Forum Post: Fixing America's Economy..!!!!!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 3:25 a.m. EST by MarcKnight
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Written by: Marcus D Knight
Continuously, it is being impressed by certain politicians that more global trade is the answer. Current passed legislation will allow more imports from India into the U.S. without any import taxes being imposed on the goods. Meanwhile China, India charge American manufactures and sellers high import taxes for shipping goods into China and India. This is a double standard, which gives no economic benefit to U.S. Manufactures who wish to import to those countries. Recently it has been stated by certain politicians that we need to open more trade with south American companies; allowing them to more freely import into the United States without the hindrance of import taxes (tariffs) being imposed; and in return this will allow American Manufactures to sell goods to those South American Nations, thereby creating more American jobs. While this concept on the surface seems like a nice idea; the biggest problem which arises is when you look at the income levels of South American workers, as well as those of China and India; workers from these countries make approximately $25.00 to $60.00 per week and most of them barely are able to feed their families as it is. SO, how are they ever going to afford buying high priced American goods? They can’t, which makes it an impractical concept. Just because something sounds good on the surface, does not mean it will work. The only way for this to work is if American workers will give up there company benefits and will except approximately $1.00 per hour for their labor; thereby giving up any rights we have as workers. This is where America is headed if we do not stand together and stop this madness of greed that preys upon our great nation.
The world was not ready for open global trade when it began, and it is time for the error of “Free Global Trade” as we know it to end. We must take a step back, in order to save America. America, like other nations needs to first be able to regulate its self, politically and economically before open global trade can even be a consideration. This will not cause the economy to plummet more; in fact by limiting global trade it will in return force U.S. Companies to re-open factories in the U.S. This will result in immediate job creation, which America so desperately needs. There by allowing us to begin the rebuilding process of America’s economy and infrastructure. Other nations will do fine; they will survive as long as they focus on building up their own countries from within as well. Trade will still occur, but under a controlled, balanced atmosphere, in order to create a more effective world economical balance. The ones who will suffer the most from this are the Global Banks and Wall Street; for it will mark the beginning of the end of their economical reign.
I couldn't agree more.