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Forum Post: Focus on This!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 8:11 a.m. EST by egovern (7)
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It is a cold day in January of 2018 when Susan Jamieson, the Victorious Candidate of the Gold Money Party, after her landslide victory in November of 2017, takes the oath of office of the President of the United States, and gives her historic inaugural address. “Today, I am ordering the U.S. Treasury to arrange an orderly transition from the Federal Reserve Note to a freshly created U.S. Paper Currency back by silver and gold, in the ratio of 16 to 1. Loans in this freshly created U.S. Paper currency will be created to Banks to bring their cash reserves up to 100%. All currency labeled United States Notes will be recalled and burned. Banks will be required to pay 3% interest to the Treasury on these loans I am also today repudiating the interest on all public debt, and promise repayment of the principal debt only to all bona fide holders of the U.S. Debt in the new American Dollar backed by silver and gold. I am also today by Executive Order, placing the Federal Reserve Bank under the total control of the U.S. Treasury. I will allow the Federal Reserve to borrow from the Treasury this new American currency to bring their cash reserves up to 100% to cover their demand deposits, plus all government funds against which checks are being drawn by the government. The amount of U.S. Securities held by the Federal Reserve will be credited against these borrowings, canceling an equal amount. I am announcing my support of a flat tax of 15%. The only deductions allowed will be mortgage interest on an energy efficient home and payments on an energy efficient car. I am declaring this year an American Jubilee that will clear the credit of all Americans so that they can buy homes built in America and drive cars built by Americans to jump start our economy. I am requiring mortgage reform so that banks must apply ½ of a home owner’s first payment to be applied to principal, and ½ to interest at an interest rate no higher than 5% during this time of crisis. My goal is for each of you, my fellow citizens, to own your own home in 12 years or less. I am also announcing today the cancellation of all debt with an interest rate above 8%. The day of the 23% credit card is over. Anyone charging over 8% interest will be imprisoned no less than 23 years, day for day, no early release. I am instructing that vouchers payable in the new money be issued to every American up to $30,000 each to all unemployed citizens based on their last year’s income. This voucher is to be used in 90 days or less by the job seeker and the employer. After enacted, no one can use his/her voucher at his former place of employment to prevent the moral hazard of deliberate layoffs. I am ordering the payment of a $10,000 Voucher in the new United States Dollar be issued to every American Head of Household to buy a new energy efficient car built in America, and a $20,000 voucher to buy a new home or re-model an existing home to green energy savings standards. During the emergency, these vouchers are to be given to reduce the existing housing stock first, and then all new stock will be built to green energy standards. I am authorizing $1,000,000 to any inventor with a proven newly created energy device or energy saving device to spur the marketing of their new technology. This is a gift, not a loan. Treasury will be allowed to expand the new American United States Dollar no more than 3% per year to keep up with population growth, more in the event of war. I am ordering direct payment in the new U.S. currency to the Mayors of the 100 largest cities in America for infrastructure, police, fire, schools, and unemployment benefits to those who truly cannot physically work, and hereby extend welfare to the truly needy by direct payment to American Churches demonstrating a proven heart for the plight of the poor! Cities and States accepting this new funding will exempt their citizens from local property taxes, and state income taxes. These new United States Dollars will be used for building rapid transit in concentric circles around major cities, not stupid bullet trains from coast to coast. We don’t need another high speed Amtrak America traveling east to west, or north to south. We need to re-energize our local cities and municipalities and build our new economy in every prospering and ever widening circles of prosperity! I am ordering direct payments for performance based education, public, private and/or vouchers to parents who can show performance based results for their home schooled children. I am ordering the emergency building of Farm and Water co-operatives outside of every American city in light of the food and water shortages we have just experienced. We will never lose another American life because of empty grocery stores and the lack of clear, clean water!



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[-] 1 points by egovern (7) 13 years ago

I am ordering today that all countries conducting commerce in these United States via the use of the Internet pay us an excise tax of .5% on all gross receipts of their business conducted in the United States with the new United States Dollar! After all, we invented the Internet. We deserve our royalties from this “witty invention.” Consider yourselves lucky, my fellow world leaders, we don’t demand back pay. These payments will be applied directly to the destruction and re-payment of all the public debts of the United States, and will be paid to us solely in the new American United States Dollar. I am ordering direct payment to Doctors and Hospitals in the new United States Dollar to fund a universal health care program that will insure all claims above $10,000 at the federal level with all pre-existing conditions covered from day one, and that state lines be abolished in the offering of health insurance for all claims $10,000 and below. Companies will be required to publish their benefit and prices on the internet. I am ordering 10% of our GNP to be paid to the poor of the world, directly, not via other governments. Take it or leave it! Interest on the National Debt is hereby abolished. CBO will estimate the costs of each of these projects without counting interest on the national debt savings our tax payers trillions of dollars a year! Our government will pay its debt with the new United States Dollar backed by silver and gold! We will never again create a federal program that is not demanded by the consent of the governed and paid for without burdensome taxation! Our currency will be as blessed as our hallowed Nation! Our boys and girls will have given their lives, and may again, for real and lasting spiritual and physical wealth, not a fictitious house of worthless paper mache! The day of blood sucking interest is over. Our banks are now the servants of the people, and We the People, blessed of God, again become the light of the world. The new American renaissance has begun. A new Day is dawning. God Bless You, God Bless the United States of America!