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Forum Post: finding the real mass murderers behind the the 9/11 WTC7 & USS Liberty terrorist attacks, will expose what crony capitalism really is - a world of deceit, corruption and elites

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 10:19 a.m. EST by UKfighback (49)
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finding the real mass murderers behind the the 9/11 WTC7 & USS Liberty terrorist attacks, will expose what crony capitalism really is - a world of deceit, corruption and elites



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[-] 1 points by stevo (314) 12 years ago

Hay asshole...Bin Laden admitted to it. You miss that video? Who you lookin for still.?

[-] -1 points by UKfighback (49) 12 years ago

Hay Stevo... Bin Laden's 'taped confession' is a Fox News special, you can see the real language used by him doesn't suggest anything. Fox News lies!!! Just like when they quote the Iranian president on "wiping Isreal off the map" ... NEVER HAPPENED - WAKE UP STEVO

[-] 1 points by stevo (314) 12 years ago

Oh..you're one of THOSE people. believing Bombs were strapped underneath the planes that left Boston... I'm trying to imagine the guys loading the baggage that day..

"excuse me Capt, did you know there are two large BOMBS strapped to the wings of this plane"?

Capt responds: "Keep your mouth shut...you never saw anything":

[-] -1 points by UKfighback (49) 12 years ago

stevo, spend 5 minutes sourcing independent/expert/mainstream media. You will find that OBL didn't admit anything and neither did Ahmedinijad talk about "wiping Isreal off the map"... they were both lie and both checkable. lets not argue. just have a look ok.

and as to 9/11.. I don't know what happened. that's why i want an investigation. research Urban Moving Systems and Odigo + many more were found by the government to be Mossad fronts during the 9/11 attacks. All i want is a full story and no more lies. not arguments

[-] 1 points by stevo (314) 12 years ago

Bin Laden admitted to it. numbskull. You really embarrass yourself with talk like this. Now what about the moon landing? Real..or faked?

[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 12 years ago

Hello azizanasna. It is not Israel, only the 1 % richest jews in Israel and the US, just like it is not Americans who are responsible for the wars for profiteering, only the military industrial complex, but I think you already know that.

[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 12 years ago

Americans will learn the history corrupt governments and their actions. It starte long ago, with the murder of a couple hundred US sailors aboard the USS Maine in Havannah 1898, blamed on Spain by the already corrupt media for war profiteering. And it has not stopped since. Just watch Zeitgeistmovie.com among others. They can put Assange in Jail but they cannot put truth in jail, it is surfacing at exponential speet thanks to internet.

[-] -1 points by UKfighback (49) 12 years ago

do you have a link for - USS Maine in Havannah

[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 12 years ago

Maine had been sent to Havana, Cuba to protect U.S. interests during the Cuban revolt against Spain. ¿What interests? It was a Spanish colony the US just wanted to get. the cause and responsibility for her sinking were unclear; popular opinion in the U.S. blamed Spain. ¿Popular opinion or the media blamed Spain? Popular opinion could never imagine their own government would kill American soldiers it was too much to believe, few people enlisted for the war in Cuba, millions enlisted afterwards. It was a clear “false flag attack”. The results were so good that it was repeated all along American history, with the Lusitania, sent to a war zone besides German ads in American newspapers waring this was a crazy idea, in the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam, and of course in 9-11 with the fuselage making a whole in the Pentagon wall but not the two engines, and nearly all of it vaporising and dissappearing like a UFO, for the first time in history, a technological miracle of which only the CIA has the video proof. I am not anti-American, we all owe a lot to America, but Americans have been lied by their government all the time and too often along history. Just read USS Maine in Wikipedia. A Cuban wrote in internet that the ship is still in the port of Havanna with the explosion hole toward the OUTSIDE. Spain had no interest, as a week ex-colonial power, in starting a war with the already bigger power of the US. But patriotism blinded many. Just like with 9-11. How can your own government do something so monstruous?

[-] -1 points by UKfighback (49) 12 years ago

thanks, will look into it