 billion
Offshore subsidiaries in tax havens: 29
Lobbying since bailout (2009-2010): $11.2 million
Political contributions in 2008 & 2010 federal elections: $8.4 million
Goldman Sachs
Federal taxpayer bailout funds received: $814 billion
sorry,,but no..not unless you have some sort of fact to back it up. I believe by offering us MORE we would say ya, he's with us...sorry dude....bye bye
Annotated post with link. Read it and weep.
I apologize Bro.......thanx
essance= essence? Just asking for clarification.
Thank you
as I arguement to fact
Pulson said the banks had to take the bailouts, though many banks didn't want the bailout money. This was to hide which banks were paying the corrupt leaders.
Obama refused repayments from banks:
Example: Remember the housing crash (the cause for the bailouts) - well back in the Nineties, the government changed the laws that once prohibited banks from giving sub-prime loans (loan sharking), and in fact forced banks to give these loans to people who could not afford it. Then groups like ACORN (Pres. Obama worked for at the time) would go to poor people, often time minorities, and tell them that they can now own their own house. If the banks would refuse to give out sub-prime loans, ACORN would scream racism and the government would put pressure on the banks. The banks would cave in, ACORN gets paid and walks away. They were creating chaos for the future. How did Rahm Emanuel put it, "You never want a crisis to go to waste.". How do we change things - Well, there will always be businessmen and women who will want to pay a politicians to change/make a law and there will always be corruptible politicians - So we must elect those people who are incorruptible - libertarians are very principled in freedom and less government, just saying. Here's some things the "media" doesn't want to tell you:!
Maybe their actions were illegal once before, but under the current laws, they are legal now. There in lies the problem - the people who make/change the laws - the government.
The left believes that the government is bent over the desk taking it from behind. The right believes that big business is bent over the desk taking it from behind. The truth is that big government/business has the voter bent over the desk giving it to them from behind because the voter keeps voting them into Congress. The President is useless when rapers are in charge of CONgress. Excuse my vulgarness it is just better imagery.
Well, all of it is Treason according to common law, and the highest law of the land, The Constitution for the United States of America. Statutes, codes, legislation bleh bleh bleh.
BTW... Obama has accepted more wall street money, since the start of the republican primaries, than all of the republican candidates combined.
Whooda thunkit?
Oust his ass.....we need to have a write in for the next election and it will not be anyone currently running...who should it be? We have had enough bullshi*
Kinda racist....but to answer your question how do we change things.....OWS....this is just the start.
Meet the one of the puppet masters of OWS, Stephen Lerner, Former SEIU Exec. Here'S the plan in his own words in March of this year:
According to White House visitor logs, “Stephen Lerner” has visited the White House four times over the past two years.
I followed this plan since spring. And yet the OWS members think this is a "spontaneous, grass roots movement with no leaders". They are all just useful idiots.
The blaze?? Really? Real reputable! LMAO. And the hacked you tube voice recording? Real good sources. I smell a rat about to take the
You dumb douchebags got to know that if we didn't bail out Goldman Sachs we would be totally fucked. There would not be an American economy. We would be worse off than we are now. I'm glad that my tax dollars are going to keep this country going. I wish they weren't going to lazy fucks like you.
Say, we needed to bail them out. But we aren't lazy for recognizing, reading laboriously about Credit Default Obligations, Credit Default Swaps... we're lazy if we don't prevent this charade from happening again. If we let banks compete with each other over assets with AAA ratings that have higher interest returns than others, they must accept the paradigm and sell the toxic assets, and factor in their too-big-to-fail status while they act as individuals, playing the game, looking to maximize their short-term capital return.
We're too lazy if we let them keep throwing money at politicians to de-regulate the market. If there are laws, it changes the game, and they aren't obligated in the pursuit of returns to accelerate the demise of our economy.
Good point...but please stay to the post theme
Do you want me to talk about how Paulson orchestrated the bailout from inside the white house? I mean, yeah Goldman Sachs has the US by the balls, but from the information you posted, it doesn't mean anything without some context.
