Forum Post: FLAKESnews "Journalism"
Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 31, 2012, 1:36 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"With the election season fully in bloom, the aroma of deceit and desperation is growing more pungent by the hour. Mitt Romney, the Original Bankster , continues to be evasive about his international business affairs, and he refuses to release more than a single year of tax returns in order to quell speculation. His electoral prospects have not been noticeably enhanced with the addition of Wisconsin congressman and right-wing extremist Paul Ryan to the ticket. So, the GOP PR machine (aka Fox News) has swung into action an an attempt to cauterize the wounds and manufacture some positive spin on behalf of the Republican standard bearers. "
This is the punishment Reagan hath wrought on the public.
Can we re-enact the Fairness Doctrine?
It's like, who needs the truth, when you have FLAKESnews lying for you?
the open internet make information less packagable
that doesn't block information
yes all those methods exist
they must compete with other information now
the dems need a " fairness doctine " because no one listens to the MSM, all liberal talk shows are failures. air america anyone? you dont like whats on ( radio or TV) dont listen to it. put on cnn or abc or cbs, or nbc, or msnbc or fond a liberal talk show, they're out there. BUT no one listens or watches, and when that happens revenues go down. revenues go down and programs are replaced with one that can make money.
Maybe. But that doesn't mean Faux news is honest. They ain't!
no dear, that was monica.
you're a perfect rep. for ows.
In other news, they HATE getting caught.