This post is for all the people who claim there is no problem. And the nuts that then reply to posts telling us how zombies are being created from facebook or how jewish bankers contributed to the nazis and fueld their own demise...or some nut from Nutley, NJ telling me I am lazy.....not anything what OWS stands for. I want a few people to tell us why we are wrong for being pissed about GS....
Another rat in the trap
Good comeback. I'm hammered and I can think better than you.
As the trap slams shut
Idk what your are talking about.
I am not surprised
Is this the only line you know? You've posted it a hundred times already. Try a Google search on "witty one liners".
Shall I say you are another dumb fuck that can argue a few simple facts, intelligentaly? I am trying to be polite. But your words speak for themselves. Try a google search on how to think for yourself, do some research and come to a conclusion. Unless you can argue the facts I posted, I will no longer reply.
"Shall I say you are another dumb fuck that can argue a few simple facts, intelligentaly?"
You spelled "intelligently" wrong. Just sayin'....
As the U.S. crumbles, stay tuned!
Only if there is no change
yea - this is all holding you back from having a decent job. get a life
Another rat caught in the trap...cant argue the post intelligantly,,,or at all actually....bye bye
you cant take responsibility for your life. you arte a loser. good luck to yuou
you too.
You left out the Internet. Because ultimately it was the Net that was responsible for virtually all of this the incredible growth through the use of the electronic transaction. Technology is once again on the verge of multiplying our ability tenfold.
Ah,,I knew you would show up eventually
Well the greater the volume drives the market.
Henry Paulson, former CEO of GS... don't forget...Henry Merritt "Hank" Paulson, Jr. (born March 28, 1946) is an American banker who served as the 74th United States Secretary of the Treasury. He previously served as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. Bailout for his buddies...
Another fine example of the power structure we are fighting...thanks!
I have a feeling this is going to be a quiet tread......the bots and haters run from facts!
for closures for everybody else...
"The banks have said, leave us deregulated, we know how to run things, don't put government in to meddle. Then with that freedom of maneuver they took huge gambles, and even made illegal actions, and then broke the world system. As soon as that happened then they rushed out to say 'bail us out, bail us out, if you don't bail us out, we're too big to fail, you have to save us'. As soon as that happened, they said 'oh, don't regulate us, we know what to do'. And they almost went back to their old story, and the public is standing there, amazed, because we just bailed you out how can you be paying yourself billions of dollars of bonuses again? And the bankers say, 'well we deserve it, what's your problem'? And the problem that the Occupy Wall Street and other protesters have is: you don't deserve it, you nearly broke the system, you gamed the economy, you're paying mega fines, yet you're still in the White House you're going to the state dinners, you're paying yourself huge bonuses, what kind of system is this?
When I talk about this in the United States, I'm often attacked, 'oh, you don't believe in the free market economy', I say, how much free market can there be? You say deregulate, the moment the banks get in trouble, you say bail them out, the moment you bail them out, you say go back to deregulation. That's not a free market, that's a game, and we have to get out of the game. We have to get back to grown-up behaviour."
Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University
why do you fail to mention the role of fannie & freddie guaranteeing the loans as the govt forces banks to lower lending standards to make homes affordable to those who would otherwise not qualify. see community reinvestment act & talk to Barney Frank
why do you continue to tow a party line instead of admitting you and he are both correct and this sh!t needs to stop. Freddie or Citi, choose your poison but it's all the same to me.
don't forget the CRA & Barney Frank insistence on lowering lending standards in the name of equality. go occupy Barney Frank !
i occupy from home. far from any protest and got two kids. i run a movement based news site instead. don't forget the excessive pay to the new head of freddie.
yea - I agree - about the excessive pay to freddie also the union bosses vacationing in the caribbean - why are they not being occupied ?
occupy their vacations! hell yes.
Well said!! let the world read this post and know what we stand for!